Hall Book Ch 8 (Acute Radiation Syndrome) Flashcards
The effect of ionizing radiation on the whole organism is discussed in this
chapter. Data on the various forms of the acute radiation syndrome (ARS)
have been drawn from many sources.
Animal experiments provide the bulk of the data and result in a significant understanding of the mechanisms of death after exposure to ( ).
At the human level, data have been drawn from experiences in radiation therapy and studies of the Japanese survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Marshallese accidentally exposed to fallout in 1954, and the victims of the limited number of accidents at nuclear installations, including Chernobyl and the Tokaimura accident in Japan.
From these various sources, the pattern of events that follows a total body exposure to a dose of ionizing radiation has been well documented. To date, worldwide,
about ( ) humans have suffered from the ARS.
total body irradiation, 400
Early radiation lethality generally is considered to be death occurring within a
( ) that can be attributed to a specific ( ) to radiation.
Soon after irradiation, early symptoms appear, which last for a limited period; this is referred to as the ( ).
These symptoms may clear up after a few days, to be followed by a latent period before the development of the eventual life-threatening syndrome. This is illustrated in
Figure 8.1. The eventual survival time and mode of death depend on the magnitude of the dose.
few weeks, high-intensity exposure, prodromal radiation syndrome
In most mammals, three distinct modes of death in acute radiation syndrome can be identified, although in the circumstances of an actual accidental exposure, some overlap is frequently seen.
At very high doses, in excess of about ( ) Gy, death occurs ( ) hours after exposure and appears to result from ( ) breakdown; this mode of death is known as the ( ).
100, 24 to 48, neurologic and cardiovascular, cerebrovascular syndrome
At ( ) dose levels, approximately ( ) Gy, death occurs in about ( ) days and is associated with extensive bloody diarrhea and destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa; this mode of death is known as the ( ).
intermediate, 5 to 12, 9 or 10, gastrointestinal syndrome
At ( ) dose levels, approximately ( ) Gy, death occurs several ( ) months after exposure and is caused by effects on the ( ) organs; this mode of death has come to be known as ( ) or the ( ).
lower, 2.5 to 5, weeks to 2, blood-forming, bone marrow death, hematopoietic syndrome
FIGURE 8.1 Illustrating the stages of the acute radiation syndrome. Following
total body irradiation, the ( ) develops—the intensity and length depending on the dose. There follows a ( ) period when symptoms disappear, followed by the development of manifest illness described by the cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal, or hematopoietic syndrome, depending on the dose.
prodromal syndrome, latent
The exact cause of death in the cerebrovascular syndrome is by no means
clear. In the case of both of the other modes of death—the ( )—the principal mechanisms that lead to the death of the organism are understood.
gastrointestinal and the hematopoietic syndromes
Death is caused by the depletion of the ( ) cells of a ( ) tissue: the ( ) of the gut or the ( ) cells, respectively.
The difference in the dose level at which these two forms of death occur and the difference in the time scales involved reflect variations in the ( ) of the two cell renewal systems involved and differences in the amount of the damage that can be tolerated in these different systems before death ensues.
stem, critical self-renewal, epithelium, circulating blood, population kinetics
The various symptoms making up the ( ) vary with respect to time of onset, maximum severity, and duration, depending on the size of the dose.
With doses of a few ( ) of gray, all exposed individuals can be expected to show all phases of the syndrome within 5 to 15 minutes of exposure.
Reaction might reach a maximum by about ( ) minutes and persist for a few days, gradually diminishing in intensity until the prodromal symptoms merge with the universally fatal ( ) or, after a lower dose, with the fatal ( ).
human prodromal syndrome, tens, 30, cerebrovascular syndrome, gastrointestinal syndrome
At lower doses, dose–response predictions are ( ) to make because of
the interplay of many different factors.
