HANDOUT 6 Flashcards
When we use OLS, what do we assume in order to get causal relations?
E(€i I X) = 0
What is the problem when we try to look at the effect of going to hospital on health?
E(€i I Di) ≠ 0
People who go to hospital are going to be naturally less healthy.
Health and hospital example: what do we observe?
E(Yi I Di=1) - E(Yi I Di = 0)
We compare the health outcomes of 2 different individuals, one is a hospital individual and the other isn’t.
Health and hospital example: what we observe is made up of…
- Average treatment effect on the treated
2. Selection bias
Health and hospital example: what is ATT?
ATT = E(Y1i I Di=1) - E(Y0i I Di=1)
Compare health of a hospital individual if they go to hospital, minus this same individual’s health would’ve been had they not gone to hospital.
Problem with ATT
‘What a hospital individual’s health would’ve been had they not gone to hospital’ = UNOBSERVED
Health and hospital example: what is selection bias?
E(Y0i I Di=1) - E(Y0i I Di=0)
Compare natural health of a hospital individual with a non-hospital individual (both for not going to hospital).
Sign of bias in Health and hospital example
Bias < 0
Natural health of hospital individuals worse than natural health of non-hospital individuals.
So sample of those going to hospital = not random.
3 solutions to OLS selection bias
- Randomly allocate people to go to hospital
- IV estimation: find instruments for Di
- DD estimator
Example of IV instrument for Health and hospital example
Need to find exogenous variation in Di. Some policy such as one day all ambulances strike, so the sample of those going to hospital depends on whether they are located near hospital = unrelated to health.
DD estimators are good for…
general pooled cross-sectional models
How do pooled cross-sectional models differ from Panel data>
Pooled cross-sectional = different individuals at points in time.
Panel data = we follow the same individuals.
General pooled cross-sectional model equation = explain dummies
Yit = alpha + dt + B1Xit + … + €it
dt = time dummy
NO Ai as no individual heterogeneity since different individuals.
treatment group =
set of observations affected by the new policy
Control group =
Set of observations NOT affected by the new policy
What is a “natural experiment”?
Change in government policy that is quasi-random. Leads to exogenous variation in X.
For DD estimator, big assumption =
we assume that in the absence of the policy, the treatment groups would’ve followed the same trends as the control group. Doesn’t necessarily mean same level.
When we collect data on treatment and control, what periods do we use?
Before and after policy change
We do NOT need exact same period for 2 groups - just before and after for both.
DD equation for min wage and employment in NJ vs PA.
Yist = alpha + gamma NJist + lambda dist +
delta (NJ ist x dist) + €ist
What coefficient is the DD estimator?
The coefficient on the interactive dummy term, which is = 1 for the treated group in the treated period.