Context of Change ModeL
Means SIZE of the change.
Is it a small change (Realignment) or a big change (Transformation)
Big Change: If the change affects senior management / culture, business model or core business strategy, then
it is a big change (transformation), otherwise its small change (transformation)
▪ Reason:
The reason / justification for bringing the change
▪ Timing:
When the change will be implemented from?
Urgently or Immediately (Big Bang) or slowly and gradually (incremental)
▪ Capacity / Resources:
Does the Org has the required resources, such as Human Resource, Financial Resource, Technology, etc.
▪ Capability:
Has the Org implemented such change in the past or is it the first time (prior experience)
▪ Power
The change manager (person implementing the change) should have sufficient power and authority to
implement decisions
▪ Preservation:
Strengths from ‘existing environment’ needs to be retained
▪ Readiness:
Are the employees ready to accept the change or will there be significant resistance
▪ Resistance:
Who will be the people or stake holders who will resist the change, reason for resistance, how you would
handle those people / stakeholders
risk management strategies
Transference: Transfer risk to third party, e.g. insurance, outsourcing or franchising
Avoidance: Eliminate risk by totally avoiding activities which causes risk
Reduction: Reduce the impact and probability of the risk by implementing controls
Acceptance: Accept the consequence of the risk, should it happen. Normally adopted for small risks
Financial projections checklist
-Discounted Cash Flow method must be used
-using a sensible discount rate, risk element must be incorporated
-NPV should be positive
-Calculate ‘Simple’ payback period = investment/ inflows
-Review assumptions see if they are realistic
(and mention in your answer that the adequacy of the assumptions needs to be re-validated)
-ask breakup and basis of assumptions
-Mention in your answer that “tax implications” needs to be considered (if any)
-Mention in your answer that a “sensitivity analysis” should be done
factors to decide which source of finance to use
▪ Purpose and amount
▪ Duration of requirement
▪ Equity financing:
o variable cost i.e. dividend are paid if company makes profit
o dilution in ownership
o No collateral is required
o No affect on gearing level
o May affect the culture or strategies of the company due to presence of outsiders
▪ Debt financing:
o Cost of fixed i.e. Interest not linked with business profitability
o Does not affect the ownership or culture of the company
o Require collaterals
o Affects or depends on current gearing level
3 things to remember about budgets
1- Flexed Budget
▪ You CANNOT compare Actuals numbers directly with Budgeted numbers because actual volumes are normally
different than budgeted volumes
▪ Whenever Actual numbers are given, you first calculate FLEXED budget and then you compare with Actuals
2- Compare Actuals With
▪ FLEXED Budget
▪ Prior Year Actuals
3- Reasons for Variances should be explained
A project is a one-off special activity which is other than organization’s usual day-to-day operations or business
post project review
How the project was managed? Focuses on mistakes and lessons learnt for future projects
Post implementation review
Whether project objectives were achieved? Focuses on determining whether the project was successful or not
business case
▪ A business case provides justification for undertaking a project
▪ It is prepared by the Project Sponsor and presented to the Board for approval
Content of a Business Case
▪ Current situation:
✓ identify and analyse the problem
▪ Evaluate Various Options:
✓ Pros and cons for each option
✓ Feasibility analysis for each option (human resource, financial resource, technical resource)
✓ Risks & constraints
▪ Selected option:
✓ Justification
project initiation document
▪ prepared after business case is approved
▪ prepared by the Project Sponsor to communicate details of the project with Project Manager & Project Team
▪ includes objective, and summary of the Business Case so that the Project Manager & Project Team can understand what is expected from them
Contents of a PID
▪ introduction
▪ objective and scope
▪ Cost and Benefit Analysis
▪ Key stakeholders
▪ Project timelines
▪ Project Risks (e.g. quality, timeline, costs)
▪ Project Constraints (human resource / expertise, financial resource, technical resource)
▪ Major assumptions used
▪ Project monitoring and reporting procedures
▪ Ensure Business Case is justified
▪ Approve the Business Case
▪ Approve major decisions and oversight of the project
-define scope
▪ leadership and guidance to project manager
▪ Arrange resources
▪ Monitoring progress
▪ Problem solving
▪ Accountable to the Project Board / Committee
▪ Detailed project planning and execution
▪ Day to day running of the project
▪ Monitoring of the project team
▪ Ensuring project is on track (with deadlines)
▪ Accountable to the Project Sponsor
Advantages of E Business: and disadvantages
-integrating e biz tech in business processes can help speed up response times and business times
-website can be linked with customer database and provide insights
-2 way interaction, customisation, dialogue
▪ No geographical limitations, More revenue (globalization) amd business opportunities
▪ Lower costs (e.g. less physical locations / fewer staff)
▪ Customer convenience (faster response times and delivery times
▪ Improved marketing, as wider audience
-websites can be linked with customer databases and provide much greater insights into customer buying behaviour and needs.
