HC2- leading change: power, influenve and control Flashcards
A force conducted by an agent designated to target persons (=infuence)
The capacity or potential to influence
relational concern, the leader and follower should reflect on relation. Because leader had capacity or potential to influence. Can also not accept the relation and reject.
3 choices to react on power:
-commitment: positive reaction on it
-compiance: application miniman amount of effort to ensure the task passes but nothing more. rather neutral
-resistance: no agreement with the order and reject it.
But do people react these ways?
French and Raven (1959) 5 biases of social power
- Referent: by nature powerful. People like them, not powerfull because they chose it but because they are admired.
-School teacher: very likeable, helps students ed - Expert: knowledge is power. When there is some kind of monopoly because they know much, they have expert power.
-Consultant: lot of knowledge on computers - Legitimate: someone is elected. In that moment they receive some power.
-A mayor ed has from that moment on the power. From that moment they have an official position, therefore people react differently to someone. - Reward: relates to ability of punishing and rewarding. Give compliments, promotion,
A supervisor who gives rewards to employees who work hard - Coercive: physical domination, exert coercive power
-Coach: who is putting one on the spot, because a player is late often is using coercive power
Dark side of power
Milgram proofs: pressure from authority to act using power results in actions of good people that can be called callous and severe.
positional power
power derived from office or rank in an organization: legitimate, reward, coercive
personal power
power is derived from being seen as likeable and knowledgable: referent, expert
Often used by successful leaders. Because personal power causes more trust and commitment. Are more authentic
Power and strategic change (Hardy 1996)
-Successful strategy-making depends on: structure, systems, people and culture (what is allowed in a cultural environment) > power is integral part of strategic change. Often ook necessary and positive
- First dimension: power is linked to deployment of scarce resources: power is the ability to get others to do what you want them to do (by ability to hire and fire, reward, expertise, authority etc).
- give access to salary, networks ed
- Second dimension: power is influencing the decision making processes, agenda setting.
-try to be part of influential meetings ed - Third dimension: power of meaning is being shaped through preferences via values, norms, ideologies, culture
– More subtle form of power
– Oppressed believe in values that oppress them
– Management of meaning (making change appear legitimate, desirable, rational, inevitable) is called. Influence others, issue you want to change is very legitimate and urgent
-> 3 dimensions need to be understood to understand how change is done. Be aware of the 3 dimensions and your position in order to assert power
Why do organizations have to change?
- Changing environment
- Competition
- Structural change
- Cultural change
Need to change
Starts to appear when people begin to feel dissatisfaction with the status quo in their organization
Lewin (1951) drie fases
Which a leader must proceed before a planned change becomes part of the system:
1) unfreezing, unfreeze people who are against change. People don’t want to come out of their comfortable situation. Pie needs to be big enough. People (at least the majority) +needs to believe change is needed. +
2) movement (or change), not in one moment, talk to many people, acquire a lot of information. Ensure that driving forces exceed restraining forces. The group that is pro needs to be bigger than the group against. You need to be realistic in how fast an organization can change. Change must be gradual to allow enough time for those involved. RESISTANCE, DRIVING FORCES (supporting change) EXEED RESTRAINING FORCES (resisting change)
3) refreezing. Phase in which you can round it off. Transformational leaders: involve others, don’t look at leadership in a hierarchical way. The new status quo is being integrated. If the refreezing is done too quickly the old system probably will come back. Important to listen to people, and involve them in the process.
Kotters 8 strategies for successfull change
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- urgency
- Forming powerfull guiding coalition
- Vision and strategy
- Communicating the vision
- Empowering others to act on the vision
- Planning and short-term wins
- Consilidating improvements and producing still more change
- institutionalize new approaches
What are the current issues. Is necessary to start discussions with others. Get the win-win situation and explain.
- ed the presitent of interpolis and part of directions of Rabobank: bring the system back to the people. Trying to include customers more in agenda setting and spendings.
Forming a powerful guiding coalition
What steps to take to bring change. Form before talking to people who are resistance. Is about acquiring legitimation, to get the power you need.
vision and strategy
Leader needs to have a vision, supported by others. Trust is an important value, freedom, responsibility. Give people responsibility, work from home can be a vision.
communicating the vision
Is an often forgotten step. But is very important to be surrounded by people who know how to communicate this to people. When and how you will communicate this. The power group should act as role models for the bahaviors of followers. If change is wanted, building coalition, build up a power group and act like it.