Harry Potter Ultimate Trivia Flashcards
What is Lucius Malfoy’s wand made from?
Pius Thicknesse
Who replaced Amelia Bones as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?
Dragon heartstring
What is at the core of Lucius Malfoy’s wand?
Charity Burbage
What was the name of the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts?
What was the first name of Albus Dumbledore’s father?
What was the first name of Albus Dumbledore’s mother?
What was the first name of Albus Dumbledore’s sister?
The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
What is the title of the biography of Albus Dumbledore penned by Rita Skeeter?
Which body part did George Weasley lose to a Sectumsempra curse by Severus Snape?
Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.
What were the last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to Remus Lupin and Kingsley Shacklebolt?
The Burrow
Where was the Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix after the Fidelius Charm on 12 Grimmauld Place was broken?
Wendell and Monica Wilkins
After Hermione modified her parents’ memory, what do they think they are called?
Which disease did the Weasleys tell the world that Ron had in order to cover for his absence at Hogwarts?
Secrets of the Darkest Art
What is the name of the book which gave explicit instructions on how to make a Horcrux?
What is the only thing that can put your soul back together after tearing it to make a Horcrux?
Phoenix tears
What is the only antidote to Basilisk venom?
What is the first name of Fleur Delacour’s mother?
Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches
What is the title of the book Ron gives to Harry for his seventeenth birthday?
What is the traditional birthday present for a wizard who has Come of Age?
Fabian Prewett
What was the full name of Molly Weasley’s brother, whose watch she gave to Harry for his birthday?
What form does Arthur Weasley’s Patronus take?
Ronald Bilius Weasley
What is Ron Weasley’s full name?
Which magical object did Dumbledore leave to Ron in his will?
What is Hermione’s middle name?
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
What is the title of the book which Dumbledore left to Hermione in his will?
As well as the sword of Godric Gryffindor, which object did Dumbledore leave to Harry in his will?
I open at the close
Which words did Dumbledore write on the Snitch he bequeathed Harry, words that appeared only when Harry pressed it to his mouth?
Ottery St Catchpole
In which village do the Weasleys live?
What is the first name of Luna Lovegood’s father?
What is Ginny Weasley’s actual first name?
William Arthur Weasley
What is Bill Weasley’s full name?
What is Fleur Delacour’s middle name?
Who made Victor Krum’s wand?
How old is Ron’s great aunt Muriel, as stated at Bill and Fleur’s wedding?
What form does Kingsley Shacklebolt’s Patronus take?
Homenum Revelio
Which incantation produces a spell to reveal human presence?
Regulus Arcturus Black
What was Sirius’s brother’s full name?
Always pure
What does the Black family motto ‘Toujours Pur’ mean?
Mundungus Fletcher
Who stole Slytherin’s locket from 12 Grimmauld Place?
Dolores Umbridge believed Slytherin’s locket to be an heirloom of which pure-blood family?
Muggle-born Registration Commission
Of which new Ministry department does Dolores Umbridge become the Head?
To which position at Hogwarts is Severus Snape raised after the Ministry is taken over by Death Eaters?
Alecto Carrow
Who replaces Professor Burbagea as Muggle Studies teacher after her mysterious ‘resignation’?
Amycus Carrow
Who succeeds Severus Snape as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Navy blue
What colour robes do members of the Magical Maintenance Department at the Ministry wear?
Mafalda Hopkirk
Whom does Hermione impersonate using Polyjuice Potion to get inside the Ministry?
Reg Cattermole
Whom does Ron impersonate using Polyjuice Potion to get inside the Ministry?
Albert Runcorn
Whom does Harry impersonate using Polyjuice Potion to get inside the Ministry?
Magic is Might
Which three words are inscribed on the statue in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic after the destruction of the Fountain of Magical Brethren?
What form does Dolores Umbridge’s Patronus take?
Undesirable No. 1
As what does the Ministry of Magic refer to Harry, having put a 10,000 Galleon price on his head?
Armando Dippet: Master or Moron?
What is the title of the biography of Armando Dippet written by Rita Skeeter?
Which incantation produces a Duplicating Charm?
Essence of Dittany
What remedy does Hermione use to heal Ron’s splinched arm?
Repello Muggletum
Which incantation produces a Muggle-Repelling Charm?
What is the name of the village in Cornwall where wizarding families once went into hiding?
Upper Flagley
What is the name of the village in Yorkshire where wizarding families once went into hiding?
Bowman Wright
What was the name of the wizarding smith who forged the first Golden Snitch?
Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also
Which quotation can be found on the grave of Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore?
What was James Potter’s date of birth?
What was Lily Evans’s date of birth?
On what date were Lily & James Potter killed?
What is Harry’s date of birth?
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death
Which quotation can be found on the grave of Lily & James Potter?
Bathilda Bagshot
As whom was Nagini, Voldemort’s snake, disguised in Godric’s Hollow?
What was Grindelwald’s first name?
At which wizarding school was Grindelwald educated?
What was the name of the prison Grindelwald built for his opponents?
For the Greater Good
What was Grindelwald’s slogan?
Forest of Dean
Where in the UK was the pool in which Severus Snape placed Godric Gryffindor’s sword?
Daring, nerve and chivalry
Which three qualities set true Gryffindors apart?
What is Harry’s replacement wand made from, after Hermione accidentally breaks his original?
Bill and Fleur
With whom did Ron stay after walking out on Harry and Hermione?
Shell Cottage
What is Bill & Fleur Weasley’s house called?
Erumpent horn
Which dangerous horn does Hermione notice in the Lovegoods’ house, which they believe to be from a Crumple-Horned Snorkack?
The Tale of the Three Brothers
Which children’s story details the Deathly Hallows?
Elder Wand
What is the first Deathly Hallow?
Resurrection Stone
What is the second Deathly Hallow?
Cloak of Invisibility
What is the third Deathly Hallow?
Ignotus Peverell
Which name did Hermione find on a grave in Godric’s Hollow accompanied by what they think to be Grindelwald’s mark?
