Hazmat ERP ADDENDUM 4 RAD OPS Flashcards
Alpha characteristics
Inhalation hazard Range 1-2 inches Shielding : Intact skin , inches of air , sheet of paper PPE
Energy that is released in the form of particles and/or waves
Travel through space and possibly through materials
Colorless ,odorless and tasteless
Cannot be detected by human senses
Come all 3 physical states solid liquid gas
Beta radiation characteristics
Hazard : inhalation and penetration ( can penetrate skin up to 1/4 inch including eyes
RANGE : up to 10 feet
Shielding : approximately one inch ,plastic aluminum glass
Gamma characteristics
Hazard: whole body
Range several hundred feet
Lead concrete steel
Foot of dirty water
Hazard : whole body
Range several hundred feet
Shielding high hydrogen content material
3 feet of water
1 foot concrete
10 inches plastic
Radioactive exposure is
Exposure doesn’t necessarily mean person is contaminated
Exposed through following 4 routes :
Inhalation ingestion absorption and penetration/injection
Internal exposure is received from radioactive source deposited inside. Body
External exposure is received from radioactive source outside the body
Radioactive contamination implies
That the material itself is On A persons body / clothing and is emitting energy in the form of alpha beta particles gamma rays and neutron particles .contamination can result from the airborne distribution direct contact or re-suspension of radioactive material
Normal background radiation for NYC IS
0.02 mR/hr to 0.05 mR/hr
RAD50 is
Calibrated at 1 mR/hr alarm level
Able to measure up to 50 mR/hr
2mR/hr hotline
Dose is,
Amount of radiation energy deposited or absorbed in the body
Total miles
Measure on microRem milliRem or REM
1,000,000 microRem= 1,000 milliRem = 1Rem
Units must carry the rad-50 in the following situations
Out of quarters
Performing AFID
RESPONDING TO complaints
During the assessment of emergencies and fires
Radiological incident is
Radiological readings are above background from a legitimate source and source has not been released from its container .source may be a naturally emitting source
Must confirm with second meter
Managing a radiological incident
- Confirm initial readings with second meter
- Determine the location of the radioactive source
- Verify the situation involves a legitimate source, which has not been released fro it’s container
Transmit the appropriate 10 code
Special call hazmat unit involving legitimate sources emitting radiation levels higher than Rad50 can detect
Zero out and don dosimeter
What is the decision dose ( whole body ) for,life saving or protection of large populations ?
25 Rem
What is the decision dose (whole body) for life saving for a catastrophic event ?
50 Rem
Decision dose for general operations at a radiological emergency?
5 Rem
Radiological emergency is describe as ?
Involves a source that is out of its container either accidentally or intentionally
Radiological readings are above what is expected for a specific location
Confirm with second meter to establish that it is emergency
Transmit appropriate 10-80 code a specify that it is radiological emergency
Accidental radiological emergency is
Involves legitimate source of radiation that has been released from its protective container
Radiological dispersal device RDD
Meant to disperse radioactive material as a solid (powder) liquid (mist) or gas over a larges area
Can involve explosives also known as dirty bomb
Above background radiological meter readings at multiple locations
Expect contamination expect internal and external exposures
Radiological Exposure Device (RED)
Involves a point source intended to,expose a specific person or population to doses of radiation
Smaller more listed Hot Zone than with RDD
May be secretly hidden , delaying recognition or ID of the emergency
Contamination is not expected if radioactive material is contained expect external exposure
Radioactive Incendiary Device RID
Radiological material involved in intentional fire also known as dirty fire
Type of attack is used to delay first responders
The greatest dangers is from expanding fires expect contamination with potential internal and external exposures
Improvised Nuclear Device (IND)
Expect high levels of radiation and contamination
Expect extensive casualties with multiple types of injuries
expect higher doses of internal and external radiation
Expect operations to be modified for such a catastrophic exposures
If the radiological emergency is intentionally the IC should special call
Fire Marshall’s for additional security and crime scene preservation
The rad-50 will rad up to a maximum of