A severe prodromal response usually indicates a poor clinical prognosis and portends at the least a prolonged period of ( ) accompanied by potentially fatal infection: ( ).
difficult, acute hematologic aplasia, anemia and hemorrhage
The signs and symptoms of the human prodromal syndrome can be divided
into two main groups: ( ).
The gastrointestinal symptoms are ( ).
gastrointestinal and neuromuscular, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, salivation, fluid loss, dehydration, and weight loss
The neuromuscular symptoms include ( ).
easy fatigability, apathy or listlessness, sweating, fever, headache, and hypotension
At doses that would be fatal to ( )% of the population, the principal symptoms of the prodromal reaction are ( ).
50, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and easy fatigability
Immediate diarrhea, fever, and hypotension frequently are associated with ( ) exposure (Table 8.1).
One of the Soviet firefighters at the Chernobyl reactor accident vividly described the onset of these symptoms as he accumulated a dose of several grays working in a high-dose-rate area.
The prodromal phase is followed by a ( ) stage before the final radiation syndrome
develops. In the symptom-free latent stage, the patient may seem and feel
( ).
latent, relatively well for a period of hours or even weeks
The duration of the latent stage is ( ) proportional to the dose and may last a ( ) for high exposures or as long as ( ) weeks for lower exposures.
Absence of a latent phase—that is, a progressive worsening from prodromal signs and symptoms directly into the manifest illness phase—is an indicator that the dose was
probably ( ).
inversely, few hours, 2 or more, very high
The diagnosis of the ARS can also be based on laboratory data. During the
prodromal phase, evidence of ( ) can already be observed by
( ) after an exposure as low as ( ) Gy.
hematopoietic damage, a drop in the lymphocyte count, 0.5
( ) are one of the most ( ) cell lines, and a fall in the ( ) is the best and most useful laboratory test to determine the level of radiation exposure in the early phase of observation.
The circulating lymphocytes, radiosensitive, absolute lymphocyte count
Among assays for biologic dosimetry, ( ) analysis from
cultured circulating lymphocytes is the most widely accepted and reliable.
The dose–response relationships are well established in many laboratories around the
world. The lower limit of detection of a dose by using this cytogenetic method is
approximately ( ) Gy of γ- or x-rays.
chromosomal aberration, 0.2
A total body dose of about ( ) Gy of γ-rays or its equivalent of neutrons results
in death in ( ) hours. At these doses, all organ systems are also seriously
damaged; both the gastrointestinal and hematopoietic systems are, of course,
severely damaged and would fail if the person lived long enough, but ( ) brings death very quickly so that the consequences of the failure of the other systems do not have time to be expressed (i.e., death occurs before other symptoms have time to appear).
100, 24 to 48, cerebrovascular damage
The symptoms that are observed vary with the species of animal involved and also with level of radiation dose; they are summarized briefly as follows:
There is the development of severe ( ), usually within a matter of minutes. This is followed by manifestations of ( ), and finally death.
nausea and vomiting, disorientation, loss of coordination of muscular movement, respiratory distress, diarrhea, convulsive seizures, coma
Only a few instances of accidental human exposure have involved doses
high enough to produce a ( ) syndrome; two such cases are
described briefly.
In 1964, a 38-year-old man working in a uranium-235 recovery plant was
involved in an accidental nuclear excursion. He received a total body dose
estimated to be about 88 Gy made up of 22 Gy of neutrons and 66 Gy of γ-rays.
He recalled seeing a flash and was hurled backward and stunned; he did not lose
consciousness, however, and was able to run from the scene of the accident to
another building 200 yards away. Almost at once he complained of ( )
The next day, the patient was comfortable but restless. On the second day, his
condition deteriorated; he was ( ). Six hours before his death, he became
disoriented, and his blood pressure could not be maintained; he died ( ) hours
after the accident.
cerebrovascular, abdominal cramps and headache, vomited, and was incontinent of bloody diarrheal stools
restless, fatigued, apprehensive, and short of breath and had greatly impaired vision; his blood pressure could only be maintained with great difficulty
In a nuclear criticality accident at Los Alamos in 1958, one worker received
a total body dose of mixed neutron and γ-radiation estimated to be between ( ) Gy. Parts of his body may have received as much as ( ) Gy.
