Hall Crown Technique Flashcards
What are the indicatons for the hall crown technique?
- carious primary teeth with sufficient tooth structure remaining to support a crown
- hypomineralised Es
- asymptomatic or symptoms of reversible pulpitis
- dentine visible radiographically between cavity and pulp
What are the contraindications of the hall crown technique?
- symptoms suggestive of irreversible pulpitis
- signs and symptoms of infection
- poor cooperation
- allergy to metal allow
- root resorption
Outline the method for hall crown placement
- explain to the child what you are going to do
- clean tooth of any debris
- estimate the size fo the crown and “offer up”- select the smallest crown in which you can get spring back
- assess the interproximal contacts, are they amenable to placement of a crown or will you need to do a “slice prep” or use seperators
- fill the crown level-full with glass ionomer luting cement
- lightly get crown going with finger pressure before getting child to bite down hard on a cottom wool- roll to seat the crown
What are some common problems with the hall crown?
- improper seating
- aesthetics
- high-reassure that the bite will settle
- taste- children dont like the taste
What are some reasons for improper seating of the hall crown?
- not enough confidence of child or operator
- too small crown selected
- placed with a lingual tilt
- tight contacts present
How can seperators be placed?
- custom- made forceps
- floss
Where should seperator sit?
They should sit around the contact point
they should not sit BELOW the contact point (they would not be moving the teeth in that case as there is no contact below the contact point)
How long does it take for seperators to work?
they can work within an hour
best to lead a few days
When are conventional prep stainless steel crowns used ?
usually used followig pulp therapy
Where is the enamel prep chiefly located for a conventional prep stainless steel crown?
- interproximal
- occlusal
What is the limit of 2% lidocaine cartridges for a 3-5 year old child (20kg)?
2 cartridges
Briefly outline the occlusal method for an enamel prep for a stainless steel crown
- bur angled to match inclination of tooth surface
- cut as many depth gauges as you need to map the surface
- join gauges to create uniform reduction
Outline the interproximal enamel prep method for placing a stainless steel crown
- slice through as close as possible to protective enamel wall
- remove wall last
- ensure no ledges are present