HCMT traction Flashcards
What is the car Consist of a HCMT unit?
What control functions does the Train Management system have?
Train information system
Train Data recorder
Smoke Detention system
Electronic Access System
High capacity signalling
What are the Isolating cocks under the Coupler Cover?
Uncouple Device
Towing unit
Brake Pipe End cock
Main Reservoir End cock
Horn Isolating cock
Brake control module consists of?
Brake supply
Brake cylinder End 2
Brake Cylinder End 1
Tread scrubber (tc) / Park Brake
What Reservoirs are there?
Main reservoirs
Surge Reservoirs ( 2 per bogie)
Brake supply Reservoirs
What is the Brake Supply Reservoirs purpose ?
Supplies compressed air to the EP valves to charge the brake cylinder
What is the Primary suspension ?
Rubber Laminated springs mounted between the axle Box and Bogie frame
What is the Secondary Suspension?
Air Suspension Springs
2 Air Bags for shock absorption
How many Air Suspension Isolating cocks ?
What is in the Auxiliary Power supply container?
Auxiliary Inverter
Medium Voltage box
Battery Charger
What does the Air supply Unit consists of ?
Main Air Compressor
Air Dryers
What is in the High Voltage Box ?
High Speed C/B
Harmonic wave Detection Device
Auxiliary Power Supplies purpose ?
To convert 1500vDC TO 415 v 3 phase AC to the train and Battery charger
Variable Voltage and Variable frequency Cabinet contains?
Two traction Inverter modules (1 per bogie)
Traction Control Unit
What does the Brake Resistor Grid do?
Absorbs the energy generated by the traction motor during ED braking and dissipates the heat
What is the Pantograph isolating cocks main function?
To isolate the flow of main reservoir air to the Pantograph equipment
What does the Medium Voltage Box do?
It Maintains the train line voltage which is produced by the Auxiliary inverters
What door systems are on the HCMT?
Saloon Doors
Cab Doors
Internal Fire Door
Cab Bulkhead door
Emergency Ladder and Box
Where is the Portable Wheelchair Ramp Located ?
Near doors 1+2 at the Number one end of the DMP carriage
What are the saloon Lighting settings ?
Where are the Saloon Fire extinguishers located?
How can they be identified?
In every MP2 car(higher number) on the right hand side of door #3
Identified with a red dot
What are the Saloon Area isolating cocks?
Brake Supply
Park Brake
What are the Master Controller Positions?
Emy (emergency)
Max Brake
Braking Zone
Minimum Brake
Minimum Power
What tiles are on the Fault Panel?
INT smoke ( internal smoke)
EXT Smoke (external smoke)
Safety system Bypass
Flat Airbag
Locked Axle
Emergency Brake
Trip Not set
The Safety System bypasses what?
Traction Interlock
Zero speed
Drivers safety device
HCS isolate
What are the Set Speed Positions?
What are the Headlight switch positions?
What is in the A side Electrical Cabinet?
Isolation/ override Controls
Circuit Breakers
Communication equipment
Vigilance equipment
What makes up the electronic Access system?
A control Unit
Badge reader
Electric strikers
What runs off 415V AC?
Bath Chargers
Air Compressors
Traction equipment Cooling Systems
HVAC cab/saloon
What runs off 240 vAC
General Power Outlets (GPO)
What Circuit Breakers fail the train?
Cab Activation
Traction Control
Emergency Brake Loop Power supply
Brake control Supply
How do you reset the Safety Loop?
Stationary for more than 3 seconds
Remove reason for the Emergency brake
Master controller to max brake
Reverser to Neutral
What is the Main Reservoir pressure ?
850-100 kpa
Emergency Brake cylinder Pressure?
280-460 kpa
Maximum Brake Cylinder pressure ?
250-380 kpa
Holding brake pressure ?
140-240 kpa
What is the Main Reservoir over-pressure safety valve pressure ?
1050 kpa
Main Reservoir safety Loop activation pressure?
Pantograph Raise pressure?
Minimum of 700 kpa
Two ways you can reset the trip are ?
Trip reset Switch in the ojt Panel
Pressing the trip reset plunger on the front of the trip
What speed restriction applies to the Post trip?
25km is when traction will be cut.
How long does the Post trip Speed Restriction last for ?
500 seconds ( 8 minutes and 20 seconds)
How long must you be moving before using the Trip Speed Button?
30 seconds
What does the High Voltage Box supply power to?
Traction System
Auxiliary Power system
When is ED brake available?
When the train is above 3km
Where are the Tread scrubbers?
Located on Tc Cars
Wheels 3+4
What is the Holding Brake Threshold limit?
How many Saloon cameras per car?
When will the holding Brake not release ?
Safety loop is energised
Brake demand is not registered
Traction demand is above threshold of 0.5km
What does the BCU measure when Braking?
ED braking force present
Braking Force Required
Weight of the car
What Cameras are on the HCMT?
Forward Facing Camera
Stopping Aid
Drivers Desk
What does ASDC stand for?
Automatic Selective Door Control
When will the Stopping Aid Camera display?
Approximately 10 meters from the stopping mark
What is the ASDC override procedure?
A- Announcement
S-SDN , check the cameras
D- Door, open cab door and check platform
C-Cover, lift lid and hit button
What speed does the traction power get cut out in Yard mode ?
What are the 2 certificates during preparations that need to be done/completed?
Train Certificate
Validity Certificate
How long does the Train certificate take?
12 minutes is the expected duration
What is the function of the Brake Supple Reservoirs?
To supply compressed Air to the EP valves in the BCM for the brake cylinders