Either with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub
Hand hygiene
easy, inexpensive, and effective means to prevent the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy
Hand hygiene
Procedure to reduce the number of microorganism on the skin of one’s hand
Hand hygiene
Performed with soap and water
Hand Washing
Performed with an alcohol-based preparation
Hand disinfection
Hand washing should take you about 2 minutes
No, 1 Minute
Simple and most important
When one’s hands are soiled, they should be washed with soap and water, given that soap facilitates eliminating soiling.
When one’s hand are contaminated but are not visibly soiled, the procedure of choice is disinfection using alcohol-based preparations, given that antiseptics eliminate a more significant number of microorganisms.
Hand disinfection
When hands are not visibly dirty, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 80%
Scrubbing your hands for at least 30 seconds is most effective.
20 seconds
Can quickly kill most types of germs on the hands but may not kill certain bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea.
You should wash your hands after eating or after using the restroom.
before eating
You should wash you hands before and after preparing food
false* before, during, after
you should wash your hands before eating food
You should wash your hands before and after caring for a sick person
All healthcare workers involved in caring for
patients, independently of whatever the patients’
diagnoses may be should perform hand cleansing
All healthcare workers involved in caring for
patients, independently of whatever the patients’
diagnoses may be.