HC4- Entrepreneurial leadership Flashcards
Leadership in start ups
- Empowering leadership is a significant negative prodictor for new venture performance
- Transformational leadership has a higher impact on firm performance in start-ups than in established firms
- Charismatic leadership behaviour is a significant positive predictor for firm performance
- Shared, directive leadership and shared transactional leadership are significant positive predictors for venture growth
Traditional definition of management:
- Decide and plan: you make decisions and plan
- Budget and allocate: you have money and therefore power
- Monitor and control: see if the plans actually works
Traditional view on entrepreneurship:
(man van muziek, did this more single hand, not so many people around him as Ben van Burden)
- Seize opportunities
- Make the most of firms resource-base
- Change and innovate: be flexible
Different trade than managing at a big size company
leadership and enrepreneur connection
Coach dutch/english football team: good leader because she is good at team building, positively motivates the team.
Ben Woldering; + entrepreneur, +leader, he used to look very different. He build a website for a school assignment. His website worked and his comparisons were right. At an age of 15 he interacted with CEO’s. But his mom was responsible. He had to discuss with school, so his mom could come pick him up from school and bring him to a meeting with KPN.
CEO of Uber : Entrepreneur+, but a poor leader, work climate at uber was very toxic. He was responsible for the bad behaviours of his workers. He did not take responsibility, so he did not positively influence the team.
Perspective entrepreneurial Leadership (Gupta 2004)
Leadership that creates visionary scenario’s that are used to assemble and mobilize a supporting cast of participants who become committed by the vision to the discovery and exploitation of trategic value creation.
Perspective entrepreneurial Leadership (ireland et al, 2003)
The ability to influence others to manage resources trategically in order to emphasize both opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviours.
Perspective entrepreneurial Leadership (surie & ashley, 2008)
LEadership capable of sustaining innovation and adaptation in high-velocity and uncertain environments.
Two types of entrepreneurs
Craftsman: baker ed, good at their job
Opportunistic: opportunity might lead them to growth, but can also lead to destruction.
Kiran Mazundar
Indian entrepreneur in tech. Entrepreneurial is not a definition, but a process. It is about ‘’I got a bright idea’’.
Freeman (2015) five steps of Entrepreneurial leadership:
- Conceiving and validating a new business model idea
- Setting a vision and organisational mission while also establishing an identity and culture
- Building and maximizing the potential of a team
- Execusting the business model to create, deliver and capture value
- Rapidly adapting as circumstances change: 5. Make changes while you go along: do not stick to the plan, but adapt. Limited resources, vision is what matters most, not the plan.
Entrepreneurs seen as creators of new user value
-They innovate, look for opportunities
-But they are not risk takers: because it kills your business immediately
-entrepreneurs know that there are high chances that the start-up goes wrong. So in order to succeed they try to get a big group of people, stakeholders ed, high level of cooperation, more people committed, more stakeholders . Entrepreneur has a large group of people they need to take into account, because of this group building they need to do at the start.
4 principles of entrepreneurial leadership
- Gain legitimacy
- Relational coordination
- Stimulate action
- Deal with a lot of questionmarks