ERP ADDENDUM 2 Chemical Attack Subway Flashcards
Which nerve agents have no odor
The four types of chemical agents that are a concern for First responders are
Nerve Agents (Organophosphates)
Blister Agents (Vesicants)
Choking agent
Nerve agents have what odor
Except SARIN GB and VX
Nerve agents will have what type of symptoms
Tabun(GA) sarin (GB) Soman (GD) VX WILL have
SALIVATION LACRIMATION (tearing) URINation DEFECTION GI distress EMESIS (vomiting) Muscle twitching/Miosis(contraction of pupils)
Blister agents will have what distinctive odor
Clear yellow brownish color
Blood agents will have what odor
Burnt almonds
Hydrogen Cyanide (lighter than air) cyanogen chloride
Which chemical agent is lighter than air ?
Hydrogen cyanide
Choking agents will have what odor
Chlorine or grass
Phosgene odor of musty hay
CI gas odor of bleach
Phosgene clear to pale yellow color
CI GAS yellow green color
What is the top priority before establishing a command post and staging areas a underground chemical attack
Protection from secondary devices
The safe refuge area at chemical attack should be where
In the CRZ outside the hotline
Located in the support zone outside the subway entrance away from ventilation gratings and upwind of the incident
General tactics first due truck at underground chemical attack
Do hazard assessment if not overrun by evacuated victims and benefit not outweigh by risk
If dispersal device In Operation do not attempt to stop device and immediately retreat and proceed to gross decon
Members operating in bunker gear in exclusion zone shall not operate any further than last viable victim
Officer must monitor on-air time of members
Immediately check for secondary devices and monitor radiation levels (notify IC OF RADIATION)
First arrive ladder company Team One at a underground chemical attack:
Two ffs with officer for victim evac and initial hazard assessment
do not enter subway where visible persons unresponsive
If come across unresponsive victims transmit to IC and retreat tO decon
Don SCBA and face piece cover skin and
If live victims can be seen or heard make rapid assessment of area using route that does not impede victims
If possible id source
Relay to IC
Direct victims to SRA
facilitate evac by removing barriers
Mark the route for CPC entry teams with search rope
First due team two
Direct evacuation
Back up for team one
Establish communications relay of IC until relieved by first arriving CPC equipped members
First arriving LCC at chemical underground
Apparatus placement
Coordinating with other units to ensure controlled access to the site
assist with establishment of communication relay
Responsibilities of second due truck at chemical underground
- Coordinate and limit site access remaining outside the exclusion zone
- Establish CRZ with barrier tape or utility rope
- Establish contamination reduction corridor
- Direct ambulatory victims from SRA TO EMERGENCY GROSS DECON
- Bring stokes stretcher /SKED WITH length of utility rope to drag. Non- ambulatory victims to gross devon IF NECESSARY
Second due truck team 1
Evacuation to gross decon
Direct ambulatory victims from SRA to gross decon if necessary
Assist non-ambulatory victims to gross decon Area using the stokes if necessary
Second due truck team 2
Site access control
Define initial exclusion zone with. Red haz-mat barrier tape
establish CRZ
ESTABLISH contaminated reduction corridor
Second due LCC
Position apparatus out of hazard as a barrier for access as ordered
Coordinate apparatus placement with other responding units
Establish physical Barriers
Assist team one and two
First arriving engine at a chemical underground subway attack
- Stage apparatus and equipment upwind and away from any potential sources of contamination such as subway entrances and gratings but near enough to begin gross decon of contaminated victims
Position near access/egress points of first arriving ladder performing assessment - Locate and connect to working hydrant and establish positive water source
- Remain outside the subway system unless ordered by IC
4 provide emergency gross decon for ambulatory victims - Direct persons who have been decon to causality collection points
- Provide estimate of number of victims to IC
- Inform IC and 2nd ladder if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to gross decon p
Second and third due eng
May operate independently at own subway entrance to ensure decon
Should be prepared to perform CFRD
HMTU at chemical underground attack
1 assist in monitoring to id the safe zones including adjusting the perimeter of the exclusion zone and the location of the SRA based on meter readings
2.assist in the rescue of ambulatory and non-ambulatory victims
Who can perform Noxious Stimulus at an chemical incident
A CPC trained member or above
Rescue companies at chemical underground attack
- Assist in rescue of non-ambulatory victims
2.if non-ambulatory removal initiated then provide IC or hazmat branch director with:
A. Estimate of the number of removals necessary and their location
B. If bunker gear equipped personnel can be staged closer to incident set up relay with CPC equipped members
- Victim responds to voice or touch remove from area immediately
2 if victim responds only to painfully stimulus survival may be possible depends on amount of victims to remove - Does not respond to painful stimulus leave them
4 deceased members should be left in place until criminal investigation is complete unless movement of such victims is necessary to rescue additional victims or to mitigate further hazard
Soc support ladder companies at chemical underground incident
- Report to IC for briefing on hazard assessment activities limitations and ppe
- Begin monitoring
Initial monitoring in FF PPE to confirm zones
Don appropriate ppe based on results - If mass decon :
A.Ensure various decon stations are established
B. Assist in victim assessment and victim transition from SRA to appropriate decon station
CPC units at chemical underground
- Establish CPC fast unit
2. Assist in rescue of victims
BFI at chemical underground attack
- Controls site access
- Provide force protection
- Investigate suspicious and incendiary fires
- Preserve evidence
5 cooperate with law enforcement
Chemical agents with delayed effects
Mustards and phosgene
Choking agent
Musty hay
Pale yellow color
Chlorine gas
Odor of bleach
Yellow green color
Cyanogen chloride
Blood agent
Burnt almond odor
Soman (GD)
Nerve agent
Fruit odor
What two nerve agents have no odor
Sarin (GB)
Tabun (GA)
Nerve agent
Fruity odor
Sarin (GB)
Nerve agent
No odor
Blister agent
Odor of geraniums
Only chemical agent lighter than air
Hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide
Blood agent
Burnt almonds odor
Lighter than air
Sulfur mustard
Blister agent
Garlic mustard odor
Nitrogen mustard
Blister agent
Fishy mustard odor