HANDOUT 5 Flashcards
Panel data allows us to…
observe multiple individuals over multiple points in time.
restriction on individuals for panel data
MUST be the SAME individuals that we follow over time.
Strongly balanced data =
same number of observations for every individual
Why may the data be unbalanced? Is this an issue?
Some individuals drop out the study = attrition rate. Problem if attrition rate = f(X variables) –> self-selection bias = sample no longer representative.
2 types of unobserved heterogeneity
- unobserved individual heterogeneity = ai
2. unobserved time heterogeneity = dt
Omitted relevant variable formula for Eit Ai
E(b1) = B1 + B2 COV(Ai, Eit) / Var(Eit)
Pooled OLS =
same intercept, same slope
Use all NT observations
No dummies = no heterogeneity
Treat same individual at 2 points in time as 2 separate individuals.
Pooled OLS equation
Yit = alpha + BXit+ €it
4 assumptions for pooled OLS
- Each individual randomly selected
- No individual heterogeneity
- No time-specific heterogeneity = parameters constant across time (no structural change)
- E(€it I Xit) = 0 - strict exogeneity
Are estimates for pooled OLS good?
They’re consistent for large N / large T / large NT.
beta interpretation for pooled ols
average increase in Y for unit increase in X, averaged across all individuals and all times.
formula for pooled OLS estimate of b
sum i=1,..,N sum t=1,…,T (Xit - X bar)(Yit - Y bar)
/ sum i=1,..,N sum t=1,…,T (Xit - X bar)^2
How can we have different intercepts and different slopes for all individuals?
Yit = alpha i + Bi Xit + €it
Run N separate regressions - get alpha i and bi for every individual. get sigma^2 for every individual.
We can only do OLS with different intercepts and different slopes if…
T is large enough for every i = consistency.
bi formula for different slopes, different intercepts
bi = sum t=1,..,T (Xit - Xi bar)(Yit - Yi bar) /
sum t=1,..,T (Xit - Xi bar)^2
De-mean using individual’s own time average.
How else can we run a regression that allows intercepts and slopes to differ for all individuals?
Run one large regression with additive and multiplicative dummies for N-1 individuals - this way we only get one sigma^2 estimate.
Fixed effects / within-groups model allows…
Different intercepts, same slopes
= allows for individual heterogeneity ai
Equation for FE model
Yit = alpha + BXit + ai + €it
b formula for FE
b = sum i=1,..,N sum t=1,…,T (Xit - Xi bar)(Yit - Yi bar)
/ sum i=1,..,N sum t=1,…,T (Xit - Xi bar)^2
Why is FE model also know as “within-groups” model?
Because we de-mean by an individuals own time average (then average across all individuals)
How many parameter estimates do we get for FE?
1 x slope coefficient Beta
N x intercept estimates
Slope coefficients in FE are consistent if…
Large N / large T / large NT