HAZMAT Flashcards
- Lead agency at HAZMAT incidents
- Other emergency information/marking systems
Coloured diamond - America
Yellow rectangle - Europe
Diamond - Australia
- Where do we find information on how to manage HAZMAT incidents?
- How can hazardous substances enter the body?
- Match the following
Reactive properties - chemical
Viral or bacterial - microbiology
- What is not a primary source of information at a HAZMAT incident?
- Answer to question
Substance characteristics properties
- What is a BLEVE
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion
- What is the incorrect statement?
PPE never required in warm zone
- Which PPE provides highest protection against gas and liquids?
Level 3A
- Which risk could you encounter?
All of the above
- Link strategy (isolate; confine; contain) with objective (deny entry, restrict spread, stop release):
Deny entry - isolate
Restrict spread - confine
Stop release - contain
- Select most correct statement
The rescue and decon of persons is carried out by QFES
- Important principles when attending an incident?
All of the above
- Although initial emergency response guide says one thing, when would it be different?
All of the above
- To safely manage an incident, what is stored at entry to a facility?
Emergency manifest cabinet
- Three protective strategies to limit radiation exposure?
- Which of the following other agencies may be notified to attend a HAZMAT incident?
All of the above
- Which of the following is not appropriate for identifying Hazardous materials?
Sniff and taste
- You attend a petrol spill incident where the vapour is heavier than air. Which of following is true?
Vapour accumulating in low lying areas like drains
- You attend a petrol spill incident and are assigned to monitor it with the 4gas. What is true?
Full firefighting structural PPE
- You attend a petrol spill incident and are required to neutralize it. Which of the following is not true?
Citric acid is needed.
- Link issue (leak from pipework; damaged container; container leaking through loose cap) with the appropriate strategy:
- check and tighten cap
- locate and activate emergency stop
- place container in salvage drum
Locate and activate emergency stop - leak from pipework
Place container in salvage drum - damaged container
Check and tighten cap - container leaking through loose cap.
- Link these terms (dose; acute toxicity; exposure standard; chronic toxicity) with the following definitions:
- Airborne concentration that must not be exceeded
- Amount of substance person exposed to
- Occurs over short period from single large dose
- Occurs over long period through frequent exposure
Airborne concentration that must not be exceeded - exposure standard
Amount of substance person exposed to - dose
Occurs over short period from single large dose - acute toxicity
Occurs over long period through frequent exposure - chronic toxicity
- When a HAZMAT incident may impact public safety, what two strategies can be used to reduce exposure?
Shelter in place