Which word was written thousands of times in gold beneath magical paintings of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville in Luna Lovegood’s bedroom?
What is the name of the anti-ministry radio show aired secretly by Lee Jordan?
What is Lee Jordan’s codename on Potterwatch?
What is Kingsley Shacklebolt’s codename on Potterwatch?
What is Remus Lupin’s codename on Potterwatch?
What is Fred Weasley’s codename on Potterwatch?
What is George Weasley’s codename on Potterwatch?
Stinging Jinx
Which spell does Hermione use to disfigure Harry’s face, hoping that the Death Eaters wing recognise him?
Harry Potter
What were Dobby’s final two words?
Here lies Dobby, a Free Elf
What did Harry engrave on Dobby’s white gravestone?
What is Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand made from?
What is Draco Malfoy’s wand made from?
Ragnuk the First
To whom did the sword of Godric Gryffindor first belong?
What is the name of the Goblin who helped Harry, Ron and Hermione break into the Lestranges’ Gringotts vault?
What is Remus Lupin’s middle name?
What do Lupin and Tonks call their son?
On whom does Harry his first Imperius Curse?
On whom does Harry perform his second Imperius Curse?
What do Goblins in Gringotts use to subdue the dragon guarding the highest security vaults?
The Thief’s Downfall
What is the name of the waterfall in Gringotts that washes away all enchantments and concealments?
Which incantation produces a gouging spell?
Aberforth Dumbledore
What is the full name of barman at the Hog’s Head?
What form does Aberforth Dumbledore’s Patrons take?
Caterwauling Charm
Which spell did the Death Eaters put on the village of Hogsmeade to alert them to anybody breaking the curfew?
Elemental Transfiguration
Food is one of the five exceptions to Gamp’s Law of…
A circle has no beginning
What is Luna Lovegood’s answer to the question “which came first, the phoenix or the flame?”
Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure
Which phrase is etched into the diadem of Ravenclaw?
Into non-being, which is to say, everything
What is Minerva McGonagall’s answer to the question “where do vanished objects go?”
The Grey Lady
What is the name of the ghost of Ravenclaw House?
Helena Ravenclaw
What was the Grey Lady’s name when she was alive?
In a forest in which country did Helena Ravenclaw hide her mother’s diadem?
What is the name of the Cursed Fire Crabbe used to torch the Room of Requirement, inadvertently destroying a Horcrux?
What form does Ron Weasley’s Patronus take?
Which incantation makes objects fall down or topple over?
Which incantation produces a hardening or solidifying spell?
What form did both Severus Snape’s and Lily Evans’s Patronuses take?
Narcissa Malfoy
Who tells Lord Voldemort the lie that he has finally killed Harry?
Draco Malfoy
Who became the true master of the Elder Wand after Dumbledore’s death?
North Sea
In the middle of which expanse of water is the wizard prison Azkaban?
The Other Minister
With what title did the Muggle Prime Minister refer to Cornelius Fudge?
Rufus Scrimgeour
Who succeeds Cornelius Fudge as the Minister for Magic?
Which creature did Herbert Chorley, Junior Minister for Muggles, impersonate following a poorly performed Imperius Curse?
Spinner’s End
In which street does Severus Snape live?
Emmeline Vance
According to Severus Snape, who was murdered as a result of information he had passed to Lord Voldemort about the Order of the Phoenix?
Unbreakable Vow
Which binding spell do Narcissa Malfoy and Severus Snape invoke to ensure that Snape keeps his promise to Narcissa?
Auror Office
Of which part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was Rufus Scrimgeour the Head?
Augusta Longbottom
What is the full name of Neville Longbottom’s grandmother?
What name is Buckbeak given in order to conceal his identity from the Ministry?
What was Dumbledore’s favourite flavour of jam?
What is the name given to a dead body bewitched to do a wizard’s bidding?
Horace Slughorn
Who replaced Severus Snape as Potions master?
Severus Snape
Who succeeded Dolores Umbridge as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
In which Hogwarts house had Sirius, the first in his family not to be in Slytherin, been?
Dirk Creswell
Who replaced Cuthbert Mockridge as the Head of the Goblin Liaison Office?
Gwenog Jones
Who is the captain of the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team?
Slug Club
What is the collective name of Horace Slughorn’s favourite students?
Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects
Of which new office at the Ministry of Magic, under Rufus Scrimgeour, does Arthur Weasley become the Head?
To find out how aeroplanes stay up
What is Arthur Weasley’s dearest ambition?
What does Arthur Weasley call his wife when they are alone?
What is Ginny’s nickname for Fleur Delacour?
Quidditch Captain
Which school role is Harry awarded that gives him equal privileges with Prefects?
What is the name of the Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley?
Bat-Bogey Hex
For what impressive spell is Ginny Weasley renowned?
On which hand does Albus Dumbledore place Marvolo Gaunt’s ring?
How many N.E.W.T. subjects do both Harry and Ron take?
What is the name of the most powerful love potion in the world?
Felix Felicis
What is the name of the golden potion often known as liquid luck?
Bob Ogden
In whose memory do Dumbledore and Harry visit the House of Gaunt?
Marvolo Gaunt
What was the full name of Lord Voldemort’s grandfather?
Merope Gaunt
What was the full maiden name of Voldemort’s mother?
Which coat of arms is engraved on the black stone of the ring that once belonged to Marvolo Gaunt?
Which incantation severs or breaks an object?
In which area of London does Stan Shunpike live?
After a stint as Seeker, which position did Ginny Weasley play on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
Cormac McLaggen
Whom did Hermione Confund to ensure that he didn’t replace Ron as Keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
What did Ginny Weasley name her Pygmy Puff?
Which incantation fills the ears of anyone nearby with a buzzing sound?
Which incantation drags an opponent into the air by their ankle?
What is the counter-jinx for the Levicorpus spell?
Which cursed item was Katie Bell supposed to deliver to somebody at Hogwarts?
