Head Flashcards
What does the dura mater line?
Inner cortical table of cranial cavity venous sinus runs between endosteal and meningeal layers
What is the falx cerebri?
Projection of the inner layer of dura mater that extends into the longitudinal fissure attaches to crista galli of ethmoid bone
What is the tentorium cerebellum?
Dura mater partition that separates the occipital lobes from cerebellum attaches to clinics processes of sphenoid bone
What is the diaphragma sellae?
A reflection of dura mater that forms roof of sella turcica and covers pituitary gland
Where does the diaphragma sellae lie?
Between anterior margins of tentorium cerebelli
What is the falx cerebelli?
Short vertically orientated dura mater partition extending from tentorium cerebelli attaches to internal occipital crest separates cerebellum hemispheres
What is the arachnoid mater In direct contact with?
Meningeal layer of dura mater
What is contained in the subarachnoid space?
Csf and blood vessels
What does the Pia mater follow?
Follows cerebral convolutions gyri and sulci
What are subarachnoid cisterns?
Dilated regions of the subarachnoid space where can pools
Cisterns Magna Cistern of great cerebral vein Parrocallosal Chiasmatic Interpeduncular Pontine
What are arachnoid villi/ granulations?
Projections of the arachnoid mater that perforate the dura mater and project into superior sagittal sinus
What does the lateral ventricle consist of?
Paired structure with a body anterior inferior and posterior horns each horn occupies a different lobe of the cerebrum
What is a trigone?
Junction all zone between the body and inferior and posterior horns
Where do the intervertricular foramen a extend?
Between the third ventricle and one of the lateral ventricles
Where is the third ventricle located?
Between the right and left diencephalic structures
Where does the cerebral aqueduct extend?
Through a narrow elongated passage of the midbrain to Te third and fourth ventricles
Where is the fourth ventricle located?
Surrounded by the cerebellum, pond and medulla oblongata continuous with the central canal and has two apertures median and two lateral
What cisterns the fourth ventricle communicate with?
Cistern Magna and subarachnoid space around the brain stem
Where does the central camp of the medulla course?
Continuous with fourth ventricle and continues into spinal cord
Where are the choroid plexuses situated?
Roobe of third and fourth ventricles in the floor of body and roof of inferior horn of each lateral ventricle
What are cerebral hemispheres?
Paired largest portion of the brain each hemisphere contains a single lateral ventricle
What type of matter is in the cerebrum?
Grey matter in cerebral cortex and basal nuclei and white in the rest of the cerebrum
What is the corpus callosum?
Sheet of commissural nerve fibres (white matter) which unite left and right cerebral hemispheres forms roof of the bodies of lateral ventricles
What are the four parts of the corpus callosum?
Rostrum and genu (connection between frontal lobes)
Body connection between parietal lobes
Splenium joins occipital lobes
What is the septum pellucidum?
Double layered partition that seperate a the lateral ventricles
What are the functional lobes of the cerebrum?
Frontal parietal temporal occipital and insula
What are cerebral sulci and gyri?
Groove between silk and surface folds of the cerebral hemispheres
Where does the longitudinal how and lie superior to?
Contains falx cerebri and superior to corpus callosum
What seperates the temporal lobe from the parietal and frontal?
Lateral fissure insula located deep to this sulcus
What is the central sulcus?
Recess located between frontal and parietal lobes
What are the basal nuclei?
Collection of nuclei that lie deep within cerebral hemispheres
Two basal nuclei?
Lentiform nucleus grey matter
Caudate nucleus consist of anterior head body and posterior tail contribute to the lateral walls anterior horns
of the lateral ventricles and rooted of inferior horns head buoys into anterior horn of lateral ventricles
What is the diencephalon surrounded by?
Third ventricle and contains thalamus epithalamis and hypothalamus
What is the thalamus?
Largest part of the diencephalon located medial to basal nuclei lies lateral to third ventricle forms majority of its walls
What is the interthalamic adhesion?
Bridge between the two thalami
What is the internal capsule?
Area of white matter that allows nerve fibres access to and from cerebral cortex via corona radiata
Consists of an anterior limb body and posterior limb
Where does the posterior and anterior limb lie?
Between basal nuclei an thalamus
Between caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus
Where is the hypothalamus situated?
Anteroinferior to thalamus forms anterior portion of lateral walls of third ventricle
What is the epithalamus?
Most posterior part of the diencephalon consists of the pineal gland and a collection of nuclei
What is contained In the midbrain?
Cerebral peduncle a superior and inferior colliculi of the tectum and encloses the cerebral aqueduct
What are the cerebral peduncles?
Anteriorly located seperates by interpendicular fossa connects brain stem to internal capsule of cerebrum
What is the posterior portion of the midbrain?
The tectum composed of four colliculi two superior and two inferior
What is functionally linked to the basal nuclei?
Substantia nuclei
What lies anterior to the cerebellum and forms the superior wall of the fourth ventricle?
What are the two parts of the medulla?
Open (superior half contributes to anterior wall of fourth ventricle)
Closed ( inferior half encloses the central canal)
What are the external features of the medulla oblongata?
Paired pyramids and olives lie on the ventral surface and contain axons of the corticospinal tract
Features of the cerebellum?
Cerebellum hemispheres
Vermis (median portion that bridges cerebellum hemispheres)
Folia( thin flat folds of the cerebellum)
Fourth ventricle
What are cerebral peduncles?
Trunks of white matter which connect cerebellum to all parts of the brainstem and contribute to the formation of the roof and walls of the fourth ventricle
what do the superior cerebellar peduncles connect to?
Run between cerebellum and midbrain
What do the memiddle cerebral peduncles run through?
Run between the cerebrum and pons
Where do the inferior cerebral peduncles run?
Between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata