Hazadous Earth Flashcards
What was the estimated number of people killed in the Haitian Earthquake?
Approximately 220,000 people were killed
How many people were injured as a result of the Haitian Earthquake?
300,000 were injured
What was the status of the main port at Port au Prince after the earthquake?
The main port at Port au Prince was damaged
What percentage of the Haitian population now lives on less than a dollar a day post-earthquake?
Over 80% of the population
What social issue became a serious problem following the Haitian Earthquake?
Looting (stealing from abandoned buildings)
What was the impact on the food and water supply for Haitians after the earthquake?
Over 2 million Haitians were left without food and water
How many hospitals in Port au Prince collapsed or were badly damaged?
8 hospitals
What was the total number of houses destroyed and damaged in Port au Prince?
About 100,000 houses were destroyed and 200,000 were damaged
What percentage of schools were destroyed in the capital and surrounding area?
80% of schools
What difficulties arose for hospitals following the earthquake?
Frequent power cuts produced difficulties for hospitals
What health crisis emerged due to the conditions after the earthquake?
Disease spread rapidly as people drank dirty water
How many inmates escaped from the Prison de Port-au-Prince after it was destroyed?
Around 4,000 inmates
How many Haitians were displaced and made homeless as a result of the earthquake?
1.3 million Haitians
What hazard was created by dead bodies trapped under buildings?
Disease spread rapidly in warm/wet conditions
What percentage of all commercial buildings were destroyed?
45% of all commercial buildings
What is a primary effect of the earthquake?
Destruction of infrastructure and loss of life
What is a secondary effect of the earthquake?
Increase in poverty levels and social unrest
What are the categories used to classify the effects of the earthquake?
Social, Economic, Political, Environmental
Fill in the blank: Economic effects relate to _______.
wealth (jobs, income, tax, business)
True or False: 80% of schools in Port au Prince were undamaged after the earthquake.
What are plate tectonics?
Plate tectonics is the scientific theory that the earth’s crust is comprised of many smaller plates.
Define continental drift
Continental drift is the theory made by alfred wegner that the plates are shifting and moving over many years. He believed that long ago, the continents all were together in the supercontinent pangea
State the evidence to support the idea of continental drift
- Jigsaw fit
- Study of fossils
- Convection currents
- Geological patterns
Describe how jigsaw fit supports the idea of continental drift
All the continents look like they fit together and were broken at some point. This supports the pangea theory.
Describe how the convection currents support the continental drift theory.
As the core heats rock in the mantle, it rises up and pushes the crust outwards, before cooling and sinking back down to the core, where the cycle repeats. This means over time the crust will morph and change the earths plates.
How does the study of fossils support Alfred Wegners continental drift theory?
By analysing fossils, scientists have discovered that the same animals lived on very different cintinents long ago, where now there is a lot of wate between them. These animals could not have crossed the water, so we can deduct that at some point they were able to walk on land to get there.
Describe the idea of geological patterns and how they support continental drift theory.
By analysing rock patterns, we have evidence that many years ago similar types of rock were formed together and now they allign across coastlines across the world.
Define paleomagnetism
Paleomagnetism is when the iron particles align with the earths current rotations