Amps & Burns Flashcards
Forequater Amp
Loss of clavicle, scap and entire UE
Shoulder Disarticulation
Loss of entire UE
Elbow Disarticulation
Amp of UE distal to elbow joint
Wrist Disarticulation
Amp distal to wrist joint - loss og hand
Amp of 1/2 pelvis and entire LE
Above-knee - at any level on thigh
Amp below knee at any level on calf - most common
Complete Tarsal
Ankle amp
Partial Tarsal
Amp of metatarsals/phalanges
Terminal Devices
Function to grasp; 2 main types are hook/hand. VO- Vol open means hook remains closed vs VC- Vol close means hook remains open
Complications w amps; nerve endings adhered to scar tissue - can be painful/hypersensitive
Pre-prosthetic Tx
Change of dominance acts if needed, ROM of uninvolved joints, prosthesis prep, desensitization, wrapping dist to prox to shape/shrink residual limb, ADL/skin care edu, counseling > phys/psych adjustment
Prosthetic Tx
Fx’al training with prosthesis, donning/doffing, increase wearing AT, phys/psych adjustment
Tx for LE Amp
Wrapping to shape/decrease swell of residual limb, desensitization, strengthening UE w triceps focus, transfer training>stand pivot, ADL training/LE dress, standing tolerance & w/c mobility
Superficial (1st degree) burn
Involves only epi; min pain/edema w no blisters, healing= 3-7days
Superficial Partial Thickness (2nd degree) Burn
Involves epi and upper portion of dermis (sunburn); appears red, blistering and wet; painful but heals on own in 7-21days
Deep Partial Thickness (2nd degree) Burn
Involves epi and deep portion of dermis (hair follicles/sweat glands); appears red, white & elastic, sensation may be impaired; potential to become full thickness w infection; healing time 21-35days
Full Thickness (3rd degree) Burn
Involves epi, dermis, hair follicles, sweat glands & nerve endings; appears white, waxy, leatherly & non-elastic; sensation absent/req skin graft; hypertrophic scar; healing can take months
4th Degree Burn
Involves fat, muscle & bone; Electrical burn- destruction of nerve along pathway
Method for assessing burn wound size
Rule of 9’s
Superficial Partial Thickness (2nd degree) Burn Tx
Assess ROM 72hrs post-op & sensation/strength when wounds are healed. Wound care/sterile whirlpool, gentle AROM/PROM AT, edema control, splint if necessary, ADL/role acts
Deep Partial Thickness (2nd degree) Burn Tx
Assess ROM 72hrs post-op & sensation/strength when wounds are healed. Wound care/sterile whirlpool, gentle AROM/PROM AT, edema control, splint if necessary, ADL/role acts &strengthening when wounds are healed
Full Thickness (3rd degree) Burn
Assess ROM 5-7days post-op & sensation/strength when wounds are healed. 72hr= dress change/splint at all times; 5-7days= AROM, light ADL/occ & sterile whirlpool; Over 7days= PROM AT, ADL/occ; when wounds heal= massage, compression garments, otoform/elsatomer inserts & strengthening
Ant neck burn anti-contracture positioning of neck flex
Remove pillows, half-mattress to extend neck, neck exten in splint or collar
Axilla burn anti-contracture positioning of adduction
120 degrees aBduction w slight ex rot, axilla splint/positioning wedges, watch for signs of brachial plex strain
Ant elbow burn anti-contracture positioning of flex
Elbow ex splint 5-10 degrees of flex
Dorsal wrist burn anti-contracture positioning of wrist extension
Wrist support in neutral
Volar wrist burn anti-contracture positioning of wrist flex
Wrist cock-up splint w 5-10 degrees of flex
Dorsal hand burn anti-contracture positioning of claw hand deformity
Fx’al hand splint w MCP joints 70-90; IPs fully extended - 1st web open/thumb opposition
Volar hand burn anti-contracture positioning of palmar contracture
Palm extension splint
Volar hand burn anti-contracture positioning of cupping of hand
Myofascial pain syndrom in slight hyper extension
Ant hip burn anti-contracture positioning of hip flex
Prone positioning; weights on thighs in supine; knee immoblizers
Knee burn anti-contracture positioning of knee flex
Knee exten positioning and/or splints; prevent ex rot
Foot burn anti-contracture positioning of foot drop
Ankle at 90 w foot board/splint - watch for heel ulcer
Splint for burn to the hands
Wrist in 20-30 exten, MCP in 70 flex, IP in full exten & thumb abducted/extended
Palmar exten splint
Used if burns to volar surface of hand develop flex contractures: Wrist in 0-30 exten, MCP in neutral to slight ex and abducted, IP in full exten, thumb abducted/extended
Web-space burn
Hypertrophic Scar
Deposits of excessive amounts of collagen which gives rise to a raised scar - most common w 2/3 degree; Appears 6-8wks after wound closure > comp garment 24hrs for 1-2yrs