Hallucinogens Flashcards
Experience of LSD intoxication?
Perceptual disturbances, hallucinations, synesthesia, euphoria or lability. Y’all know about this stuff.
LSD time of onset? How long do effects last?
Takes about 45 minutes for effects to begin. They last for 4-12 hours, depending on the dose.
On what receptor is LSD thought to act? you should know this for the exam
5HT 2 post-synaptic receptor. you should really really know this for the exam
Effects of chronic LSD use?
May unmask vulnerability to depression and paranoid behavior.
May result in panic from fear of insanity.
Does NOT seem to cause permanent brain damage.
What’s the treatment for someone having a bad LSD trip?
Reassurance (hand-holding), benzos if necessary.
2 drugs similar to LSD?
Mescaline, psilocybin (shrooms)
What is phencyclidine (PCP) called in Philly?
Original use of PCP? Why? Why didn’t people like it?
Caused alert analgesia.
But people found the flat face, staring gaze, dissociative qualities (zombification) to be too uncanny.
Onset/plateau, duration, and recovery time for PCP?
Onset: 5 minutes, plateaus at 45 minutes
Duration: 4-6 hours
Recovery time: 24-48 hours
What Axis I disorder does PCP intoxication mimic?
SZ, especially the catatonic variety
What happens differently between low dose and high dose PCP?
Low dose: Euphoria, peaceful, floating detachment
High dose: People are paranoid and bat shit crazy.
Aside from flat affect and being uncommunicative, what are 3 signs of PCP intoxication? (not high-dose intoxication)
Slurred speech
Vertical nystagmus
Rolling gait (due to numb feet and hands)
What acutely bad things happen when large doses of PCP are taken? (4 things)
Excessive salivation without gag reflex.
Increased BP and tachycardia.
Coma and convulsions.
MoA of PCP? (one you know, plus one not mentioned as much)
NMDA receptor antagonist (like ketamine).
Blocks glutamate signaling.
(has a few other effects as well)
How long can cognitive dysfunction from PCP last after use?
2-3 weeks. Not a great study drug.