Hand Hygiene, Standard Precautions, PPE, Isolation Precautions, Vital Signs Flashcards
Purpose of Hand Hygiene
to prevent spreading microbacteria
3 Elements of Hand Hygiene
soap, water, friction
When should you use soap and water instead of alcohol gel?
when hands are visibly soiled
enteric (gut)
When should you perform hand hygiene?
when entering and leaving room
before serving food/after
between each room
Standard Precautions
ALL patients
gloves, mask, face shield, gown
Donning PPE
applied outside the room
1. gown
2. mask
3. eyewear
4. gloves (cover cuffs of gowns)
Doffing PPE
inside the room, close to the door
1. gloves, wash hands
2. eyewear, take from sides
3. gown, take from inside and roll up then wash hands
4. mask, do not touch front, wash hands
Transmission-Based Precautions
in addition to standard precautions
must have sign on door
private room (if possible)
keep equipment in room (as much as possible)
Contact Precautions
transmitted through touch
PPE: gloves, gown
hygiene: sanitizer/soap and water
ex: bed bugs, lice, wound drainage (uncontrolled), varicella (chicken pox), RSV (respiratory disease in children)
Contact-Enteric Precautions
transmitted from gut
PPE: gowns, gloves, mask, eyewear, shoe cover
hygiene: soap and water (if poop is involved)
ex: C diff. (bacteria), uncontrolled diarrhea, salmonella, rota virus (kids)
Droplet Precautions
transmitted in big droplets
PPE: mask (surgical)
hygiene: soap and water/sanitizer
ex: RSV, influenza, mumps, microplasma pneumonia, meningitis
Airborne Precautions
transmitted in small droplets (hang in air)
PPE: N95 mask, surgical mask on patient if have to leave a room
hygiene: soap and water/sanitizer
ex: COVID-19, TB, chicken pox (varicella), shingles
Multi-Drug Resistant Precautions
resistant to drug (could be anywhere on body)
PPE: gloves, gown, mask
hygiene: soap and water/ sanitizer
ex: MRSA
Protective Precautions
protecting the patient
immuno-compromised patient
no live plants (could have something on it)
hygiene: soap and water/sanitizer
ex: oncology patients receiving chemo, HIV (AIDS), transplant recipient, patient w/ splenectomy w/in last 5 years
Pulse Locations
radial (30 sec x 2)
carotid (check in emergencies)
femoral (code/injury to lower extremity)
popliteal (lower extremity injury)
dorsalis pedis (top of foot)
posterior tibial (inside of ankle)
Apical Pulse Location
midclavicular, left side, 5th intercostal space
auscultate for 60 sec
What could affect the pulse oximeter reading?
nail polish
low bp
Tympanic Temp
ages 3 and up: pull up and back on pinna
ages 3 and down: down and back