This person went into a state of shock immediately and was unconscious within a few
minutes. After ( ) hours, no lymphocytes were found in the circulating blood, and
there was virtually a complete ( ) despite the administration of large amounts of fluids. The patient died ( ) hours after the accident.
39 and 49, 120
urinary shutdown
The exact and immediate cause of death in what is known as the cerebrovascular syndrome is not fully understood. Although death is usually attributed to events taking place within the ( ), much higher doses are required to produce death if the head alone is irradiated rather than the ( ) body; this would suggest that effects on the rest of the body are by no means ( ).
It has been suggested that the immediate cause of death is damage to the ( ), which results in an increase in the fluid content of the brain owing to leakage from small vessels, resulting in a buildup of pressure within the ( ).
central nervous system, entire, negligible, microvasculature, bony confines of the skull
A total body exposure of more than ( ) Gy of γ-rays or its equivalent of neutrons
commonly leads in most mammals to symptoms characteristic of the
( ), culminating in death some days later (usually between ( ) days). The characteristic symptoms are ( ).
10, gastrointestinal syndrome, 3 and 10, nausea, vomiting, and prolonged diarrhea
People with the gastrointestinal syndrome lose their ( ) and appear ( ).
( ), extending for several days, usually is regarded as a bad sign because it indicates that the dose received was more than ( ) Gy, which is inevitably fatal.
The person with this syndrome shows signs of ( ); death usually occurs in a few days.
There is no instance on record of a human having survived a dose in excess of 10 Gy.
appetite, sluggish and lethargic, Prolonged diarrhea, 10
dehydration, loss of weight, emaciation, and complete exhaustion
The symptoms (of gastrointestinal syndrome) that appear and the death that follows are attributable principally to the ( ) by the radiation. The normal lining of the intestine is a classic example of a ( ) tissue; Figure 8.2 shows the general characteristics of such a tissue. It is composed of a ( ).
depopulation of the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract
stem cell compartment, a differentiating compartment, and mature functioning cells
FIGURE 8.2 The classic self-renewal tissue. The stem cell compartment
contains the dividing cells. Of the new cells produced, some maintain the pool,
and some go on to differentiate and produce mature functioning cells.
If the tissue is exposed to radiation, the ( ) is the stem cell compartment.
Huge doses of radiation are needed to destroy differentiated cells and prevent
them from functioning, but modest doses kill some or all of the stem cells in the
sense that they lose their ( ) integrity.
“Achilles heel”
Irradiation does not produce an ( ) effect on the tissue because it does not affect the ( ) cells. The delay between the time of irradiation and the onset of the subsequent radiation syndrome is dictated by the ( ) of the mature functioning cells.
immediate, functioning, normal life span
The structure of the intestinal epithelium is illustrated in Figure 8.3. Dividing
cells are confined to the ( ), which provide a continuous supply of new cells;
these cells move up the villi, differentiate, and become the functioning cells.
The cells at ( ) are sloughed off slowly but continuously in the normal course of events, and the villi are continuously replaced by cells that originate from mitoses in the crypts.
( ) barrier separates the blood vessels in the villi from the contents of the intestine.
crypts, the top of the folds of villi, A single-cell-thick
FIGURE 8.3 The gastrointestinal epithelium is an example of a classic ( ) tissue. Stem cells in the crypts divide rapidly and provide cells that differentiate to form the lining of the ( ). A single cell layer separates the blood supply within the villus from the contents of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
self-renewal, villi
An exposure to radiation kills cells in the crypts, cutting off a supply of cells to
cover the villi. As a consequence, the villi shrink and, eventually, the barrier
between ( ) is compromised, leading to a loss of fluids and massive infections. (Courtesy of Dr. Jack Little.)
