HD 11.11- Pre and post-op assessment & investigations Flashcards
Name 1 example of true trismus and not-true trismus?
o Mandibular fracture is not a true trismus, when under GA open fine.
o Abscess is a TRUE TRISMUS = when under GA/ muscle relaxants mouth still doesn’t open fully
Name some risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea?
o Snoring o Tired o Observed apnoes o Pressure (High BP) o BMI >35 o Age> 50 o Neck > 17 inches o Gender- Male
What is usually considered to be uncontrolled hypertension?
What patients would you consider for antibiotic prophylaxis?
o Replaced heart valves
o Prior endocarditis
o Major congenital heart disease
o Native valve disease
What is the anabolic threshold?
The point as which CO2 production exceeds O2 = point at which lactic acid builds up (when exercise starts to become difficult)
What are the levels of ASA (Assessment of Anaesthetic
1- normal healthy human
2- mild systemic disease
3- severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating
4- Incapacitating systemic disease which is constantly life threatening
5- at the point of death, not going to survive the next 24 hours with or without surgery
3-5 is very worrying