The nature of the business means that face‐to‐face contact is crucial in moving customers from awareness to action (AIDA – awareness, interest, desire and action). There are therefore limits to the ability of e‐business to replace such contact.
▪ Not all customers use internet
▪ One-time setup cost:
✓ Hardware cost
✓ S/W license cost
✓ Website development
✓ Increasing IT Staff
✓ Integration with current systems
▪ Security risks
✓ Hacking
✓ Virus
✓ Cyber fraud / crimes
✓ Data privacy
▪ Legal complexity due to globalization
▪ Redundancy costs
adv disadv of big data
Advantages (Opportunities) of Big Data
▪ Deeper insight into data
▪ Better marketing and pricing strategies
▪ Improved customer service and relationship
▪ Increased competitiveness
▪ Development of customized / personalized products
▪ New sources of revenue
Disadvantages (Threats) of Big Data
▪ Data security / leakage
▪ Data storage and management issues (hardware and software)
▪ Costly
▪ Legal issues / regulations
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
CRM are specialized software to maintain customer relationship through regular communication with customers electronically
Customer Acquisition :
▪ Collect email data
▪ Sending relevant emails and articles
▪ Sending Demos / Videos
Customer Retention
▪ Reminders / notifications
▪ Order placing and tracking
▪ Auto payments
▪ Reports and summaries
adv of CRM
▪ Better interaction / communication with customer
▪ Marketing and relationship building (emails, notifications, individualization)
▪ Sales management (inquiries, order placing, order tracking, auto payments)
▪ After sales service (feedbacks, complaints, reminders, FAQs)
▪ Analysis (trend analysis, data mining, intelligence, big data)
Unauthorized access to servers
▪ Damage / malfunction
▪ Theft
▪ Power failure
▪ Fire / Flood / Earthquak
Physical access controls:
o Security Guards
o Biometrics
o Swipe cards
o CC TVs
▪ Fire protection
▪ Generators / Power supply alternates
▪ Unauthorized access
▪ Hacking
▪ Virus
▪ Cybercrimes / frauds
▪ Data loss
▪ Software malfunction / errors
▪ Logical access controls (passwords):
o Atleast 8 digit (Alpa numeric character)
o Change regularly
o Don’t write or share with anyone
o Lock down after 3 incorrect attempts
o OTP (One Time Password)
▪ Backups
▪ Firewalls
▪ Audit Trails
▪ Anti virus
▪ Segregation of duties
▪ Business disruption
▪ Reputational issues
▪ Loss of customers / revenue / market share
▪ Legal cases by customers
▪ Regulatory fines (e.g. breach of Data Protection Act)
▪ Incorrect decision making based on erroneous data
chairman role and responsibilities
Main role: Running the Board
▪ Link between company and shareholders / stakeholders
▪ Communication with shareholders (e.g. Annual Report)
▪ Protect shareholder interests and increase long term shareholder wealth
▪ Ensure smooth running of board, such as:
Appropriate size, knowledge, skills, experience, and independence of directors
Balance between executive and non-executive directors
Effective functioning of Board Committees
Regular meetings
Directors’ nomination, performance and remuneration
CEO role and responsibility
Main role: Running the Company
▪ Propose strategies to the board
▪ Implement decisions of the Board
▪ Monitor day to day running of business and all departments
▪ Manage resources effectively and efficiently
▪ Risk management and internal control systems
▪ Timely and accurate reporting
▪ Legal and regulatory compliance
▪ Interact with external parties, such as Government, key customers, key suppliers, Stock Exchanges
Splitting of Roles Between Chairman & CEO
The Chairman runs the Board. The CEO runs the company. The running of the Board should be separate from
the running of the Company. Hence the role of Chairman and the role of CEO should not be performed by one
person, as this concentrate excessive power in the hand of one person. The Chairman should be independent
just like a NED.
