Hansen disease Flashcards
Mycobacterium leprae
Child hood or adulthood
Sites of infection
Skin, peripheral nervous system, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and testes.
■ Tuberculoid (TL): Localized skin involvement and/or peripheral nerve involvement; few organisms.
■ Lepromatous (LL): Generalized involvement including skin, upper respiratory mucous membrane, reticuloendothelial system, adrenal glands, and testes; many bacilli.
■ Borderline (or “dimorphic”) (BL): Has features of both L and LL. Usually many
bacilli present, varied skin lesions: macules,
plaques; progresses to L or regresses to LL
M leprae reproduces optimally at what temp?
Obligate intracellular acid- fast bacillus; reproduces optimally at 27
to 30°C.
Main reservoir of M leprae
Humans are main reservoir of M.leprae.Wild armadillos (southern United States) as well as mang-
abey monkeys and chimpanzees are naturally infected with M. leprae; armadillos can develop lepromatous lesions
Incidence and prevalence peak.
Incidence rate peaks at 10 to 20 years; prevalence peaks at 30to50 years
Person to person in respiratory droplets
Order of decreasing resistance in tuberculoid to lepromatous
In order of decreasing resistance, the spectrum is TT, BT , BB, BL, and LL
Lepra type 1 and 2. lesions
Lepra Type 1 Reactions. Acute or insidious tenderness and pain along affected nerve(s), associated with loss of function.
Lepra Type 2 Reactions. Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)
Incubation period
Incubation period is 2to40 years(most commonly 5 to 7 years
Tuberculous leprosy skin lesions
few well defined hypopogmented hypesthetic macules. w raised edges.
trunk. Erythematous or purple border and hypopigmented center.Sharply defined, raised;often annular;enlarge peripherally. Central area becomes atrophic or depressed. Advanced lesions are anesthetic,devoid of skin appendages(sweatglandsorhair follicles).Any site including the face.
TT:Lesionsmayresolve spontaneously; not associated with lepra reac- tions.
BT:Does not heals pontaneously ;type1 lepra reactions may occur.
Nerve Involvement: May be a thickened nerve on the edge of the lesion;large peripheral nerve enlargement frequent(ulnar,posteriorauricu- lar,peroneal,andposteriortibialnerves ).Skin involvement is absent in neural leprosy
Lesions in borderline leprosy
BORDERLINEBB LEPROSY Lesions are intermedi- ate between tuberculoid and lepromatous and are composed of macules,papules,andplaques .Anesthesia and decreased sweat- ing are prominent in the lesions
Lepromatous leprosy skin lesions
or slightly erythematous papules or nod- ules. Lesions enlarge; new lesions occur and coalesce.Later,symmetricallydistributed nodules,raisedplaques,di usedermalin l- trate,whichonthe aceresultsinlosso hair (lateral eyebrows and eyelashes) and leonine
acies(lion’s ace;Fig.25-66).Difuseleproma- tosis, occurring in western Mexico, Caribbean, presentsasdi usedermalin ltrationand thickened dermis. Bilaterally symmetric involv- ingtheearlobes, ace,arms,andbuttocks,or less requentlythetrunkandlowerextremities.
Lepra Type 1 Reactions: Skin lesions become acutelyin amed,associatedwithedemaand pain; may ulcerate. Edema is most severe on the ace,hands,and eet.
LepraType2Reactions(ENL):Presentas painulredskinnodulesarisingsuper cially and deeply. In contrast the tru erythema nodo- sumlesions ormabscessesorulcerate;they occur most commonly on the ace and extensor limbs.
LucioReaction:Occursinpatients rom MexicoorCaribbeanwithdi useLL.Presents asirregularlyshapederythematousplaques; lesions may resolve spontaneously or undergo necrosiswithulceration.
Extremities: Sensory neuropathy, plantar ulcers, secondaryinection;ulnarandperonealpalsies (Fig.25-67),Charcotjoints.Squamouscell carcinoma can arise in chronic oot ulcers
(Fig. 11-13).
Nose: Chronic nasal congestion, epistaxis;
destruction o cartilage with saddle-nose de or- mity (Fig. 25-67).
Eyes: Cranial nerve palsies, lagophthalmos, andcornealinsensitivity.InLL,anteriorcham- bercanbeinvadedwithuveitis,glaucoma,and cataract ormation.Cornealdamagecanoccur
ongue: Nodules, plaques, or ssures.
Nerve Involvement: More extensive than in Other Involvement: Upper respiratory tract,
anterior chamber o eye, and testes.
Reactional states
Lepra Type 1 Reactions: Skin lesions become acutely inflamed,associated with edema and pain; may ulcerate. Edema is most severe on the face,hands,and feet.
LepraType2 Reactions(ENL):Present as painful red skin nodules arising superficially and deeply. In contrast the tru erythema nodosum lesions or mabscessesorulcerate;they occur most commonly on the face and extensor limbs.
LucioReaction:Occurs in patients from Mexico or Caribbean with diffuse LL.Presents as irregularly shaped erythematous plaques; lesions may resolve spontaneously or undergo necrosis with ulceration
Lab diagnostics
Slit skin smear
Zheil neelsen ( both ear lobes, elbows, knees, and active lesions)
culture mouse foot pad
Measure IgM antibodies to phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1
DERMATOPATHOLOGY shows epithelioid cell granulomas forming around dermal nerves; AFB are sparse or absent. LL shows an extensive cellular infiltrate separated from the epidermis by a narrow zone of normalcollagen. Skin appendages are destroyed. Macrophages are lled with M. leprae, having abundant foamy or vacuolated cytoplasm (lepra cells or Virchow cells).
■ Tuberculoid: Dapsone plus rifampin.
■ Lepromatous: Dapsone plus clofazimine plus rifampin