What is Burke’s (of Borgin & Burkes) first name?
Mrs Cole
What is the name of the matron in charge of the orphanage where Tom Riddle was born and raised?
Zacharias Smith
Which unpopular member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team replaced Lee Jordan as commentator?
Romilda Vane
What is the name of the annoying girl who tries to spike Harry’s drink with love potion, hoping he’ll take her to Slughorn’s Christmas party?
Luna Lovegood
Whom does Harry end up taking to Slughorn’s Christmas party?
Secrecy Sensor
Which device is able to detect jinxes, curses and concealment charms?
What creature does Luna Lovegood believe Rufus Scrimgeour to be, following an article her father wrote for his magazine The Quibbler?
By which name does Sybill Trelawney prefer to refer to Firenze?
Gum disease
According to Luna Lovegood, the Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, working to bring down the Ministry using a combination of Dark Magic and…
Lavender Brown
Who was Ron’s first girlfriend?
Celestina Warbeck
Who is Molly Weasley’s favourite singer?
Fenrir Greyback
What is the name of the most savage werewolf alive?
Furry Little Problem
By what codename did James Potter used to refer to Remus Lupin’s issue of being a werewolf?
My Sweetheart
Which two words were on the hideous gold necklace Lavender Brown gave Ron for Christmas?
What does Kreacher send Harry as a Christmas present?
Gawain Robards
Who succeeds Rufus Scrimgeour as Head of the Auror Office?
12 weeks
How long is the Ministry of Magic’s course of Apparition lessons?
Dumbledore’s man through and through
On realising that Harry will not support the Ministry of Magic, what does Rufus Scrimgeour accuse him of being?
The antidote for a blended poison will be equal to more than the sum of the antidotes for each of the separate components
What is Golpalott’s Third Law regarding antidotes?
Scarpin’s Revelaspell
What can be used to correctly identify a potion’s ingredients?
Which stone, taken from the stomach of a goat, protects against most poisons?
What is Ron Weasley’s date of birth?
Filiius Flitwick
What is the full name of the Head of Ravenclaw house?
Pomona Sprout
What is the full name of the Head of Hufflepuff house?
Wilkie Twycross
What was the name of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s Ministry Apparition Instructor?
Destination, determination, deliberation
What are the three D’s, apparently important to remember when Apparating?
What is it called when a wizard Apparates but leaves a body part behind?
Chocolate cauldrons
Inside which treats, intended for Harry, did Romilda Vane disguise Firewhisky laced with love potion?
Oak-matured mead
In which drink, intended for Dumbledore, was the poison which nearly killed Ron on his 17th birthday?
Cracked skull
Which injury did Harry sustain after Cormac McLaggen accidentally whacked a Bludger at him?
Which incantation glues an opponent’s tongue to the roof of their mouth?
Morfin Gaunt
What was the name of Lord Voldemort’s uncle whom he framed as the killer of the Riddles of Little Hangleton?
Borgin and Burkes
At which shop did Lord Voldemort work after he left Hogwarts?
Galatea Merrythought
What was the full name of Lord Voldemort’s Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Hepzibah Smith
What was the name of the witch who died two days after showing Lord Voldemort Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s goblet?
What was the name of the house-elf framed by Lord Voldemort for the accidental murder of Hepzibah Smith?
What is the name given to an object in which part of a human soul is concealed?
How many Horcruxes does Dumbledore believe Lord Voldemort has made?
Riddle’s Diary
Which of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes did Harry unknowingly destroy in his second year at Hogwarts?
Which curse, created by the Half-Blood Prince, did Harry use on Draco Malfoy without realising what it did?
Half an eyebrow
Ron failed his first Apparition test because he left behind…
What is the proper name for a giant spider, like Hagrid’s pet Aragog?
6 months
How long does it take to brew Felix Felicis?
What was lurking in the black lake, in the middle of which was Slytherin’s locket?
Emerald green
What colour was the potion in the stone basin in which the Slytherin’s locket was hidden?
Which incantation produces water?
Vanishing Cabinets
Draco Malfoy used a pair of which objects to enable Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts?
What were the initials on the note inside the locket that was not, after all, a Horcrux?
Bill Weasley
Who was bitten by Fenrir Greyback at the end of the sixth book?
Eileen Prince
What was the full maiden name of Snape’s mother?
Tobias Snape
What was the full name of Snape’s father?
Godric’s Hollow
In which village was Harry born?
Little Whinging
In which village is Privet Drive?
Wisteria Walk
On which street does Mrs Figg live?
What is Mrs Figg’s first name?
Junior Heavyweight Inter-School Boxing Champion of the Southeast
Which sporting title did Dudley Dursley gain in his forth year at Smeltings?
Big D
What is Dudley’s nickname given to him by his gang?
All-England Best Kept Suburban Lawn Competition
For which non-existent competition was Vernon Dursley told he had been shortlisted so that Harry could be rescued by members of the Order in the Dursleys’ absence?
What is Tonks’s first name?
What is the term for a witch or wizard who can change their appearance at will?
Which incantation produces a cleaning charm?
Disillusionment Charm
Which charm turns a person into a human chameleon, camouflaging them perfectly with their background?
12 Grimmauld Place
What is the original address of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?
Extendable Ears
Which invention by Fred and George Weasley facilitates eavesdropping?
Imperturbable Charm
Which charm creates a barrier around an object so that nothing can make contact with it?
What is the name of the Black family’s house-elf?
Sticking Charm
Which charm fastens one object to another?
Which incantation produces a Vanishing Charm?
What is the name of the Wizard High Court?
What is the name of the creature with a fairy-like body, beetle-like wings and needle-sharp teeth?
How old was Sirius Black when he ran away from home?
Phineas Nigellus
What was the name of Sirius Black’s great-great-grandfather who was once a headmaster of Hogwarts?
Andromeda Black
What is the full maiden name of Tonks’s mother?
What relation is Sirius Black to Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange?
