Hand, Wrist & Forearm Anatomy Flashcards
Intrinsic Muscles Innervated by Median Nerve
Abductor pollicus longus, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicus brevis (superficial head) & Lumbricals (of the radial side)
Abductor Pollicus Brevis
Origin: Scaphoid, trapezium, flexor retinaculum & tendon of abd pollicus longus
Insertion: base of prox phalanx, radial side of thumb
Fx: Palmar abd
Opponens Pollicus
Origin: Trapezium & flexor retinaculum
Insertion: First metacarpal
Fx: opposition
Flexor Pollicus Brevis
Origin: Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate & flexor retinaculum
Insertion: base of prox phalanx, radial side of thumb
Fx: thumn MCP flex - deep head innervated by ulnar nerve
Radial Side Lumbricals
Origin: tendons of flexor digitorium profund, index/mid fingers (radial/palmar sides)
Insertion: radial side of digits II & III into extensor expansion
Fx: MCP flex and IP extend
Intrinsic Muscles Innervated by Ulnar Nerve
Abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, adductor, ulnar side lumbricals, palmar interossi & dorsal interossi
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin: Pisiform& tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
Insertion: prox phalanx of 5th digit
Fx: Abduction of 5th digit
Opponens Digiti Minimi
Origin: hook of hamate and flex retinaculum
Insertion: 5th metacarpal
Fx: opposition of 5th digit
Origin: oblique head: bases of 2/3rd metacarpal, trapezoid & capitate. transverse head: palmar border/shaft of 3rd metacarpal
Insertion: sesamoid, base of prox phalanx, tendon of ex pollicus longus
Fx: Adducts CMC joint of thumb
Ulnar Side Lumbricals
Origin: Tendons of flex digitorum profundus for 4/5th digit
Insertion: Radial side of 4/5th digits into extensor expansion
Fx: MCP flex/extension of 4/5th IP joints
Palmar Interossi
Origin: 1st - ulnar surface of 2nd metacarpal; 2nd - radial surface of 4th metacarpal: 3rd - radial surface of 5th metacarpal
Insertion: 1st - ulnar surface of 2nd prox phalanx; 2nd - radial surface of 4th prox phalanx: 3rd - radial surface of 5th prox phalanx
Fx: Adduction & assistance w MCP flex/exten of 2nd-5th IP joints
Dorsal Interossi
Origin: All 4 muscles arise from the adjacent sides of the metacarpals
Insertion: prox phalanx on radial aspect of index, radial/ulnar sides of mid, and ulnar side of ring - all into extensor digitorum
Fx: aBduction & assistance with MCP flex/exten of 2nd-5th IP joints
Extrinsic Flexor Muscles of the Hand Innervated by the Median Nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus & flexor pollicus longus
Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
Origin: medial epicondyle
Insertion: mid phalanx (2 slips)
Fx: PIP joint flexion
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
Origin: Prox 2/3 of ulna/interossious mem
Insertion: Distal Phalanx
Fx: 2-3 DIP joint flex
Flexor Pollicus Longus (FPL)
Origin: mid 1/3 of radius
Insertion: distal phalanx of thumb
Fx: thumb IP joint flex
Extrinsic Flexors of Hand Innervated by Ulnar Nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor digitorum profundus
Origin: Prox 2/3 of ulna/interosseous mem
Insertion: Distal phalanx
Fx: Flex of DIP joints to digits 4-5
Extrinsic Extensor Muscles of Hand Innervated by Radial Nerve
Extensor digitorum communis, extensor digiti minimi, extensor indicis proprius, extensor pollicus longus, extensor pollicus brevis, abductor pollicus longus
Extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
Origin: Lat epicondyle
Insertion: medial band to mid phalanx & lat band to distal phalanx
Fx: Exten of MCP joints & contributes to exten of IP joints
Extensor Digiti Minimi (EDM)
Origin: Lat Epicondyle
Insertion: Into EDC at MCP level of the 5th digit
Fx: Exten of 5th MCP joint & contributes to exten of IP joints
Extensor indicis proprius (EIP)
Origin: Mid 1/3 of Ulna
Insertion: Into EDC at MCP level
Fx: Exten of MCP joint of 2nd digit & contributes to exten of IP joints
Extensor pollicus longus (EPL)
Origin: Mid 1/3 of Ulna
Insertion: Distal phalanx of thumb
Fx: Exten of thumb IP joint
Extensor Pollicus Brevis (EPB)
Origin: Mid 1/3 of Radius
Insertion: Prox phalanx of thumb
Fx: Exten of MCP/CMC joints of thumb
Abductor Pollicus Longus (APL)
Origin: Mid 1/3 of ulna/radius
Insertion: 1st metacarpal - radial side
Fx: Abduction/exten of CMC joint
Wrist Flexors Innervated by Median Nerve
Flexor Carpi Radialis & Palmaris Longus
Flexor Carpis Radialis (FCR)
Origin: Medial epicondyle
Insertion: 2nd/3rd metacarpal, base
Fx: Flex of wrist/radial deviation
Palmaris Longus (PL)
Origin: Medial epicondyle
Insertion: Palmar aponeurosis
Fx: wrist flex
Wrist flexors innervated by the ulnar nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU)
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
Origin: Med epicondyle & prox 2/3 of ulna
Insertion: Pisiform & 5th metacarpal
Fx: Flex of wrist/ulnar dev
Wrist Extensors Innervated by Radial Nerve
Extensor Carpi Radialis Bervis, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Carpi Radialis Bervis (ECRB)
Origin: Lat epi
Insertion: 3rd metacarpal, base
Fx: wrist exten/radial dev
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL)
Origin: Supracondylar ridge of hummerus
Insertion: 2nd metacarpal base
FX: wirst ex/radial dev
Extensor Capri Ulnaris (ECU)
Origin: Lat epi
Insertion: 5th Metacarpal
Fx: ulnar dev/wrist exten
Volar Forearm Muscles Innervated by Medial Nerve
Pronator teres & quadratus
Pronator Teres
Origin: Med epi & coronoid process of ulna
Insertion: Lat surface of radius
Fx: Forearm pronation
Pronator Quadratus
Origin: distal ulna
Insertion: distal radius
Fx: forearm pronation
Dorsal Forearm Muscles Innervated by Radial Nerve
Orgin: Lat epi & ulna
Insertion: Radius
Fx: Forearm supination