A dose of radiation of about ( ) Gy sterilizes a large proportion of the dividing cells in the crypts; a dose of this order of magnitude does not seriously affect the ( ) cells.
blood supply and the contents of the GI tract, 10, differentiated and functioning
As the surface of the villi is sloughed off and rubbed away by normal use, there are no ( ) cells produced in the crypt. Consequently, after a few days, the villi begin to shorten and shrink, and eventually, the surface lining of the intestine is completely
( ) of villi.
The rate of cell loss and shrinkage depends on the ( ). It occurs faster at higher doses than at lower doses.
At death, the villi are very clearly ( ) and almost completely ( ) from cells.
replacement, denuded, dose, flat, free
The precise time schedule of these events and the time required before the
intestine is denuded of cells entirely vary with the ( ). In small rodents, this
condition is reached between ( ) days after the dose of radiation is
species, 3 and 4
In humans, it (the process of denuded villi) does not occur until about ( ) days after irradiation. All of the individuals who received a dose large enough for the gastrointestinal syndrome to result in death have already received far more than enough radiation to result in ( ) death.
9 to 10, hematopoietic
Death from a denuding of the gut occurs, however, before the full effect of the radiation on the blood-forming organs has been expressed because of ( ) involved.
differences in the population kinetics of the stem cell systems
Before Chernobyl, there was probably only one example in the literature of a
human suffering a gastrointestinal death as a result of radiation exposure.
In 1946, a 32-year-old man was admitted to the hospital within 1 hour of a radiation
accident in which he received a total body dose of neutrons and γ-rays. The
dosimetry is very uncertain in this early accident, and various estimates of total
body exposure range from ( ) Gy.
In addition, the man’s ( ) received an enormous dose, possibly as much as ( ) Gy.
The patient ( ) several times within the first few hours of the exposure.
On admission, his temperature and pulse rate were slightly elevated; other than that, the results of his physical examinations were within normal limits. His general condition remained relatively good until the ( ) day, at which time signs of severe (
) developed that could be relieved only by continuous gastric suction.
On the ( ) day, liquid stools that were ( ) for occult blood were noted.
11 to 20, hands, 300, vomited, sixth, paralytic ileus, seventh, guaiac-positive
The patient developed signs of (circulatory collapse) and died on the ninth day
after irradiation. At the time of death, jaundice and spontaneous hemorrhages
were observed for the first time.
In 1946, a 32-year-old man was admitted to the hospital within 1 hour of a radiation
accident in which he received a total body dose of neutrons and γ-rays. The
dosimetry is very uncertain in this early accident, and various estimates of total
body exposure range from 11 to 20 Gy.
In addition, the man’s hands received an enormous dose, possibly as much as 300 Gy.
At autopsy, the ( ) showed the most striking change. The mucosal surface was (
), and the jejunum was covered by a ( ).
Microscopically, there was ( ) of the epithelium of the jejunum and ileum as well as loss of the superficial layers of the submucosa. The duodenal epithelium was lost, except in the ( ); the colon epithelium was somewhat better preserved.
The denuded surfaces were covered everywhere by a layer of exudate in which masses of ( ) were seen, and in the jejunum, the bacteria had invaded the intestinal wall. Blood cultures postmortem yielded ( ).
small intestine, edematous and erythematous, membranous exudate, complete erosion, crypts, bacteria, Escherichia coli
Several of the firefighters at Chernobyl, including those who received ( ), died between ( ) days after exposure, suffering from symptoms characteristic of the ( ).
bone marrow transplants, a week and 10, gastrointestinal syndrome
At doses of ( ) Gy, death, if it occurs, is a result of radiation damage to the
( ) system. Mitotically active precursor cells are sterilized by the
radiation, and the subsequent supply of mature red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets is thereby diminished.
