HANDOUT 4 Flashcards
What is the problem when trying to find LR equilibrium relationships between two non-stationary I(1) series?
If we regress any non-stationary series on any other non-stationary series –> always an apparent significant LR relation even if they’re not related.
2 types of LR equilibrium relations between I(1) series.
- genuine cointegrating relations
2. nonsense spurious regressions
What do we find a significant LR relation between two I(1) series even if they’re not related?
because both are trending across time with a stochastic/random trend
Dog/owner example for spurious regression
Both drunk = non-stationary
Yt and Xt start off at 0 i.e. on path
Each step the direction is randomly determined by each flipping a coin.
Dog/owner example spurious reg - why do we end up with a significant relationship?
Non-stationary so as time increases, variance–> infinity. P(end up on path)=0 so always going to suggest a trend.
Dog/owner example for cointegration
Both drunk = non-stationary
Yt and Xt start off at 0 i.e. on path
Dog connected to owner by elasticated lead and owner heavier = fixed max distance between Yt and Xt.
Dog/owner example cointegration what is the residual from LR equation?
residual = actual Yt - predicted Yt
Difference between where dog actually is and where predicted to end up based on the owner’s location.
The residual from dog/owner has to be integrated of order…
I(0) i.e. the residual MUST be stationary since the dog can only drift so far from the owner.
general definition of cointegration
Yt and Xt are cointegrated of order d,b if:
a) Yt and Xt - I(d)
b) There exists a vector B such that
€t = Yt - BXt - I(d - b)
What are d and b usually?
So if Yt and Xt are I(1) and are cointegrated, the residuals are…
I(0) i.e. stationary
Beta =
The cointegrating vector
B = the LR / equilibrium relationship between Yt and Xt.
An arbitrary combination of I(1) series will be…
I(1), unless they’re cointegrated in which case the combo is I(0).
Unbalanced regression =
When variables are NOT cointegrated of the same order - we cannot find cointegration between I(1) and I(0) series.
A linear combination of I(1) series will…
Eliminate the stochastic trend = the linear combo - I(0) i.e. stationary
Stochastic trend formula
Sum j=1,…,t €j
What shows Yt and Xt have no link between them for spurious reg?
E(€1t, €2t) = 0
In what % of cases do we reject H0 where H0 = no LR relation?
H0: B = 0
Reject H0 in 80% of cases
P(reject H0 I H0 false) should only = 5% for 5% significance level.