What relation to Tonks are Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange?
Rodolphus Lestrange
What is the full name of Bellatrix Lestrange’s husband?
Rabastan Lestrange
What is the full name of Rodolphus Lestrange’s brother?
Albus Dumbledore
Who was the original Secret Keeper for the Order of the Phoenix?
Amelia Bones
Who was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement until the final book?
What number do you have to dial to enter the Ministry of Magic via the Visitors’ Entrance?
Two illustrations of which Muggle object can be found on Arthur Weasley’s office wall?
What is Cornelius Fudge’s middle name?
Percival Wulfric Brian
What are Dumbledore’s three middle names?
What is Harry Potter’s middle name?
What is Percy Weasley’s middle name?
Alice Longbottom
What is the name of Neville Longbottom’s mother?
Mimbulus Mimbletonia
Which rare magical plant did Neville Longbottom get for his fifteenth birthday?
The Quibbler
Of which magazine is Xenophilius Lovegood the editor?
Dolores Umbridge
Who replaces Mad-Eye Moody as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Kenmare Kestrels
Which Quidditch team does Seamus Finnigan support?
Angelina Johnson
Who was made Gryffindor Quidditch captain after Oliver Wood?
What is the name of the pixieish twig-like creature that usually guards wand-trees?
I must not tell lies
What were the words which Harry was forced by Dolores Umbridge to etch into his hand with her magical black quill?
Cleansweep 11
Which model is Ron’s new broomstick, a gift from his parents for being made a Prefect?
Which position does Ron successfully earn on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
High Inquisitor
Which new position did the Ministry of Magic create for Dolores Umbridge to gain more control at Hogwarts?
In which county do the Malfoys live?
What does the ‘O’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
Exceeds Expectations
What does the ‘E’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
What does the ‘A’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
What does the ‘P’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
What does the ‘D’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
Cassandra Trelawney
Which celebrated seer was Sybill Trelawney’s great-great-grandmother?
In which year did Professor McGonagall start teaching at Hogwarts?
Michael Corner
What is the name of Ginny Weasleys first boyfriend?
Hog’s Head
In which pub in Hogsmeade did Dumbledore’s Army first meet?
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
What is the full name of the Care of Magical Creatures teacher who replaces Hagrid?
In which year did Severus Snape start teaching at Hogwarts?
How many people initially signed up to be part of Dumbledore’s Army?
Which incantation produces a Silencing Charm?
Room of Requirement
In which venue, recommended by Dobby, do Dumbledore’s Army have their meetings?
Barnabas the Barmy
Behind a tapestry of which old wizard being clubbed by trolls is the Room of Requirement?
Fake Galleons
On what objects did Hermione perform a Protean Charm so that Harry could communicate times of DA meetings to members?
In which house did the Sorting Hat consider placing Hermione before deciding on Gryffindor?
Weasley is our king
Which sarcastic phrase did the Slytherins put on badges to taunt Ron at the first Quidditch match of the season?
What is the title for a chief giant?
Gubraithian Fire
What is the name given to everlasting fire?
What is the name of a skeletal, winged, horse-like creature visible only to those who have seen death?
What is the name of Hagrid’s favourite Thestral?
The brass knocker on Dumbledore’s office door is in the shape of which creature?
Armando Dippet
What was the name of Dumbledore’s predecessor as Headmaster of Hogwarts?
Purge & Dowse Ltd
As which closed department store is St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries disguised?
What are the staff at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries called?
Urquhart Rackharrow
Who invented the Entrail-expelling Curse?
Homework Planner
What did Hermione buy both Ron and Harry for Christmas during their O.W.L. year?
What is the name of the magical sealing of the mind against external intrusion and influence?
What is the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person’s mind called?
Department of Mysteries
In which department at the Ministry of Magic can the Hall of Prophecy be found?
What are the people who work in the Department of Mysteries called?
What is the name of the creature indistinguishable from a Jack Russell terrier except for its forked tail?
Madam Puddifoot’s
What is the name of the Hogsmeade tea-shop that Cho takes Harry to on Valentines Day?
After Professor Trelawney is dismissed by Professor Umbridge, whom does Dumbledore appoint in her place?
What shape does Cho Chang’s Patronus take?
What shape does Hermione’s Patronus take?
Marietta Edgecombe
Which member of the DA informs Professor Umbridge of the group’s existence?
Lily Evans
What was Harry’s mother’s full maiden name?
What taunting nickname did James Potter and co call Snape in their school days?
93 Diagon Alley
What is the address of Fred & George Weasley’s premises for Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes?
Lee Jordan
Who was sneaking Nifflers into Professor Umbridge’s office to torment her?
Bubble-Head Charm
Which spell did students put on themselves when walking between lessons after people started letting off Dungbombs and Stink Pellets on a daily basis?
Inquisatorial Squad
Which student group did Professor Umbridge set up to help her manage the school?
Skiving Snackbox
Which invention by Fred and George Weasley causes fainting, vomiting or nosebleeds as an excuse to miss a lesson?
On which row of shelves in the Hall of Prophecy is the Prophecy regarding Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter?
What is the name of Hagrid’s half-brother whom he rescues after trying to negotiate with the Giants and hides in the Forbidden Forest?
What does Hagrid tell his half-brother to call Hermione, since her name is difficult to say?
On average, how many hours of revision per day was Ernie MacMillan doing for his O.W.L.s?
Griselda Marchbanks
Who is Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority?
Baruffio’s Brain Elixir
What substance did Eddie Carmichael, a Ravenclaw sixth-year, claim was solely responsible for his nine ‘Outstanding’ O.W.L.s the previous year?
Fanged Geranium
From which plant did Harry receive a bite during his Herbology exam?
With how many Stunning spells was Minerva McGonagall hit by Ministry wizards who had been attempting to seize Hagrid?
History of Magic
During which exam did Harry drift off and see the false vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries?
Pierre Bonaccord
Who was the first Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards?