The time of potential crisis at which circulating cells in the blood reaches a minimum value is delayed for some weeks. It is only when the ( ) begin to die off and the supply of new cells from the depleted precursor population is inadequate to replace them that the full effect of the radiation becomes apparent.
2.5 to 5, hematopoietic, mature circulating cells
The concept of the 50% lethal dose (LD50) as an end point for scoring radiation death from this cause has been borrowed from the field of pharmacology.
The LD50 is defined as the ( ) in an experimental group within a specified period.
dose of any agent or material that causes a mortality rate of 50%
Within a given population of humans or animals, there are many factors that
influence the response of the individual to total body irradiation. For example,
the very ( ) appear to be more ( ) than the young adult.
The female, in general, appears to have a greater degree of ( ) to radiation than does the male.
Figure 8.4 shows a typical relationship between the dose of radiation and the percentage of monkeys killed by total body irradiation.
young and the old, radiosensitive, tolerance
Up to a dose exceeding ( ) Gy, no animals die, whereas a dose of about ( ) Gy kills
all the animals exposed. Between these two doses, there is a very rapid increase
in the percentage of animals killed as the dose increases, and it is a simple matter
by visual inspection of the graph or by a more sophisticated statistical analysis to
arrive at a precise estimate of the LD50 dose, which in this case is ( ) Gy.
2, 8, 5.3
Humans develop signs of hematologic damage and recover from it much more ( ) than most other mammals. The peak incidence of human death from hematologic damage occurs at about ( ) days after exposure, but deaths continue for up to ( ) days.
slowly, 30, 60
The LD50 estimates for ( ) for humans are therefore expressed as the ( ), in contrast to the ( ) for mice, in which peak incidence of death occurs 10 to 15 days after exposure and is complete by 30 days.
hematopoietic death, LD50/60, LD50/30
A dose of radiation close to the LD50 results in the prodromal syndrome
already described, the chief symptoms of which are ( ).
A symptom-free interval, known as the ( ), follows. This is, in fact, a
very inappropriate name because during this period, the most important
consequences of the radiation exposure, leading to its lethal effects, are in
About 3 weeks after the radiation exposure, there is onset of ( ) also occurs at this time.
nausea and vomiting, latent period
chills, fatigue, petechial hemorrhages in the skin, and ulceration of the mouth; epilation (hair loss)
These symptoms (at 3 week after the exposure of radiation including chills, fatigue, petechial hemorrhages in the skin, and ulceration of the mouth; epilation (hair loss)) are a manifestation of the ( ): infections and fever from ( ) depression and impairment of immune mechanisms, bleeding, and possibly anemia caused by hemorrhage resulting from ( ) depression.
depression of blood elements, granulocyte, platelet
Anemia from ( ) depression usually does not occur. Death occurs at this stage unless the bone marrow has begun to regenerate in time.
( ) is an important cause of death, but it may be controlled to a large extent by antibiotic therapy.
red blood cell, Infection
As a consequence of the reactor accident at Chernobyl, 203 operating
personnel, firemen, and emergency workers suffering from the early radiation
syndrome were hospitalized, having received doses in excess of ( ) Gy.
Of these, 35 had severe ( ), and 13 of them died. The remainder recovered with conservative medical care.
1, bone marrow failure
Studies of total body irradiation have been performed on many species; a few
LD50 values are listed in Table 8.2, ranging from mouse to human. Such studies
were popular and important in the 1950s and 1960s, supported largely by the
In more recent years, total body irradiation has been of interest from the
point of view of ( ).
This interest may stem from the treatment of radiation accidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster, or from the rescue of patients receiving cancer therapy with total body irradiation, radiolabeled antibodies, or cytotoxic drugs.
bone marrow transplantation
The best estimate of the ( ) for humans, based on the experiences at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is about ( ) Gy for young healthy adults without
medical intervention.
