HD 11.01- Reconstructive surgery Flashcards
What is the difference between excisional and incisional biopsy?
Incisional biopsy- a medical test to remove a piece of tissue from a lesion or mass. The tissue is then tested to find out what it is.
Excisional biopsy- a medical test in which the whole lesion or mass is removed and tested.
How would you test a SCC?
Incisional biopsy only if potentially malignant – NEVER DO EXCISIONAL as will remove it macroscopically not microscopically
Excisional biopsy’s are only for benign tumours.
What is the difference between primary closure and secondary intention?
Primary closure- used for small incisions, stitched together
Secondary intention healing means a wound will be left open (rather than being stitched together) and left to heal by itself.
Example Incisional to see if precancerous
Then if it is, excisional = laser surgery
What sort of flap is commonly used to close an OAC?
Pedicle flap
What type of flap is a radial forearm free flap?
Microvascular tissue transfer- facial layered removed, can keep tattoos and no hair will grow in the mouth.