Stealth Sensoring Spells
Which spells did Professor Umbridge use to protect her office after the second Niffler invasion?
Harry Potter, Rescue Mission
What did it say on Harry’s badge when he, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna entered the Ministry of Magic intending to rescue Sirius?
What shape is the first room full of doors in the Department of Mysteries?
Which incantation did Hermione use to mark an ‘X’ on the incorrect doors whilst trying to find their way to the Hall of Prophecy?
Which mechanical objects filled the second room in the Department of Mysteries that leads to the Hall of Prophecy?
Which incantation seals a door?
Cruciatus Curse
With which curse did Bellatrix Lestrange torture Neville, as she once tortured his parents?
Which incantation forces an opponent’s legs into a frenzied tap-dance?
Bellatrix Lestrange
Who killed Sirius Black and Dobby the house-elf?
Fountain of Magical Brethren
What is the name of the golden fountain in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic?
Death Chamber
What is the name of the room in the Department of Mysteries with the stone dais, the archway and the veil?
Sybill Trelawney
Who made the Prophecy about Voldemort and his vanquisher to Dumbledore?
Neville Longbottom
Which other wizard boy could have been Lord Voldemort’s prophesied vanquisher?
Dr Ubbly’s Oblivious Unction
Which magical remedy did Madam Pomfrey use to reduce the scars on Ron’s arms left by the brains from the Department of Mysteries?
Which creatures, having been insulted by Dolores Umbridge, carried her off and returned her in a quiet, dream-like state?
Dean Thomas
Who does Ginny start going out with after Michael Corner?
What does the ‘T’ grade stand for at O.W.L. level?
Little Hangleton
What is the name of the village where the Riddle family lived and died?
Frank Bryce
What was the name of the Riddles’ gardener?
What is the name of Lord Voldemort’s snake?
What did Dudley throw out of the window after his parents cut off his pocket money?
Daily Mail
Which paper does Vernon Dursley read?
What is the name of Ron Weasley’s owl?
International Magical Co-Operation
In which department of the Ministry of Magic did Percy Weasley get his first job?
Floo Powder
With which substance can wizards travel between connected fireplaces?
Which incantation produces a fire?
Ton-Tongue Toffee
What is the name of the sweet, created by Fred & George Weasley, that Dudley eats off his living-room floor?
In which country does Charlie Weasley work with dragons?
Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes
What is the name of Fred & George Weasley’s joke shop?
Ludo Bagman
Who was the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports during the Goblet of Fire?
Bertha Jorkins
What is the name of the witch from the Department of Magical Games and Sports who was tortured and killed by Lord Voldemort whilst on holiday in Albania?
Against whom were Ireland playing in the Quidditch World Cup Final?
For what do you need to acquire a licence from the Department of Magical Transportation?
Which incantation produces a Summoning Charm?
What is the name of an object that transports wizards from one spot to another at a pre-arranged time?
Amos Diggory
What is the full name of Cedric Diggory’s father?
Victor Krum
What is the full name of the young, Bulgarian Seeker?
Puddlemere United
Oliver Wood, on leaving Hogwarts, was signed to which reserve Quidditch team?
Cursed hat
What item did Bill Weasley’s Brazilian pen-friend send him after he was unable to go on an exchange trip?
Goblin Liaison Office
Of which department at the Ministry of Magic was Cuthbert Mockridge the Head?
1 Galleon
How much did Arthur Weasley bet Ludo Bagman that Ireland would win the Quidditch World Cup?
Bartemius Crouch
What is the full name of Percy Weasley’s boss at the Ministry of Magic?
By which surname does Percy Weasley’s boss incorrectly refer to him?
What is the name of the female house-elf Harry meets in the Top Box at the Quidditch World Cup?
Narcissa Black
What is the full maiden name of Draco Malfoy’s mother?
Which incantation magically projects one’s voice?
What did the Bulgarians bring to the Quidditch World Cup Final as their mascot?
What did the Irish bring to the Quidditch World Cup Final as their mascot?
Wronski Feint
What is it called when a Quidditch Seeker deliberately fools the other team’s Seeker by pretending to have seen the Snitch?
Which incantation reverses a voice magnification Charm?
Wimbourne Wasps
Which Quidditch team did Ludo Bagman once play for?
Which incantation conjures the Dark Mark?
Which incantation produces a Stunning spell?
Which incantation reverses a Stunning spell?
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Of which department at the Ministry of Magic is Amos Diggory a member?
Prior Incantato
Which incantation reveals the last spell performed with a wand?
Death Eaters
What did Voldemort’s supporters call themselves?
What Muggle item does Arthur Weasley have a very large collection of?
What is the proper name for a Dark-wizard-catcher?
Durmstrang Institute
What is the name of the wizarding school with a reputation for emphasising the Dark Arts?
Which incantation repairs damage to an object?
Into which train station does the Hogwarts Express arrive from Kings Cross?
Winged statues of which creature flank the gates at the entrance of Hogwarts?
What is the name of Colin Creevey’s younger brother?
Tuck in
Finish this start-of-term Dumbledore quote: I only have two words to say to you…
How many items are forbidden inside the castle, according to Mr Filch’s list?
Mad-Eye Moody
Who replaces Remus Lupin as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?
The pus of which slug-like plant is an excellent remedy for acne?
Into which animal did Professor Moody transfigure Draco Malfoy to punish him for attacking Harry?
What is the name of the illegal curse which puts someone or something completely under your control?
Which incantation increases the size of something?
What is the name of the illegal curse which one wizard can use to torture another?
Avada Kedavra
What is the name of the killing curse?
Unforgivable Curses
What is the collective term for the following three illegal curses: Avada Kedavra, Imperius, Cruciatus
Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare
What does Hermione’s campaign S.P.E.W. stand for?
Olympe Maxime
What is the full name of the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?
Igor Karkaroff
What is the full name of the Headmaster of the Durmstrang Institute?
Blood red
What colour robes do Durmstrang students wear?