pros of role splitting
o Segregation of duty leading to improved governance
o Chairman able to challenge CEO
o Other directors / employees can communicate with Chairman if they have concerns relating to CEO
o Higher shareholder confidence as Chairman is normally a NED
cons of role splitting
Chances of disagreement or clash between Chairman and CEO
o Chairman may not have in-depth knowledge of business
▪ NEDs are part-time outside directors who are ‘independent’ i.e. they are not employee of the company.
▪ They get a fixed fee for being NEDs and are not entitled to any bonus or share options as it will create conflict
of interest and threaten their independence.
role of neds
▪ Strategy: discuss strategies, bring external experience and leadership
▪ scrutinize the performance of Executive directors
▪ Risk: ensuring risk management is done properly
▪ People: nomination, remuneration and succession planning of executive directors and senior executives,
providing added comfort to shareholders
NED pros
▪ Brings independence / adds confidence to shareholders
▪ Have external experience and wider perspective
▪ Scrutinize / challenge performance of CEO and executive directors
▪ Employees can discuss confidential or sensitive matter with NED directly (whistle-blowing)
▪ Company can comply with Regulatory / Listing requirements
cons of NEDs
▪ May lack independence
▪ Smaller remuneration as compared to executive directors (no incentive)
▪ May not give sufficient time to business
-difficult to recruit the perfect person for the role
independence of NEDS
▪ Not an employee of the company for last 5 years
▪ No business or financial relationship with the company for last 3 years
▪ Not an NED in same company for more than 9 years
▪ Not have close family ties or friendship with executive directors
▪ No family members working in the company in senior position
▪ No share in profit or having share options of the company
nomination committee
-majority NEDs
a. Decide the size of the board
b. Ensures sufficient knowledge, skills and experience is available
c. Balance between EDs and NEDs
d. Appointment of new directors
e. Training and succession planning
renumeration committee
100% NEDs
a. Decide remuneration policy / package
b. A portion of pay is linked with performance, e.g.
i. Bonus
ii. Share options
audit committee
100% NEDS
one member must have recent experience in audit and finance
a. Review financial statements & internal controls
b. Liaise with external auditors
c. Supervise internal audit
d. Whistle blowing arrangement
risk committe
majority NEDS
a. Implement risk management process / ERM framework
b. Embed risk management in Organization’s culture
c. Identify key risks and recommend controls
d. Ensure internal controls are working effectively
advantages of board committees and disadv
▪ More focused
-more specialized, as directors with relevant experience are nominated, if directors with strategic planning experience are nominated it will help us achieve strategic goals
▪ More time can be spent by committees as full board has limited time
▪ frees up Board time, can focus more on strategic and business matters
▪ Higher involvement by NEDs (e.g. in audit or remuneration committees)
▪ Increases shareholder confidence
Disadv: difficult to find a qualified person
Insufficient no of NEDs
Lack of expertise
directors renumeration
General Principles
▪ Remuneration should be sufficient to attract, retain and motivate competent directors
▪ Remuneration should be linked with performance
▪ Remuneration have the following components:
Fixed pay
Variable / Performance based incentives:
▪ Short term incentives (e.g. bonus)
▪ Long term incentives (e.g. share options)
▪ Director cannot approve his own remuneration – to be done by Remuneration Committee (NEDs)
what is insider trading and why is it not allowed
Insider trading / dealing means buying or selling of company shares by its own directors or senior
executives based on information which is not publicly available as yet.
