Harmonize | Create Harmony in Every Area of Your Life Flashcards
How does sexual energy exchange affect you?
You are receiving their energy(vibrational frequency) which is the state of your mind, body, and soul.
What is a sexual energy exchange?
Sexual energy exchange happens with anyone you have sex
with and their energy can affect you for years to come until
properly cleaned.
What is an energy cord?
Energy cords develop with more meaningful people in your life regardless of sexual contact.
Why is it a good idea to remove energy chords with past lovers?
So we can move forward easily and not feel tied to that person or bring that energy to a new relationship.
How do you cleanse sexual energy?
- Write down all the names of the people you had sex or a strong romantic connection with, specially the ones that happened within the last 7 years.
- Set your sacred space, light a candle, place your crystals, bowl, put everything you need close to you, bring your list with all the names and a fire proof bowl.
- Call upon your higher-self, spirit guides of love-light, soul family, the Divine Mother and Father, Archangel Michael and/or any angel, archangel or ascended master that you feel connected to.
- (Optional) Play your singing bowls or bell if you have one. It helps set the energy.
- Surround yourself with your I AM Source Love-Light energy creating an bubble around you, and ask your higher-self and spirit guides to place their energy force fields around you as well.
- Set your intention: “I cleanse, release and transmute out of my body, my energy field, my mind and my life anything that does not organically belong to me, anything that doesn’t serve my highest good and anything that doesn’t serve the highest source love-light, without harming anyone, and so it is”.
- Read the names calling in their higher-selves, and call the higher-selves of those you don’t remember the name.
- Repeat: “I give back to you any of your energy that I kept.” Visualize their energy any energy debris being removed from your body.
- Burn the paper
- Repeat: “I take back all of my organic energy that I left with you”. Feel yourself reintegrating any fragment of yourself, feel yourself whole, take your time.
- Repeat: “I release you to walk your own organic path, thank you for the lessons, I forgive you (if it applies), I honor and respect you, I love you, you are free, thank you. Visualize them living guided by their higher-selves.
- Bring your awareness to your body again, ask help of your higher-self and guides to heal anything that needs healing.
What is a twin flame?
Your Twin Flame is you in totality, they are a part of your soul. You are one and the same with your twin flame, yet your twin flame is your polar opposite who complements your energy.
Does everyone have a twin flame?
On a soul level yes because that is who we are in totality. However, manifesting it as a romantic relationship is not everyone’s path or intention.
Can we have more than one twin flame?
A Twin Flame is a merge between you and your higher-self that doesn’t have to be manifested as a romantic relationship.
When you align and merge with your higher-self you are connecting with your divine creative energy that make possibilities infinite.
Should we label our connections with our lovers?
For the sake of your freedom and peace of mind, I mainly invite you to let go of labeling your connection with someone and live in the present moment.
How can you speed up the process or be more prepared to identify a sacred union?
- Do an internal inventory, ensure that you are spiritually ready to receive that person.
- Set inentions to align with a partner who aligns with your frequency who will help you grow most.
- Set intentions of how you want the relationship to feel.
- Let go of control and allow it to happen organically.
- Evaluate your current relationship or relationship options. Determine whether you should stay or leave for a situation that will better serve your needs.
- Emit energy into the universe that you are ready to connect with your person.
- Meditate with your divine counterpart at least once or twice a week. Visualize them in front of you meditating with you however you like.
- Manifest by calling the kind of relationship and sexual experience you want by visualizing during mastubation. (Only do this if you can control your sexual urges.)
- Focus on becoming your highest version so you can attract the type of person you want.
- Trust your higher self to guide you to the right person at the right time.
Which is better monogamy or polygamy?
Monogamy won’t work for everyone, as polyamory won’t work for everyone. There’s no one size fits all.
Common Traits of Rigid Boundaries
- Avoids intimacy and close relationships.
- Unlikely to ask for help.
- Has few close relationships.
- Very protective of personal information.
- May seem detached, even with romantic partners.
- Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection.
Common Traits of Weak Boundaries
- Overshares personal information.
- Difficulty saying “no” to the requests of others.
- Overinvolved with other’s problems.
- Dependent on the opinions of others.
- Accepting abuse or disrespect.
- Fears rejection if they do not comply with others.
Common Traits of Healthy Boundaries
- Values own opinions.
- Doesn’t compromise values for others.
- Share personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share).
- Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them.
- Accepting when others say “no” to them.
Characteristics of Masculine Energy
Supportive, Leadership, Structure, Presence, Grounded, Direction, Decision Making, Completion, Logic, Active.
Sacred Masculine Energy: Present, aware, structured, holding space, discerning, decisive, has a clear purpose.
Wounded Masculine Energy: Forceful, dominating, manipulative, overthinking, overdoing, controlling, demanding, ungrounded, chaotic.