Fleur Delacour
What is the name of the Beauxbatons champion in the Triwizard Tournament?
What was Mad-Eye Moody’s actual first name?
Potter stinks
What did the Slytherins’ ‘Support Cedric Diggory’ badges say when you pressed them?
Which incantation makes an opponent break out in boils?
Which incantation enlarges an opponent’s teeth?
Obsolete dingbat
What did Rita Skeeter call Dumbledore in her article about the International Confederation of Wizards’ Conference?
What is Fleur Delacour’s wand made out of?
Which incantation produces a bunch of flowers?
What was Cedric Diggory’s wand made out of?
What is Viktor Krum’s wand made out of?
Which incantation produces birds from the end of a wand?
Tickle the pear
How do you get through the painting of a bowl of fruit into the Hogwarts kitchens?
Dobby’s tea-cosy
Finish this Ron Weasley quote: Percy wouldn’t recognise a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing…
Wizarding Wireless Network
What does WWN stand for?
Weird Sisters
Which musical group did Dumbledore book to play at the Yule Ball?
Cho Chang
Who did Harry first invite to the Yule Ball, only to find that she was going with someone else?
Hermione Granger
Whom did both Neville Longbottom and Viktor Krum invite to the Yule Ball?
Parvati Patil
Who ended up being Harry’s partner at the Yule Ball?
Padma Patil
Who ended up being Ron’s partner at the Yule Ball?
Seamus Finnigan
With whom did Lavender Brown go to the Yule Ball?
Canary Creams
What is the name of the biscuits invented by Fred & George Weasley which turn the consumer briefly into a yellow bird?
What part of a dragon is its weakest point?
Roger Davies
What is the name of the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain who went with Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball?
What creature was Hagrid’s mother?
Prefects’ bathroom
What is behind the fourth door to the left of the statue of Boris the Bewildered on the fifth floor?
Blast-ended skrewts
What did Hagrid name the creatures he bred by cross-breeding manticores and fire crabs?
Which language do Goblins speak?
What is the first name of Dumbledore’s brother?
Practising inappropriate charms on a goat
For what crime was Dumbledore’s brother prosecuted?
Madam Pince
What is the name of the Hogwarts librarian?
What colour are unicorn foals?
What plant allows its consumer to breathe under water?
What colour are merpeople’s eyes?
What is the first name of Fleur Delacour’s sister?
What is the proper name for a Truth Potion?
What is the name of a furry black creature that lives in a mine and likes sparkly objects?
What is the name of the stone basin in which Dumbledore stores his siphoned-off thoughts?
Into which creature is Rita Skeeter, an unregistered Animagus, able to change in order to eavesdrop?
Frank Longbottom
What is the full name of Neville Longbottom’s father?
St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
What is the name of the wizarding hospital?
Point me
What do you need to say to your wand to get it to signal which way is North?
Which incantation produces a Reductor Curse?
Which incantation produces an Impediment Jinx?
What is the name of the creature with the body of a lion and the head of a woman?
Right hand
Which body part did Pettigrew cut off and add to Voldemort’s rebirthing potion?
What of Harry’s did Pettigrew take to complete Voldemort’s rebirthing potion?
Flame-Freezing Charm
What sort of Charm did witches and wizards perform to protect themselves during a Witch-Burning?
Curse Breaker
What was Bill Weasley’s job at Gringotts Wizarding Bank in Egypt?
Head Boy
What prestigious title does Percy Weasley hold in his final year at Hogwarts?
What is the first name of Vernon Dursley’s sister?
What is the name of Aunt Marge’s bulldog?
St Brutus’s Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys
Which school does Uncle Vernon pretend to his sister that Harry attends?
Stan Shunpike
What is the full name of the conductor of the Knight Bus?
Ernie Prang
What is the full name of the driver of the Knight Bus?
Into which animal was Sirius Black able to transform at will?
Florean Fortescue
Who gave Harry free sundaes every half hour at his ice-cream parlour in Diagon Alley one summer?
What is the name of Hermione’s ginger cat?
What is the name of the state-of-the-art broomstick that Sirius bought for Harry’s birthday?
The Monster Book of Monsters
What is the name of the biting book that Hagrid bought Harry for his birthday?
Bighead Boy
What does Percy Weasley’s Head Boy badge say after Fred & George have “improved” it?
He’s at Hogwarts
What was Sirius Black reportedly saying in his sleep before he broke out of Azkaban?
What is the name of the sweet shop in Hogsmeade that sells every kind of sweet imaginable?
Which creatures guard the wizard prison of Azkaban?
What is the best remedy for someone who has been in the presence of a Dementor?
Care of Magical Creatures
Which subject did Hagrid teach?
Sir Cadogan
What is the name of the hopeless knight in the picture who guides Harry, Ron & Hermione to the North Tower for their first Divination lesson?
What creature has the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, and the head and front legs of an eagle?
What must you do before approaching a Hippogriff?
Poppy Pomfrey
What is the full name of the Hogwarts matron?
What is the name of the shape-shifter that lurks in dark, enclosed spaces?
What incantation produces the Charm that finishes off a Boggart?
Red Cap
What is the name of a goblin-like creature that lurks wherever there has been bloodshed?
What is the name of a water-dweller that looks like a scaly monkey?
What is the name of a sickly-green water-demon with long, spindly fingers?
Cedric Diggory
Who is the official Hogwarts Champion in the Triwizard Tournament?
What colour Quidditch robes do Gryffindor wear?
What colour Quidditch robes do Hufflepuff wear?
Which incantation produces a Charm that repels water?
What is the name of a one-legged creature which lures travellers into bogs?
Marauder’s Map
What is the name of the magical map that only appears if you tap it with your wand and say “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”?
How many passages are there connecting Hogwarts to Hogsmeade?
If you can’t see where it keeps its brain
Finish this quote by Arthur Weasley: never trust anything that can think for itself…
The Three Broomsticks
What is the name of the pub in Hogsmeade?
