Haydn Symphony 104 Recap Flashcards
What key is the recapitulation in?
D major
Which cadence does the recapitulation begin with?
V-I in D major
What do you notice about the first 8 bars of the recap?
They are an exact repeat of the first 8 bars of expo
What is different at bar 201?
Three part writing for woodwind instead of strings. 2nd oboe plays melody, 1st oboe harmonises in thirds and flute plays a beautiful countermelody
What happens at bar 204?
G# accidental in the flute part, passing modulation to A major
What is the 2nd section of the 1st subject like?
Same as the exposition but with slight differences
What do we hear at bars 220- 226
Descending circle of 5ths as a transition - E7, A7, D7, G7, C#dim, F#m, Bm7, E7, A
What do we hear in the 1st violin at 226?
Rising diatonic scale
What key are we in at 228?
D major
What do we notice in the bass at 228?
The quaver motif which was previously in violins is now in the bass
What do we hear at bars 233-243?
Music dissolves into nothing with two bars silence at 242-243
What are the two bars of science followed by?
Ascending four note motif in violins
What differences are there in the 2nd subject recap? (b247)
- The melody is in three part woodwind flue and 2 oboes
2. Imitation of 1st 4 notes of theme between oboe and 1st and 2nd violins first in 3rds (247-248) then in 6ths (50)
What is different about the agitated quavers first heard at bar 80?
They are now in the flute and the key of D
What do we hear at b266
Shortened version of the closing theme in Dmaj
What is special about the tonic pedal at b266?
Very low for the horns
What bar does the coda start in?
What do we hear in b277 in the cellos n bases?
Repeated note motif
What do we hear at b290
D major arpeggio as a repeated note motif
What chord progression is at b288-289?
What do we hear in the timpani at b300-304?
Tonic D pedal
What chord is emphasised in the last 5 bars of the piece?
I - D major
Which bar does the recapitulation begin in?