HCI 6) Design Flashcards
Ultimate particular
A concept or plan that realizes the idea in some form that can be trialed.
Impact of design
- Design matters to people
- Design is also a catalyst of innovation
- Design can produce new, valuable knowledge
- Design is about transformative possibilities
User-centered -
User focus
Understanding and serving the user’s goals, tasks, and needs is the primary goal of design.
User-centered -
User involvement
Representative users are actively engaged throughout.
User-centered -
Early and continuous prototyping, which helps evaluate ideas before converging to a particular solution prematurely.
User-centered -
Evaluation in context
Prototypes should be evaluated with real users in real contexts whenever possible.
User-centered -
Holistic design
Understanding all designed aspects of a product, from its advertisements to social media presence and manuals.
Value-sensitive design
Design method that aims to build designs rooted on principles that users find important.
Involve users from early stage of research to understand their values.
Convergent thinking
Improve existing solutions iteratively by making local adjustments.
Divergent thinking
Identify distant, novel solutions, thus diverging from the solution at hand.
Reconceptualizing problems
Rethinking defined elements of a design problem: what are the relevant objectives, constraints, viewpoints, and so on?
Reorganizing design situations
Designers facilitate cognition by organizing their external circumstances.
e.g. sketching, collaborative tools, or a design portfolio
Design cognition
- Iteration
- Tight coupling between problems and solutions
- Awareness of the exploration
- Effect of experience
Biases -
Ideas that are readily available are given undue weight.
Biases -
The centering of a design solution around a known reference solution.
Biases -
A reference point prevents us from seeing another solution behind it.
Biases -
Status quo
A tendency to give undue weight to a prevailing or well-known solution.
Biases -
Observing peers leads to following a similar solution path.
Design fixation
Being mentally locked to a particular solution and being unable to generate alternatives.
Breaking design fixation
- Create new reference points
- Collect example designs
- Creative methods
- Computational methods
Design task -
Design decisions
The open decisions that must be decided towards a design.
Design task -
Design space
The set of all designs being considered, as implied by any currently open design decisions.
Design task -
Properties that an acceptable design must possess, such as those related to ease of use, cognitive workload, or manufacturing costs.
Design task -
Hard limitations and requirements on the design.