There does exist in the literature a surprising number of instances in which young men and women have received total body irradiation up to a dose of around ( ) Gy and recovered under conservative care in a modern well-equipped hospital.
LD50/60, 3.5, 4
The LD50/60 for those exposed at Chernobyl was closer to ( ) Gy because, although general medical care was poor, antibiotics were available. It is now possible to increase the LD50/60 to an even ( ) dose by the use of ( ), which has implications that will be discussed later.
7, higher, hematopoietic growth factors
The most recent person to die of the ARS was Alexander Litvinenko, a former
officer of the Russian Security Service who received political asylum in Great
Britain and was assassinated by the administration of ( ) (Fig. 8.5).
This radionuclide emits only ( ) that do not penetrate even a sheet of
paper or the epidermis of human skin, so α-emitters can cause significant
damage only if ( ).
Litvinenko fell ill and was hospitalized on November 1, 2006, and died on November 23, just more than ( ) weeks later.
polonium-210, α-particles, ingested,3
Scotland Yard initially investigated claims that he had been poisoned with ( ) because the distinctive effects include ( ).
Polonium-210 was identified only after his death. The administered activity was estimated
to be about 2 GBq, which corresponds to about 10 mcg of polonium and is many
times the mean lethal dose.
This massive amount of polonium-210 could only be produced in a large state-controlled nuclear reactor. In retrospect, the symptoms were characteristic of the classic ( ) in about 3 weeks caused by loss of ( ).
thallium, hair loss and damage to peripheral nerves
hematopoietic syndrome, hair loss, erythema, and death
circulating blood elements
The first person to die of the ARS was a 26-year-old male involved in a
criticality accident at Los Alamos in March 1945. He was exposed total body to
a mixture of neutrons and γ-rays, the estimated equivalent dose being 6.35 Sv.
His right hand received a much higher dose of ( ) Gy, and his left hand received
a dose of ( ) Gy.
His red blood count changed little up to the time of his death.
The platelet count dropped before being restored by a transfusion and then fell
again. There was the characteristic early initial rise in the granulocyte count, but
it fell to eventually ( ) by the time of his death. The most important events can
be listed as follows:
200, 30, zero
Day 1: Nausea, anorexia, and vomiting
Day 2: Greatly improved, except for numbness in his hand
Day 3: Erythema on the front of the body
Day 5: Rise of temperature
Day 10: Nausea and cramps
Day 12: Acute mucositis of mouth and tongue
Day 17: Epilation of body hair
Day 24: Died with white cell count close to zero
In recent years, a few individuals exposed to ( ) Gy or more, and who survived the
( ) syndrome as a result of intensive treatment with ( ), died much later at 130 days after irradiation with ( ).
8, hematopoietic, antibiotics, blood transfusions, and hematopoietic growth factors
inflammatory pneumonitis
There was one example in Belarus in 1994 and two examples from the 1999 Tokaimura accident in Japan. This syndrome following total body irradiation was not seen in the Japanese exposed by the A-bombs because anyone exposed to ( ) Gy died within ( ) days from the ( ) syndrome and did not therefore live long enough for ( ) complications to show up.
8, 30 to 60, hematopoietic, lung
The ( ) syndrome only assumes importance now that more sophisticated countermeasures have been developed to nuclear events. This is illustrated in Figure 8.6. At the present time, it is not clear how ( ) as improvements in countermeasures are made.
pulmonary, high the LD50/60 for the hematopoietic syndrome may be raised
FIGURE 8.6 Illustrating how the pulmonary syndrome appeared in a few
individuals exposed to a total body dose of ( ) Gy but who survived the
hematopoietic syndrome by intensive treatment with antibiotics, transfusions,
and hematopoietic growth factors (HGFs). They died much later, about ( ) days
after irradiation, with ( ). G.I., gastrointestinal; LD50, 50% lethal dose.