Why Insider Trading is Not Allowed
▪ Directors have to act in the primary interest of shareholders and not to make personal gains
▪ Directors have to maximize ‘long’ term value of the organization. If insider trading is allowed, then it is likely that
directors would be tempted to take short term decisions to make personal gains
▪ Insider trading can damage the reputation and integrity of the capital markets of the country
diff between family owned and listed companies
▪ More corporate governance regulations applicable on listed co
▪ Role of Chairman and CEO are split
▪ Sufficient # of NEDs
▪ Board Committees
▪ Board is accountable to external share holders
▪ Decisions are based on voting rights (ie not dominated by one person)
▪ Directors’ remuneration based on performance
▪ Higher focus on risk management and internal audit
▪ Whistle blowing arrangements
difference between financial statements and integrated reporting
Financial Statements:
Focus on financial information
IR: Focus on overall business performance
Financial Statements: Focus on historic performance
IR: Focus on future strategies
Financial statements: Focus on share capital
IR: Focus on 6 capitals
FS: Less emphasis on social and environmental
IR: Integrates social and environmental aspects in
strategies and decision making
FS:Short term / annual results IR: Long term value creation
role of an integrated report
An Integrated Reporting is a concise communication demonstrating the link between:
▪ Governance (Mission / objectives)
▪ Strategy
▪ Financial performance; and
▪ Social and environmental context
And shows how organization creates ‘value’ in short, medium and long term.
6 capitals
▪ Financial Capital
o Overall financial performance and position of the company
o Sources of funds for future strategies
▪ Manufactured Capital
Tangible assets
o Non-current assets such as plant and machinery
o Current assets such as inventories
▪ Intellectual Capital
o R&D and innovation
o Brand
o Patents
o Technical / R&D staff
Human Capital
Employee matters
o Knowledge, skills and experience of employees
o Productivity and efficiency
o Staff turnover
o Staff satisfaction surveys
▪ Social Capital
Relationship and trust built with key stakeholders i.e.
o Customers
o Suppliers
o Societies / Communities
o Government
▪ Natural Capital
Environmental matters
o CO2 Emissions / Carbon footprint
o Recycling / Disposal of waste products
o Pollution / Spillage
o Use of scarce resources (e.g. oil, trees, etc.)
advantages of IR
▪ As IR is voluntary disclosure, it enhances organization’s image and reputation for transparency
▪ Effective communication with all stakeholders
▪ Demonstrate how organization creates value
▪ Integrates social and environmental aspects in strategies and decision making
▪ Focus on 6 capitals of the organization
▪ Better understanding and decision making by shareholders, stakeholders and potential investors
▪ Attracts investment at a lower cost of capital (due to availability of greater information)
▪ Gives competitive edge over other companies
▪ Too much commercial information / strategy is disclosed
▪ Valuation of 6 capitals is subjective in nature
social footprint employees
▪ Staff turnover
▪ Staff training
▪ Gender equality
▪ No discrimination
▪ Working conditions
▪ Health and safety
▪ Better pay Diversity
social footprint- customers
▪ Product quality
▪ Product safety
▪ Personal data & privacy
▪ Fair business practices
▪ Fair play with suppliers
social footprint- society
▪ Job opportunities
risk and recommendations
-Risk is any future incident which can cause damage or harm to the organization
-Risk management are activities undertaken to avoid or reduce the chances of risks happening
-You have to mention
the NAME of the risk in
your answer so please
memorize this list
-Read the risk carefully and reverse it to arrive at recommendation (will work 50% of the time)
types of risk list
▪ Product risk, product may fall or rise.
-Business / Strategic risk
▪ Financial risk
▪ Liquidity risk
▪ Credit risk
▪ Foreign exchange risk
▪ Interest rate risk , customers will be affected, demand will fall
▪ Market risk
▪ Market-share / competitive risk
▪ Political risk
▪ Legal & compliance risk , rules will change, non compliance will result in de listing or fines and penalties
▪ Environmental risk
▪ Reputation risk
▪ Health & safety risk
▪ Technology risk
▪ Operational risk
▪ Intellectual risk
-economic risk, if eco is boom, benefit. If recession, loss.
