HB AT section 2.9 Flashcards
Speech genres
- Judicial (dikanikon, iudiciale): about the past, audience functions as a judge
- Deliberative(simbouleutikon, deliberativum): about the future, audience functions as a judge
- Epideictic (epideiktikon, demonstrativum): audience functions as observer
The doctrines of the degree of defensibility:
honourable genre: the standpoint corresponds with the audience’s judgment/prejudice about the issue at stake
- doubtful genre: the standpoint challenges the audience’s sense of justice or truth
- shocking genre: the standpoint shocks the audience’s sense of justice or truth
- petty genre: the standpoint is completely in accordance with the opinion of the audience
- complex genre: the standpoint exceeds the cognitive capacities of the audience
Status theory:
takes as a starting point that the speech under consideration is a response to an accusation made by the other party
four categories of possible responses are formulated
- denial (status coniecturalis) – deny that the claim is true
2. redefinition (status definitionis) – question the meaning/nature of issue
3. justification or exoneration (status qualitatis) – degrade seriousness issue
4. procedural objection (status translationis) – doubt legitimacy of the judge
Invention (inventio):
invention of standpoint (intellectio)
- theories to classify the standpoint: degree of defensibility, doctrine of various speech genres, status theory
invention of arguments (inventio proper)
- appeal to ethos/pathos/logos
exposition of the problem and relevant information (narration)
- presentation of standpoint (proposition)
- overview of the parts of the speech (partition)
- arguments in favor of the standpoint of the speaker (confirmatio) - arguments against the standpoint of the opponent (refutatio)
cognitive appeal: restatement of the standpoint and main arguments
- emotional appeal: manipulation of the emotions of the audience (pathos)
- Wording
Virtues of style: grammatical correctness (hellênismos/latinitas)
clarity (perspicuitas)
embellishment (ornatus)
- tropes (tropi): change of meaning irony, metaphor etc.
- figures (figurae): no change of meaning repetition, ellips etc.
aptness (aptum)
Kinds of style: simple (genus subtile), middle (genus medium), grand (genus grande)
elevated (megaloprêpes), plain (ischnos), elegant (glaphuros), forceful (deinos)
- Memorizing (mnêmê/memoria):
the committing to memory all the words of a speech
- Performance (oratio/prenunciatio):
under this heading, rhetoricians collected their advice concerning the nonverbal aspects of delivering a speech, like the use of facial expressions, the voice, and the hands.