ERP ADDENDUM 3 Active Shooter Flashcards
The greatest harm with IED IS
The explosion itself
What is the most frequently used weapon by terriost
Conventional bomb or improvised explosive device (IED)
What is a hard target
May be areas that are secured and are usually staffed by trained personnel or officials and include government, military sites and some critical infrastructure
Soft targets are
Buildings , locations or areas with little or no security and have the possibility of resulting in extensive casualties
Pyrotechnics is a type of explosive device that
Creates smoke , heat , light and sound
Low explosives are
Controlled release of gAs that creates a propellant, causing a pushing effect , designed to burn easier to ignite , initiated by flame or impact and detonated at speeds less than 3000 ft per sec
High explosives
Initiated by shock from a detonator or blasting cap( not a spark or flame )
Creates a shattering effect in instantaneous release of energy for maximum dispersion and damage
Detonates at speeds grater than 3000 ft per sec
The weapon of choice for suicide bombers
Blast pressure
Is excess pressure caused by a detonated explosive device
Positive -moves quickly away from the center of explosion followed by vacuum
Negative -the pressure moves back toward the center of the explosion at high rate of speed
Pieces of device added shrapnel or surrounding material propelled away from explosion
Thermal effects
Sometimes called incendiary effects , heat is generated by detonation appears briefly as fireball
Five forms of stimuli or insults ( detonation method )
- Heat
- Friction
- Impact
- Electrostatic charge (ESD)
- Shock
Can be accidental or intentional
Shock initiates high explosives with detonators
FLame initiates low explosives with primers
What method can be used to tell. The difference between a IID AND A IED
No way to tell,
If improvised incendiary device is discovered what should we do
Do not handle
Request bomb squad
Care exercised if extinguishing activated incendiary devices
Precautionary lines stretched
Members shall be staged in safe area Out of line of site
Chemical reaction bombs
Mixture of at least two chemicals tha naturally react with each other
Usually in plastic container
IED (improvised explosive devices )
Consists of power supply an initiator explosives and a switch
Types of IED :
VBIED (vehicle borne improvised explosive device)
Satchel or Backpack
Suicide bombers ( there is no profile for suicide bomber)
If terriost is suspected do not confront notifying
Notifications if discover any type of lab
Batt Div Request hazmat response NYPD BFI
If discover clandestine lab members should
Immediately stop
Do not touch anything
Retrace steps and back out of the area
Do not attempt to determine what type of lab clothing and equipment may be contaminated consult with hazmat and NYPD to verify
Discovery of firearms ammunition and or incendiary devices
Do not attempt to handle or move any firearm ammunition or incendiary device
Do not disturb
Promptly notify IC
Establish isolation zone are and evacuate civilians
No one in line with muzzle or breech of any firearm
Notify NYPD and BFI
When consistent with safety assign members to safeguard evidence from safe distance until the arrival of NYPD or BFI
Evidence should only be handled by NYPD or BFI and the disposal of dangerous articles only performed by law enforcement
Members shall be guided by two major considerations at incidents involving a suspected/ confirmed explosive device
The safety of the public and members of the department
Safeguarding and preservation of evidence
Isolation zones for a suspected explosive device would generally exceed
300 feet
Ht and cell phones should not be used within how many feet of a suspected explosive device
150 feet
Apparatus , post and Marine radios should not be used within how many feet of a suspected explosive device
300 feet
The IC if a explosion has occurred should
Using plain language on department notify dispatcher and advise incoming units that an explosion has occurred
Transmit following info:
- What has explode
- If building is involved give height dimensions and construction
- Approximate number injured
- Request additional units and/or signals needed
What is the mandatory safe evacuation distance for a pipe bomb with a 5lb capacity
70 feet
1200 feet is perferred
What is the mandatory safe distance for a suicide bomber with a 20 lb explosive capacity
110 feet
1700 is perferred
What is the mandatory safe distance a briefcase/suitcase bomb with a 50lb capacity
150 feet
1850 feet preferred
What is the mandatory evacuation distance for a explosive device in a car with a 500 lb capacity
320 feet
1900 is preferred
What is the mandatory evacuation distance of a explosive device on a SUV/Van with. 1000 lb capacity
400 feet
2400 preferred
What is the mandatory evacuation distance of a explosive device in a small delivery truck with 4000lb capacity
640 feet
3800 preferred
What is the mandatory evacuation distance of a explosive device in a container/water truck with a capacity of 10,000 lbs
860 feet
5100 preferred
What is the mandatory safe distance for a semi-trailer with a 60,000lb capacity
1570 feet
9300 preferred
Per detonation responsibilities of FD at a suspected explosive device PD not on scene1.
- Locate personnel and equipment a safe location, strategically positioned for quick deployment in A safe location.
Place apparatus out area of possible fallen glass
Evacuation of people from exposed areas
Establish a command post and if necessary a staging area out of line of sight of device
Check for secondary devices
Inform IC if found
Members should refrain from entering a structure or building to search for explosive devices
If the NYPD confirms an explosive device the IC should request
Fire Marshall’s and request resources necessary to address required evacuations and the aftermath of the potential detonation/ destruction
If an explosion occurs you should do what to minimize the effects of the negative shock wave
Stay down
You should always don SCBA when approaching and area where an explosion has occurred
No do not don unless indications of respiratory danger because of reduced vision
When further explosions are expected or deemed possible the following shall apply
Incipient fire may be extinguished and personnel withdrawn until the area until the area surveyed by bomb Personel
Large area or room fires are involved heavy streams may be used from points of safety using distance factor
Staging area shall be searched by
NYPD and FDNY members
If members encounter an active shooter incident they shall
- Immediately withdraw or if not possible self cover and request forthwith police response
If possible provide physical description of the shooter including :
Type of weapon (if known)
Number of shooters - Use distance and shielding to ensure safety of members
- Members remain out of line of sight of any building that contains a shooter
FDNY MEMBERS shall. Not operate at an active shooter incident unless extreme threat to life safety exists and our assistance is specificity requested by law enforcement . Prior to operating the following conditions must be addressed
- Staff chief approval
- Location and number of shooters known
Path to and from where FDNY members will operate has been secured and is protected by law enforcement - Personnel and duration of incident kept to minimum
- Personnel briefed
- FDNY and NYPD on TAC U channel 13
7 forced armed protection by NYPD
Effects of over pressure
1PSI = personnel knocked down 5 PSI = possible ear drum rupture 15 PSI = 50% chance of eardrum rupture 30" PSI= possible lung injury 75 PSI = 50 % chance lung injury 100 PSI = lethal threshold 200-250 PSI= nearly 100% lethal
Primary blast injuries from result of pressure for blast
Type 2 blast injuries
Flying debris
Surrounding materials
Type 3 blast injuries
Victim thrown into objects
Type four blast injuries
Other injuries
- Inhalation of incendiary chemicals or smoke
- Chemical or thermal burns
- Asphyxiation
- Crush injuries
At the scene of a confirmed explosive device how will the IC determine whst equipment may be used on scene ?
In consultation with HAZ mat and law enforcement
Post detonation notifications
Use plain language on
dept radio and notify dispatcher to advise incoming units that explosion has occurred
1. What has exploded
2. If building involved , give height dimensions and construction
3. Approximate # injured
4. Request additional units and or transmit signals as needed