HANDOUT 1 Flashcards
How do we get a de-trended GDP series? What does it show?
Plot the residuals - what’s left in GDP having extracted the time trend. Shows business cycles.
seasonality =
fluctuations in the data with a regular period
If we extract the time trend and seasonal trend from a series, what are we left with?
Economic series - cyclical elements = explained by economics e.g. income, prices. We’ve extracted the deterministic elements.
Adjustment to equilibrium if NO lags
If X1 increases by 1 unit, Y adjusts immediately to the new equilibrium.
If we only have lags on X variable, how does a change in income today affect the model?
In each period, there’s a direct effect of the change in income on consumption in that period (no indirect). smooth consumption over time. Eventually the shock dissipates out the system
2 methods of finding LR effect
- sum up SR marginal responses
2. solve for LR equilibrium equation
A lagged dependent variable picks up…
Persistence of habits.
Today’s consumption choice affects tomorrow’s consumption choice. Suppose we find £1 today and buy a Mars bar, affects tomorrow’s consumption as now addicted to mars bars.
What is dYt-1 / dX1t if the shock is unexpected?
If the shock is unexpected, a change in income today has NO effect on yesterday’s consumption.
Sum of geometric series =
a / (1 - r)
The LR effect of an increase in income today tells us
The total additional increase in consumption over an individual’s lifetime from finding £1 today over what it would’ve been without the income shock.
What do we implicitly assume about the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable? Why?
We assume the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable is < 1 in absolute magnitude. Condition for stability. We need the indirect effects to get smaller over time so that the shock eventually dissipates out of the system.
Therefore, the persistence of shocks over time is determined by…
The coefficient on the lagged dependent variable. Large coefficient = more persistent shocks.
If the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable is positive (but < 1), what do the dynamics of returning to equilibrium look like?
Smooth decay back to 0 at rate 0.5. Shock eventually dissipates out of the system.
If the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable is negative (but > -1), what do the dynamics of returning to equilibrium look like?
Oscillations between +VE and -VE - but the shock will eventually dissipate out of the system as long as the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable is not more negative that -1.
Therefore, the adjustment back to equilibrium is determined by (2)…
- The sign of the lagged dependent variable
2. The magnitude “