8 to 10, 130, inflammatory pneumonitis
The hematopoietic, gastrointestinal tract, or pulmonary syndromes may be
accompanied and complicated by ( ).
Radiation injury to the skin can also occur in the absence of the ( ) because
( ) may deposit excess dose only to the integument.
Such an injury may become apparent within hours or may not be seen for weeks, depending on the dose. Findings and complaints can range from itching and tingling to epilation, erythema, edema, progressing to dry desquamation, wet desquamation, ulceration, and necrosis as the dose is increased.
Chronic, possibly severe, skin infections and recurrent ulceration may complicate the process.
cutaneous radiation injury (CRI), ARS, nonpenetrating β-particles and low-energy photons
The first person ever to die of the ARS in 1945, died a classic hematopoietic syndrome, having received a total body dose of about 6 Sv, but his hands received a much higher dose.
Radiation damage to the ( ) of his hands caused great suffering before he died on day ( ) after exposure because of bone marrow failure.
skin and microvasculature, 28
Localized radiation burns to the skin differ from thermal and chemical burns primarily in the ( ) and in their tendency to undergo recurrent breakdown, even after a scar has formed.
The threshold local dose for epilation is approximately 3 Sv and that for erythema is about 6 Sv. With increasing dose of more than ( ) Sv, the injury worsens progressively, involving ( ).
These may be debilitatingly painful like second-degree thermal burns and life threatening with concomitant ( ).
delay between exposure and effect, 10, dry desquamation, wet desquamation, bullae (blister) formation, ulceration, and finally necrosis
The International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization
jointly sponsored a report entitled Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation
Injuries. Tables 8.3 and 8.4 have been adapted from that report, and the expected
distribution of symptoms following whole body irradiation are summarized.
Table 8.3 refers to the prodromal syndrome in the period soon after irradiation,
whereas Table 8.4 refers to the later critical phase.
These should not be taken too literally because the information is based on a limited number of exposed individuals over the years, but they are a useful guide.
They cover the dose range from 1.0 Gy, which results in little effect, to more than ( ) Gy, which is expected to result in ( ) lethality.
The nature of the symptoms, their severity, and the time of onset can be a useful predictor of the eventual outcome in the absence of physical dosimetry.
For example, ( ) indicates that a ( ) dose has been received and that any treatment is likely to be ineffective and therefore useless.
8, 100%, severe immediate diarrhea, supralethal
If the radiation exposure is known to be less than ( ) Gy, most experts
recommend that the patient be watched carefully but only treated in response to
( ), and so on.
4 to 5, specific symptoms, such as antibiotics for an infection, fresh platelets for local
( ) in skin were commonly observed in the Japanese irradiated in 1945 but are not reported so commonly among individuals exposed accidentally in nuclear power installations in the United States.
( ) should not be given prophylactically because they delay the regeneration of the blood-forming organs.
Petechial hemorrhages, Blood transfusions
If the dose is known to have exceeded about ( ) Gy, then death from the hematopoietic syndrome ( ) weeks later is a real possibility.
5, 3 to 4
In some countries, ( )—that is, isolation of patients from others so that they do not come in contact with possible infections while their blood
count is low—is recommended.
It has been shown in animals that the ( ) can be raised by a factor of about two by the use of ( ), and there is no reason to suppose that the same is not true in humans.
Indeed, this is supported by the Chernobyl experience where the LD50 was closer to (
isolation and barrier nursing, LD50, antibiotics, 7 Gy than 4 Gy
The important things to avoid are ( ) during the period in which the ( ) reach a nadir and to give the bone marrow a chance to regenerate.
infection, bleeding, and physical trauma
circulating blood elements
The area of most discussion in the past was the use of bone marrow transplantation. This technique was used on four Yugoslav scientists who were exposed accidentally in the 1950s to doses initially estimated to be about ( ) Gy.
