Essential Facts Flashcards
SIRS Criteria
- Temp >38 or <36
- P >90
- RR > 20
- WCC >12 or <4
- PO2 < 8
- Age > 55
- Neut > 15
- Ca < 2
- Ur > 16
- LDH > 600
- Alb < 32
- Glu > 10
Characteristics of ARDS
- Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates
- Normal PAWP
- PO2:FiO2 < 200
Henderson Hasselbach Equation
CO2 + H2O <-> HCO3- + H+
Anion Gap
(Na + K) - (HCO3- + Cl)
(Normal Range 12 +/- 2)
Normal Infrarenal Aortic Diameter
When to consider AAA for repair
>4.5cm or growing >1cm per year
Follow up for AAA
If < 3cm require no further follow up
3-4cm = annual USS
4-5.4cm = 6 monthly USS
>5.5 cm = immediate referral for repair
Breast Screening
Three yearly screening to all females 50 - 70y
(Currently being extended 47 to 73y)
Hormonal Therapy in Breast Cancer
Oestrogen dependant in 70% of cases
Pre-menopausal: Tamoxifen for five years (Selective oestrogen receptor modulator)
Post-menopausal: Aromatase inhibitors (eg Anastrazole) - block peripheral conversion only
Branchial cyst location
Anterior Triangle
Cystic Hygroma Location
Posterior Traingle
CVP Trace
A - Atrial Contraction
C - Tricuspid closure
X - Atrial relaxation
V - Venous return
Y - Opening of tricuspid
Surface area for burns
Rule of nines - Head, Arms, half leg, half torso 9% Genitals 1%
Hand - Patient’s hand = ~1%
Parkland Formula
4 x wt x surface area
Half over 8 hours
Half over 16 hours
Note: timer starts from time of burn, not time of assessment - inc rate of resuscitation appropriately.
Mount Vernon Formula
(wt x surface area) / 2
Give over 4,4,4,6,6,12
Charcot’s traid
Fever, Jaundice and RUQ pain
(Suggests ascending cholangitits)
Indications for central line
Monitoring fluid balance / resuscitation
Certain medication infusions
Failed peripheral access
Transvenous cardiac pacing
Hartmann’s Contents
Na 131,
K 5,
Cl 111,
Ca 2,
Bicarb (as lactate) 29
Normal Saline Contents
Na 150,
Cl 150
Formula for MAP
MAP = (CO x SVR) + CVP
Distribution of body fluids
1/3 Extra cellular
25% Intravascular
75% Interstitial
2/3 Inta-cellular
ECG Axis
Normal: -30deg to +90deg
Leads 1+2 both positive = Normal
Lead 1 positive, Lead 2/3 negative = Left axis deviation
Lead 1 negative = Right axis deviation
Pain transmition pathway / fibres
Sharp pain - A-delta fibres
Dull pain - C-fibres
Spinothalamic tract
Classification of blood loss
Class % P BP RR UO Mental
1 <15 <100 Norm <20 >30ml Anxious
2 15-30 <120 Wide PP <30 <30ml Anxious
3 30-40 <140 Red. <40 <15ml Confused
4 40+ >135 Red >35 Nil Lethargic
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Posterior Pituitary Hormones
Parotid Gland Neoplasias
80% benign. (Pleomorphic adenoma (70%), Warthin’s tumor)
15% malignant. (Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma) - Facial nerve palsy suggests malignancy.
FAP + Gardner’s Syndrome
FAP: Predisposes to hundreds of adenomatous polyps. Autosomal dominant, due to loss of APC gene. 100% risk GI Ca by 40y. Associated with small bowel polyps and mandibular osteomas.
Gardner syndrome: Associated with FAP - Osteomas of skull, epidermoid cyst, multiple desmoid tumours
Peutz-Jegher’s Syndrome
Multiple hamartomatous polyps, autosmal dominant
Stages of organ rejection
Due to presence of recipient anti-bodies. Kidney swells and becomes necrotic, requires nephrectomy.
T-cell mediated diffuse lymphocytic infiltration. Reversible with high dose steroids
Humoral system responsible for graft fibrosis and atrophy.
Testicular Ca
- Germ Cell Tumours
- Seminoma
- Non-Seminomatous
- Teratoma
- Embryonal Carcinoma
- Choriocarcinoma
- Yolk Sac Tumour
- Mixed Germ Cell Tumour
- Non Germ Cell
Peak Age - 30-40
Placental Alk Phos
Radiotherapy effective (In effective for all non-seminomas)
B-HCG and lactate for monitoring following treatment
Peak Age 20 - 30
markers: B-HCG, CEA, AFP (Also found in HCC)
Melanoma Margins
<0.75mm = 1cm margin
< 1mm = 2cm
> 1mm = 3cm
Primary / Secondary / Tertiary healing
Primary healing
Wound closed within hours of formation, usually with sutures or clips
Secondary Healing
Left open without formal closure - spontaneous closure via contraction and re-epithelialisation
Tertiary Healing
Initial debridement with normal closure at a later date.
Vaccines required post splenectomy
H. Influenza B
Duke’s Staging (and 5yr survivals)
A - Confined to tumour wall (95 - 100%)
B - Through bowel wall (65 - 75%)
C - Lymph node Mets (30 - 40%)
D - Distant mets (5 - 10%)
Nb Modified:
C1 = Upper LN not involved
C2 = Upper LN is involved
TNM Staging
Tis - Mucosa
T1 - Submucosa
T2 - Muscularis
T3 - Serosa
T4 - Adjacent Organs
N1 - <=3
N2 - > 3
Virchow’s Triad
Abnormal blood flow
Hypercoagulable state
Endothelial Injury
Causes of thrombus
I - Pancreatic (usually gastrinoma), Parathyroid (hyperplasia), Pituitary (usually prolactinoma)
IIa - Phaeochromocytoma, Parathyroid adenoma, Medullary Thyroid Ca
IIb - As IIa with Marfanoid features + Mucosal Neuromatosis
AFP Associations
Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Teratoma
CEA Associations
Colon, Teratoma
PSA Associations
CA 125 Associations
CA 19-9 Associations
B-HCG Associations
Placental Alk Phos Associations
Graft from host
eg skin grafting
Transplant between two individuals who are not genetically identicle
Transplant between genetically identicle individuals
Transplant between species