Haydn Symphony 104 - Development Flashcards
What does the development begin with?
A V7b perfect cadence in B minor (bars 124-125)
What keys does the piece move to at 128?
E minor (128) A minor (129) suggestion of B7 (F#, D#, A) at 130
What chord do we hear at 131-132?
F#minor7 (IIb7 of E minor)
What chord do we hear at 136?
Diminished 7th on A# (A#,C#,E,G)
What is the key at 137?
B major
What chord do we hear at 141?
G#7 (G#, B#, D#, F#)
What chord do we hear at 143?
G#7 (same as 141) but with the 7th(F#) in the bass
What melodic idea is the first section based on?
Repeated four note motif with descending appogiatura from bars 3 and 4 of the first subject
What happens to the two bar motif at 128-130?
It is extended to three bars
What do we hear at bars 131-133?
A variation of the repeated four note motif with descending appoggiatura imitated between lower stings and upper woodwind
How is the two bar motif treated at bars 137-144?
Treated sequentially (B,A,G#,F#)
What is the texture at 124-130?
Homophonic texture in strings alone
What textural feature do we hear at 131-133?
Imitation between lower strings and upper woodwind
What is the texture at 137-144?
What harmonic feature does section two have?
Descending circle of 5ths (150) D#m,G#m,C#,F#m,B,E
What chord do we hear at 145?
C#minor first inversion (E in bass, descending C#minor triad in first violins)
What melody does section two develop?
Closing theme from the exposition (103-106), repeated note motif continues to be explored in violas and bassoon
What is the texture in section 2?
What is the key at 155-156?
E major
What is the key at 157-158
E minor
What do we hear in the trumpets and clarinets at 155-158
Tonic E pedal
What do we hear in the lower stings and bassoon at 155-158?
Dominant to tonic in lower strings and bassoon
What does the harmony do at 159-165?
Moves down by step following notes of Eminor C/Bm/Am/G/F#m Em/D#dim C/B
What happens to the harmonic rhythm at 163-164?
Quickens to every half bar
What key are we in at 167-171?
What chord do we hear at 172?
Augmented 6th chord (G,E#,D)
What do we hear in cellos and bases in 174-178?
F#dominant pedal
What does the third section end with?
Perfect cadence in Bminor (178-179)
What is the melody in section three based on?
Focuses on bars 3-4 of the first subject
How is the repeated note motif different?
Rhythmically displaced by a beat, creates suspensions (as in b50 transition)
What happens to the melody at b163-164?
Reduced to 2 note repetition divided between upper woodwind and 1st violins
What happens to the melody at 166-167
Moves to lower stings and is imitated by clarinets and horns
What is the texture like in section 3?
Mainly Homophonic with tutti at 172 with the first introduction of time I in development
What textural feature do we hear at 166-169
What textural device do we hear at 174-178?
F# dominant pedal
What key is the start of the fourth section in?
B minor (179)
What do we hear at 185-192 in cellos bases horns trumpet and timpani?
Dominant A pedal
What does the fourth section end in?
Perfect cadence V7-I in Dmajor 192-193
What melodic idea is section four based on?
Bars 3-4 of first subject
What melodic feature do we hear at bars 185-188
Rising chromatic scale in the flue and 1st violins
What texture do we hear in section 4?
Tutti texture at 185 over the dominant A pedal
What key does the exposition end in?
A major (the dominant)
What are the bar numbers of the first section?
What are the bar numbers of the second section?
What are the bar numbers of the third section?
What are the bar numbers of the fourth section?