risk diversification
- Product diversification
- Industry diversification
- Geographical diversification
risk management process
▪ Commitment from top management (Board)
▪ Create a formal Risk Committee at Board level
▪ Risk Assessment:
-Make a list of risks which organization faces
-Analyze the impact & likelihood
-Prioritize the risks based on above
-Plan mitigation actions (one can use heat maps and TARA model)
-Prepare Risk register
-Regular monitoring of risks and updation of Risk Register
▪ Staff training
▪ Appoint Risk manager (for larger companies)
▪ Risk audits (for larger companies)
advantage of risk committee
▪ More focused and specialized
▪ More time can be spent
▪ Board can focus more on strategic matters
▪ Higher involvement of NEDs
▪ Higher shareholder confidence
4 lines of defence
st line of defence – Employees:
* Proper policies and procedures
* Training
* Regular performance evaluation
* Reward or punishment
nd line of defence – Managers:
* Supervise employees
* Review and monitor their performance
Whatsapp My Coordinator +92 324 922 1387
* Risk and compliance departments (in larger organizations)
rd line of defence – Internal Audit:
* Objective review and assessment of risk management activities
* Having good knowledge of organizations internal control and systems
* But may not be 100% independent
th line of defence – External Audit:
* External auditors or bodies
* More independent than internal audit
* “Fresh” pair of eyes
* Have external / wider industry experience
* However less knowledge about the organization’s internal control and systems
internal audit
Internal Audit
Internal audit is an assurance function within the organization to ensure ensuring that governance process,
risk management and internal controls are working effectively.
Roles / Importance of Internal Audit
▪ Reviewing risk management procedures
▪ Evaluating internal control system
▪ Reviewing accounting controls and reporting
▪ Reviewing operational effectiveness and efficiency
▪ Reviewing legal compliance
▪ Special investigations or assignments (e.g. fraud investigation)
factors to decide if co needs an IA
▪ Any legal requirement?
▪ Size, complexity and growth of organization
▪ Risk levels
▪ Number of employees
▪ Geographical dispersion (i.e. multiple / overseas locations)
▪ Centralized or decentralized set-up?
▪ Quality of systems and internal controls
▪ High frequency of breaches or frauds
▪ Cost benefit considerations
Roles of the Audit Committee
Roles of the Audit Committee
▪ Accuracy of financial statements
▪ Timely regulatory reporting
▪ Monitoring internal audit function:
▪ Managing External Auditors:
▪ Provide Whistleblowing arrangements to prevent fraud and mis-reporting
adv of audit committee
▪ More focused and specialized
▪ More time can be spent
▪ Board can focus more on strategic matters
▪ Higher involvement of NEDs
▪ Higher shareholder confidence
cloud computing
Traditionally, IT activities (hardware, software, servers, databases, website hoisting, etc.)
were done locally, i.e. companies used to own physical servers & software, store data and
manage entire IT themselves.
Cloud computing is delivery of computing services over the internet. Companies offering
these services are called cloud providers and charge based on usage. For e.g. you can store
your data online on google (onedrive). When organizations opt for cloud computing, they
eliminate capital expenditure of buying hardware / servers, eliminate maintaining onsite data
centers and eliminates the need of having a large IT department. This leads to significant
savings in costs (e.g. space, staff, overheads, etc.).
ad. and disadv of cloud computing
Disadvantages of Cloud / Mobile Computing
▪ High reliance on internet connectivity
▪ High reliance on cloud provider
▪ Loss of direct control
▪ Cloud provider has access to all your data
▪ Regulatory requirements for privacy of data may not be complied with
▪ High risk of hacking as Cloud providers are main targets by hackers
exam technique
a. Reading and planning 15 minutes
i. Copy paste all tasks in the SCRATCH PAD
ii. Read all tasks and identify the topics
iii. Take a quick look at each Exhibit and note Exhibit number on the SCRATCH
PAD under respective Task
iv. Decide sequence of your answers (EASIER question first)
b. Drafting 3 hours (180 minutes)
i. 1.8 minutes per total marks
ii. Stop drafting and move to next question if allowed time is up
iii. Come back and complete earlier question IF left with time in the end - LINKING WITH EXHIBIT:
a. Copy paste important info from Exhibits / Pre-seen material on the respective
Answer Sheet
b. Start your Point with statement of fact copied from the Exhibit/Pre-seen
material and then elaborate about its impact on the business
c. 3-4 lines / sentences in CBE platform per point - NUMBER OF POINTS:
a. Normal question: Total marks divide by 2
b. Weakness & recommendation question: Total marks divide by 4
c. Risk & recommendation question: Total marks divide by 4
d. Try to give one extra point in each question (subject to time mgt) - FORMAT OF YOUR ANSWER:
a. Prepare skeleton of the Answer before you attempt that question (format, main
headings, closure, etc.)