James Potter
Who was Sirius Black’s best friend at Hogwarts?
What kind of Charm involves the concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul?
What is the name of the Hippogriff that attacked Draco Malfoy when he insulted it?
Expecto Patronum
Which incantation conjures a Patronus Charm?
Which Charm can be used to ward off Dementors?
Dementor’s Kiss
What is it called when a Dementor clamps its jaws upon the mouth of its victim and sucks out their soul?
Which colour Quidditch robes do Ravenclaw wear?
What name is given to a wizard who is able to transform into an animal at will?
Peter Pettigrew
What is Scabbers’s true identity?
What was James Potter’s school nickname?
What form does Harry’s Patronus take?
What was Sirius Black’s school nickname?
What was Peter Pettigrew’s school nickname?
What was Remus Lupin’s school nickname?
How many real predictions has Professor Trelawney made, according to Dumbledore?
What device was Hermione permitted to use in order to attend all of her classes?
Which incantation is used to levitate a body?
What was the largest part of Peter Pettigrew found in the street after he transformed into a rat?
Milk jug
In what was Scabbers hiding in Hagrid’s hut?
Which incantation produces a light at the end of a wand?
Which incantation extinguishes the light at the end of a wand?
Shrieking Shack
What is the name of the supposedly haunted hut on a hill in Hogsmeade?
What role in Harry’s life did Lily & James Potter appoint Sirius Black?
What number is Sirius Black’s vault at Gringotts Bank?
Misuse of Muggle Artefacts
In which department of the Ministry of Magic did Arthur Weasley work whilst Cornelius Fudge was in office?
Arthur Weasley
What is Ron’s father’s full name?
The Burrow
What is the name of the Weasleys’ house?
What type of creature is Dobby?
Molly Prewett
What is Ron’s mother’s full maiden name?
Chudley Cannons
Which Quidditch team does Ron support?
What was the name of the Weasleys’ old owl?
Ordinary Wizarding Level
What does O.W.L. stand for?
The Daily Prophet
What is the name of the wizard newspaper?
Ford Anglia
What type of car did the Weasleys drive before it went wild?
What is the name of the plant which reverses a Transfiguration but whose cry is fatal to anyone who hears it?
Colin Creevey
What is the name of the boy who follows Harry around trying to get a signed photograph?
Whomping Willow
What kind of tree did Harry & Ron crash into in Arthur Weasley’s bewitched car?
Which position did Fred & George Weasley play in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
Which Deathday was Nearly Headless Nick celebrating on Halloween?
What is the name given to someone born into a wizarding family without any magical powers?
What offensive term is used to insult a Muggle-born witch or wizard?
Godric Gryffindor
What is the full name of the wizard after whom Gryffindor house is named?
Helga Hufflepuff
What is the full name of the wizard after whom Hufflepuff house is named?
Rowena Ravenclaw
What is the full name of the wizard after whom Ravenclaw house is named?
Salazar Slytherin
What is the full name of the wizard after whom Slytherin house is named?
Of what creature does Ron have an irrational fear?
Moaning Myrtle
What is the name of the ghost who haunts the girls’ toilet?
Polyjuice Potion
What is the name of the potion which transforms you into somebody else?
Hermione Granger
Whose speciality is it to conjure portable, waterproof fires?
Deflating Draught
What is the antidote for a Swelling Solution?
Which incantation produces a disarming spell?
Which incantation produces a Tickling Charm?
What name refers to someone who can talk to snakes?
In which language can a rare few talk to snakes?
What nickname was given to Salazar Slytherin for his ability to speak to snakes?
What type of bird is Dumbledore’s pet Fawkes?
Cornelius Fudge
What is the name of the Minister for Magic during books 1-5?
What is the name of the wizard prison?
Defence Against the Dark Arts
What subject did Gilderoy Lockhart teach?
What is the name of the giant spider that Hagrid raised?
Tom Marvolo Riddle
What is Lord Voldemort’s real, full name?
What kind of monster is lurking in the Chamber of Secrets?
Ginny Weasley
Who does Tom Riddle use to open the Chamber of Secrets?
The Sorting Hat
Along with Fawkes, what else does Dumbledore send to help Harry in the Chamber of Secrets?
Which incantation produces a Memory Charm?
What kind of powers do phoenix tears have?
Who blinded the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?
With what piece of clothing does Lucius Malfoy accidentally free Dobby?
Lucius Malfoy
Who gave Tom Riddle’s diary to Ginny Weasley?
Penelope Clearwater
What is the name of Percy Weasley’s girlfriend, a fellow prefect?
How many silver Sickles in a golden Galleon?
How many bronze Knuts in a silver Sickle?
Lion, eagle, badger, snake
Which four animals are on the Hogwarts Crest?
Leaky Cauldron
What is the name of the pub leading to Diagon Alley?
Diagon Alley
What is the name of the street in London with all the magic shops?
What is the name of the wizard bank?
Which Gringotts vault was the Philosopher’s Stone in?
What is Hagrid’s first name?
What is the name given to a non-magic person?
What was the name of Harry’s owl?
Snowy owl
What type of owl was Hedwig?
What is the name of the wand shop?
What was Lily Evans’s wand made from?
What was James Potter’s wand made from?
What was Voldemort’s wand made from?
How many inches long was Voldemort’s wand?
What was Hagrid’s wand made from, before it was snapped in half?
Phoenix tail feather
What was at the core of both Harry’s and Voldemort’s wands?
What was Harry’s wand made from?
9 3/4
From which platform does the Hogwarts Express leave King’s Cross Station?
At what time does the Hogwarts Express leave King’s Cross Station?
What was the name of Ron’s rat?
Which dark wizard did Dumbledore defeat in 1945?
Chamber music and tenpin bowling
According to Dumbledore’s Chocolate Frog card, which two things does he enjoy?
Crabbe and Goyle
What are the names of Malfoy’s two sidekicks?
What is the name of Neville’s toad?
What colour robes does Professor McGonagall’s usually wear?