50 rem/ hr
Ludlum 100rem/ hr
Canberra 999 Rem/hr
Initial operations for,victim rescue and fire suppression should not be impeded for rates in the mR/hr range
Units responding to a IND( improvised nuclear device) should not enter the area if of detonation for a least
15 min post detonation when presence of radiation can be detected and monitored
You should evacuate civilians from buildings if
1 the projected dose inside buildings will reach 5 Rem for general population
10 Rem for special groups (non-ambulatory hospital patients prison resident nursing home residents
Time permits evacuating civilians before a radioactive plume arrives
Shelter in place may be a viable option if
Rapid evacuation is impeded and or not feasible
Building material provides substantial protection against radiation
Protection provide by shelter in place may be equal to or greater protection than evacuating through contaminated area
Also may be a viable option to protect civilians in near-by buildings if plume is generated by radioactive release
What is the decision dose for protection. Of major property
10 Rem
In almost all cases of public contamination resulting from accidents or RDD AND RID attacks ,what should be addressed first life treating injuries or decon
The level of radiation on the contaminated victim would not pose a significant immediate health threat to,first responders during the time needed to,treat life threatening injuries and can be monitored with instrumentation
What does A L A R A stand fore
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Which means making every effort possible to limit exposures to ionizing radiation as far below limits as possible and as practical as can be achieved using the. Concepts of Time , Distance Sheildin
You are the designated radiation safety officer at a radiological emergency and are tasked with monitoring members dose whole operating int the hot and warm zones. You know that durning normal operations members are allowed to receive a 5Rem total dose. After this does the operations chief will have to make an evaluation based on certain criteria whether to continue operations . After the initial 5 Rem dose you should inform the operational,chief at every additional _____Rem and Also relay the following information ?
Every 5 Rem
Activity being performed
Radiological rate and dose
If manpower and equipment sufficient at a radiological emergency members should be rotated at a dose of 5 Rem or
When one SCBA is expended
Distance is a another Way to protect members from radiation, distance is directly correlated to the amount do radiation received at a emergency what is correlation
Double the distance from the source the rate will drop by 1/4 the original
Most effective way to shield members from airborne radioactive particles is use of proper ppe especially respiratory protection
May use APR, PAPR OR N95 if sufficent o2 and hazard id and monitored
Each members must done dose meter when operating at a radiological emergency
Place dense objects between members and source
Upon confirmation of a release from a radiological dispersal device or radiological incendiary device units in surrounding boroughs shall
Immediately take backround readings with the rad 50
Record on rad documentation form
Forward to FDOC
Rad 50
Action level 1 mR /hr device will sound alarm
If alarm sounds confirm with second meter
Meter always on
IC shall immediately notify the citywide tour commander if upon confirmation of incident where rad 50 above 50mR/hr
Operations at a radiological incident
Confirm initial readings with a second meter
Determine the location of the source if possible and within the scope of training and equipment
Verify the situation involve a legitimate source which has not been released from it’s container
Transmit appropriate 10-80 code no code or 1
Don appropriate PPE
Operations at a hazmat emergency
Prior to operating at a hazmat emergency members should : Don appropriate PPE Use full respiratory protection Bring APR with adaptor ZERO OUT AND DON DOSIMETER MONITOR READING S
If at a radiological emergency the only meter on the scene is the Rad 50 members can
Continue to operate with full PPE WITH
personnel dose meter to monitor individual doses (10 rem for FF AND 25/50 for life saving)
The thermal imaging usefully tool by assisting in search of victims as well as the dispersal device
It takes about a minute for the rad-50 to India re a change on the LCD screen as a safety feature the rad-50 will alarm if the rate exceeds ___ at any time
When approaching a object how should you approach the object when using the rad50 to establish the hot zone