b. Use information from the scenario to start your point (opening sentence)
c. Adopt paragraph style of writing (3-4 lines/sentences in CBE platform)
d. Give sub-headings for EACH point
e. Use tabular format for weakness and recommendation type questions
f. NIL or minimum use of models - BOUNCER QUESTION:
a. Attempt this question in the last
b. Use Search / Find Option in CBE Platform using key words
c. Do not use entire allowed time. Save 10-15 minutes and use it to add more
points to your other questions in order to get extra mark
Identify or investigate underlying reasons from Exhibit , tell about the impact, possible uses - COMMUNICATION: INFORM, PERSUADE, CLARIFY
Proper format, keep in mind the addressee and your role, tone. clarify, easy words, persuade - COMMERCIAL ACUMEN: SHOW AWARENESS, USE JUDGEMENT, SHOW INSIGHT.
Don’t sound like an accountant (don’t mention cost first) show that ur aware of all factors - SCEPTICISM: PROBE, QUESTION, CHALLENGE
Report / Briefing Paper / Briefing Note / Memo format
Intro para
other paras
conclusion not required unless asked
best regards, me
section of a report format
intro: this section of the report ___
this email…
slide 1: HR ISSUES
▪ High turnover
▪ Low staff morale
▪ Salaries not aligned with market
Supporting notes:
{Explain above 3 bullets in 3 separate paragraphs of 3-4 lines each}
respected chairman
xx company
this letter…
best regards
press website release
Name of Company
“press release”
Through this Press / Website Release, we would like to share our views regarding……
{Body of your answer}
For further information please contact our public relation department
business case purpose and contents
Purpose: justifying, pros and cons, prepped by project sponsor and presented to board for approval
▪ Current situation:
✓ Clear identification and analysis of the problem
▪ Evaluation of Various Options:
✓ Pros and cons for each option
✓ Feasibility analysis for each option (human resource, financial resource, technical resource)
✓ Risks & constraints
▪ Selected option:
✓ Justification
Project Initiation Document
-scope and objective
-cost benefit analysis
-project sponsor
-project manager
-project team
-other stakeholders
-key risks
-porject governance/ monitoring
identify weakness/risk and give recommendation
make two columns
how to explain the agency relationship and rights and responsibilities of the parties
who reports to who
what is their responsibility
what are their rights
there can be many agency relationships, like to taxpayers, or trust boards
agency relationship assumes
that agent and principal may act in their own self interests and these interests may conflict
How to track project
Check quality, time and cost
Advantages of mobile app
Two way comm
Feedback complains
More personalised
Environmental policy
resp use of scarce resources
Recycling and disposal
Pollution and footprint
E marketing benefits
Comp edge
Can target new customers, gen Z
Data analysis
Targeted communication
Improved marketing efficiency
When u have to comply with a regulation, actions required are
-identify requirements
-assess current levels of compliance
-identify gaps
-plan and address the gaps
Key areas of environmental policy
-limited use of scarce resources
-recycling of waste materials
-pollution/ carbon emissions
Talent management program, pros and cons
-better productivity and efficiency
-better output quality
-attraction, retention of staff
-customer needs/ innovation
-succession planning , specially at senior staff level
-change resistance
-time and cost
-identify training needs
Content of an environmental report
Environmental performance: resource use, emissions, waste management and generation, chemical usage
Initiatives taken, goal, progress
Stakeholder engagement
Why shud project sponsor and manager be different
Seg of duty
More focused
Expertise, specialisation