Hallmarks of Cancer -- Quiz 1 Flashcards
Hallmarks of Cancer
Originally Comprised of six biological capabilities acquired during the multistep development of human tumors.
What are the six original Hallmarks of Cancer?
- Sustaining proliferative signaling
- Evading growth suppressors
- Activating invasion and metastasis
- Enabling replicative immortality
- Inducing angiogenesis
and - Resisting cell death
What does normal cell growth depend on?
- The timing and the rate of cell division and a controlled Cell cycle
- multiple systems are put into place to ensure that cells proliferate only when the body needs them and that damaged cells (genomes are eliminated)
What are two types of genes that are mutated in tumor cells?
- Oncogenes (the “normal” version proto-oncogene)
- Tumor suppressors
Activity: Simulate cell cycle progression
Mutation in cancer: gain of function
Specific Hallmark: sustaining proliferative signaling
Tumor suppressors
Activity: Inhibit cell cycle progression
Mutation in cancer: Loss of Function
Specific Hallmark: Evading growth suppressors
When does programmed cell death (Apoptosis) occur?
It occurs in response to cellular stresses such as DNA damage when the damage cannot be repaired. An apo
Hallmark: Resisting cell death
Hallmark: Enabling replicative immortality
- Normal human cells have a finite ability to proliferate due, in part, due to the ends of chromosomes (telomeres) shortening after each replication
- Once a normal cell reaches this limit, it enters cellular senescence (or apoptosis)
- Cancer cells must subvert this cell division counting mechanism and become immortal
Hallmark: Enabling replicative immortality - Telomere length functions
Telomere length functions as a molecular clock that computes the number of cell divisions. When telomeres become critically short, cell division ceases. the cells are “mortal”
What are hallmark characteristics gained by?
They are gained by a stepwise accumulation of mutation. Most estimates are for a minimum of 6-7 mutations.
Tumor Microenvironment
- Certain hallmarks of cancer are accomplished by the establishment of a tumor microenvironment
- Cancer cells can change the microenvironment
How is Cancer a Microevolutionary Process?
- Multicellularity requires cellular cooperation
- The genome has rules for how to prevent cells from cheating
- Cancer is a cheating phenotype
What are the five foundations of Multicellularity? What hallmarks are they connected to?
- Proliferation inhibition –> uncontrolled proliferation
- controlled cell death –> inappropriate cell survival
- extracellular environment –> environmental degradation
- division of labor –> dysregulated differentiation
- resource allocation –> resource monopolization
Subclonal mutations
a clone that is descended from another clone but has acquired additional mutation(s).
Stem Cells
- the ability to self-renew
- the ability to differentiate into specialized cells
- Reversion of a more differentiated cell to the phenotype of a less differentiated cell, such as its stem cell precursor
- Process whereby a cell acquires a specialized phenotype, such as a phenotype of a less differentiates cell, such as a stem cell precursor