Petunia Evans
What is the full maiden name of Harry’s aunt?
Vernon Dursley
What is the full name of Harry’s uncle?
Dudley Dursley
What is the full name of Harry’s cousin?
Piers Polkiss
What is the name of Dudley’s best friend?
Pig tail
What does Dudley end up with after Hagrid puts a spell on him with his pink umbrella?
What is the name of Dudley’s secondary school?
Which Hogwarts house was Voldemort once in?
Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Finish this Dumbledore quote: Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are:
Sherbet lemon
Name Dumbledore’s favourite Muggle sweet:
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
What is Nearly Headless Nick’s full name?
Argus Filch
What is the full name of the Hogwarts caretaker?
Bloody Baron
What is the name of Slytherin’s resident ghost?
What is the name of the resident poltergeist?
How many staircases are there at Hogwarts?
Mrs Norris
What is the name of Argus Filch’s cat?
Which subject does Severus Snape teach until Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts?
What is the name of Hagrid’s black boarhound?
Oliver Wood
What is the full name of Harry’s first Gryffindor Quidditch captain?
What position does Harry play in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
Which incantation opens locked doors?
Nimbus 2000
What make was Harry’s first broomstick?
How many Chasers are there on a Quidditch team?
Which ball do the Chasers score with in Quidditch?
What colour is a Quaffle?
What colour is a Bludger?
Which balls do the Beaters protect the rest of the Quidditch team from?
Golden Snitch
Which ball does the Seeker have to catch to end a game of Quidditch?
3 months
How long was the longest ever game of Quidditch?
Wingardium Leviosa
Which incantation makes objects fly?
What creature does Professor Quirrell announce is loose in the dungeons on Halloween?
How many ways are there of committing a Quidditch foul?
West Ham
Which football team does Dean Thomas support?
What was the name of the three-headed dog guarding the trap door on the third floor corridor?
Hermione’s Muggle parents are both…
Invisibility Cloak
What did Harry receive during his first Christmas at Hogwarts that had once belonged to his father?
Mirror of Erised
What is the name of the mirror Harry finds whilst trying out his invisibility cloak?
Nicolas Flamel
Who is the only known maker of the Philosopher’s Stone?
Locomotor Mortis
Which incantation produces the Leg-Locker Curse?
What has Hagrid always wanted?
In which year did the Warlocks’ Convention outlaw dragon breeding?
Norwegian Ridgeback
What type of dragon did Hagrid hatch?
What did Hagrid call his pet dragon?
Unicorn blood
What is being described in this extract: [it] will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenceless to save yourself and you will have but a half life, a cursed life, from the moment [it] touches your lips.
Petrificus Totalus
Which incantation produces a Body-Bind?
Devil’s Snare
Onto which plant did Harry land after falling through the trapdoor on his mission to protect the Philosopher’s Stone?
With what did Harry send Fluffy to sleep in order to get through the trapdoor?
What colour are Harry’s eyes?
Which creatures run Gringotts?
How many Chocolate Frog cards does Ron estimate he has at the beginning of the Philosopher’s Stone?
What magical object causes people to turn orange or sprout tentacle-like warts?
What secret name do Harry, Ron and Hermione use to refer to Sirius Black?
By how many times do Fred & George’s fireworks multiply if you try to Vanish them?
How many points is the Golden Snitch worth when caught?
How many times was Nearly Headless Nick hit with a blunt axe during his botched beheading?
Car crash
According to the Dursleys, Harry’s parents died in a…
What form does Luna Lovegood’s Patronus take?
Septima Vector
What is the full name of the Arithmancy teacher?
Aurora Sinistra
What is the full name of the Astronomy teacher?
Olive Hornby
Who was teasing Moaning Myrtle about her glasses right before she died?
Barmy old codger
What did Dumbledore tell Dobby he is free to call him if he likes?
What were the Dursleys eating for breakfast on the morning that Harry was invited to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys?
What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favourite colour?
From whom did Arthur Weasley borrow a tent for the Quidditch World Cup?
Stubby Boardman
Who did The Quibbler claim Sirius Black really was?
Draught of Living Death
What is the first potion Professor Slughorn assigns his class to brew?
Colonel Fubster
What is the name of Aunt Marge’s neighbour who looks after her dogs?
Stonewall High
Which secondary school was Harry bound for before he got his letter about Hogwarts?
Hannah Abbott
What is the full name of the first student in Harry’s year to be Sorted?
Magnolia Crescent
On which street did Harry first unknowingly catch a glimpse of Sirius Black?
Tutshill Tornadoes
Which Quidditch team does Cho Chang support?
Freshwater Plimpies
What did Xenophilius Lovegood say Luna was looking for when Harry, Ron and Hermione came to their house in the last book?
What is the first name of the eldest Peverell brother?
What is the first name of the middle Peverell brother?
Marcus Belby
Who was kicked out of the Slug Club after the first meeting on the Hogwarts Express?
Chinese Fireball
Which type of dragon does Viktor Krum face in the first challenge of the Triwizard Tournament?
Hungarian Horntail
Which type of dragon does Harry face in the first challenge of the Triwizard Tournament?
Common Welsh Green
Which type of dragon does Fleur Delacour face in the first challenge of the Triwizard Tournament?
Where was the Boa Constrictor going when Harry accidentally freed him from the zoo?
Madam Hooch
Who is the Hogwarts flying teacher and the referee at all Quidditch matches?
What is Goyle’s first name?
What is Crabbe’s first name?
Gregory Goyle
Give the full name of the student whom Scabbers first bit on the Hogwarts Express:
Minerva McGonagall
Who first noticed that Harry would make a good Seeker?
Which subject does Hermione drop in her third year?
Constant vigilance
What was Mad-Eye Moody’s catchphrase?
What is the name of the first Centaur Harry meets?
Which type of Charm did Hermione miss learning when she forgot to go to the lesson in book 3?
What was the first name of Nicolas Flamel’s wife?