Circular pattern
Hot zone at 2mR/hr (Canberra alarms )
Hot zone a radiological emergencyn
Hotline is the edge of the hot zone after which no contamination is present area is cold
Greater the 2mR/hr is hot zone
Warm zone is a specific area near the edge of the hotline superimposed in the cold zone
Hot zone is restricted to rescue and fire suppression
Hot zone may be expanded at
Castrophic event
Warm zone at a radiological emergency
Does not encircle the source of radiation
Specific area near the edge of hotline usually superimposed in the cold zone
Established if contamination present and decon needs to be implemented
Ffs ensure ambulatory victims directed to,SRA in warm zone
Cold zone
Less than 2mR/hr
Support zone here
Command post here
What is considered except able levels of decontamination of persons or equipment at a radiological emergency
Less Than or equal Twice background .10mR/hr
If using the pancake probe on Ludlum it will be 50-200 cpm
Priorityn of decon at radiological
Will depend on the location of the decon , extent of decon as well as the nature of person injuries
1. Patients with life saving injuries ( injuries that effect ABCS )
2. Patients that are most severely contaminated but are not symptomatic
3. Discretion used to prioritize remaining patients :
Pregnant women
Non- life threatening
If you are fast tracking victims at a radiological using the Ludlum you may send directly to ems if
Less than .01mR/hr no decon right to ems
Greater .01mR/hr (50-100cpm) decon
Managing life hazard at a radiological emergency involve
isolation Contain Evacuate Decon Emergency medical care
Radioactive white 1 label
Indicates almost no radiation
Max level of radiation on surface of package 0.5 mR/hr
No readings form one meter away
Radioactive yellow 2 label
Radioactive yellow 2 label
Low levels of radiation
Max Surface on package 50mR/hr
Max from one meter away 1mR/hr
Radioactive yellow 3 labels
Higher levels of radiation
Surface 200 mR/hr
One meter out 10mR/ hr
Require for following packages
Packages containing large quantities of radioactive material
Packages authorized by special permit issued by department of transportation
Packages containing hazardous characteristics in addition to,those associated with radioactivity
Transportation Index is
Located in rectangular box on lower section of the label
Max radiation at one meter from Undamaged package
Readings exceed TI Than package may be breached
Only gamma ( if getting alpha or beta packGe breached )
Should not exceed 10 mR/ hr for a package ( max 10 mr/hr for one pAckage)
Total TI OF VEHICLES SHIPMENT cannot exceed 50 mR/Hr
Fixed facilities with radioactive material or radiating generating devices should have
Radioactive warning labels and signs are required to be posted on entry doors storage vaults cabinets or containers , outside and/or near radiation sources
Signs may vary in shape size and color,
Shipping containers containing radioactive material
Must be accompanied by documents (shipping papers or bill of laden)
Containers can vary from cardboard to heavy duty steel
Container ID markings may be stamped embossed burned printed or otherwise marked to provide adequate accessibility and permanency so as to be readily visible mad legible
If container markings are destroyed r absence of proper labeling the following conditions might be indicative of the presence of radioactive materials
- Unusual type Containers
- Large quantities of molten lead
- Very Heavy objects in small packages
- Concrete lined metal drums
5 absorbent materials in drums and containers - Melted paraffin
Rad 1 report
Dosimeter log
Rad 2 report
Elevated background radiation readings above 0.05 taken 5.8 from rad 50 document
Above 0.05 mR/hr and not higher 0.9 mR/hr
OOD require to send copy of report to hazmat ops
Hazmat puts into CIDS
Rad 3 doc
Radiation background monitoring chart
Taken 5.1 to 5.6
Monitor in front of quarters for 5 min each day
Also record in ORJ (separate page on front of journal)
First week of May
Copy posted in HW adjacent to hydrant pressure chart
Rad 4 doc
Radiation plume detection and tracking data
Readings taken every 5 min from designated start time unless otherwise directed
Forward report to admin battalion every 30 min
In addition forward to FDOC if any readings exceed normal background
Refer to most recent rad-3 report to,determine if readings are above background
How often should readings be taken when using dosimeter log
Every 15-30 min
If you double your distance from a radiological source you will drop the intensity of exposure by
1/4 of original