All of the grafts were ( ), but the exposed individuals survived anyway,
probably because later estimates indicated that the dose received was much
lower, in the region of 4 Gy.
In fact, many observers claim that the scientists survived in spite of the transplants rather than because of them.
Figure 8.7 shows the depression and recovery of blood elements in the Yugoslav scientists and also in victims of the famous Y-12 reactor accident at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, who received about 4 Gy.
7, rejected
Of the Chernobyl accident victims, 13 received ( ) (some matched for immune compatibility and some are not). In addition, 6 received ( ), but these patients all died early, some of ( ) symptoms.
Of the 13 who received bone marrow transplants, only 2 survived and 1 showed ( ).
There was, therefore, only one possible successful transplant that saved a life, and even that result has been questioned.
The situation was made difficult because the doses to which individuals had
been exposed were not known with any precision.
bone marrow transplants, fetal liver transplants, gastrointestinal
autologous bone marrow repopulation
After doses close to the LD50, and certainly for higher doses, ( ) disappear before 24 hours, and then it is not possible to estimate total body doses by counting chromosome aberrations in stimulated lymphocytes taken from peripheral blood.
Because the US transplant team did not arrive in Chernobyl for some time,
biologic dosimetry was never possible for those exposed to higher doses.
Consequently, some victims who received bone marrow transplants were already
doomed to die of the ( ), having received doses in excess of ( ) Gy.
peripheral lymphocytes, gastrointestinal syndrome, 10
In more recent years, bone marrow transplantation techniques have been greatly improved and, together with growth factors, have been used routinely to “rescue” patients given ( ) doses of radiation for the treatment of leukemia or in preparation for organ transplants.
As already discussed, with intensive care, the LD50/60 can be raised to more than ( ) Gy.
supralethal, 8
Following an event in which several individuals are exposed to radiation, an
immediate need is to know what doses are involved. If the exposed individuals
are radiation workers wearing monitors, the solution is easy. However, in
general, members of the public will not be monitored. The following are several
- The average time to emesis decreases with increasing dose. The original
work was performed by Ricks and Lushbaugh at Oak Ridge Associated
Universities and involved 502 patients who had undergone therapeutic or
accidental radiation exposure between 1964 and 1975. Individual responses
vary so widely that time to emesis can provide only rough guidance. For
example, few individuals vomit if the acute radiation dose is less than 1 Gy,
whereas most vomit if the dose is more than 2 Gy. Further, if no vomiting
occurs during the first 4 hours after exposure, it is unlikely that severe
clinical effects caused by radiation will follow later. On the other hand,
Goans and colleagues has reported that if the time to emesis is less than 2
hours after exposure, the effective whole body dose is at least 3 Gy. - The decline in the lymphocyte count allows an estimate to be made of the
total body radiation exposure. Goans and colleagues developed an algorithm
to estimate an approximate dose based on the depletion rate from serial
blood counts performed at various times after exposure because, of course,
the preirradiation lymphocyte count is usually unknown.
Because the lymphocyte count falls more rapidly the higher the dose, the best estimate of dose and prognosis can be made at about ( ) hours postexposure. Again, the estimate is only an approximation.
If a ( ) laboratory is available, the best method to assess radiation exposure is to measure the incidence of ( ) stimulated to divide in vitro.
48, cytogenetic, chromosomal aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes
Doses of more than ( ) Gy can be accurately assessed in this way. This technique is described in more detail in Chapter 2.
After ( ) doses, of course, lymphocytes disappear quickly and so this technique has severe limitations.
0.2, high
Over the past 50 years, there have been several accidents in which small
numbers of people employed in the nuclear program were exposed to total body
or partial body irradiation.
Most occurred in the early days of the nuclear program and involved criticality accidents. The number involved in the United States is about ( ).
The long-term survivors have been studied exhaustively over the years. The
medical history of these heavily irradiated people mirrors that of any aging
The expected high incidences of shortened life span, early malignancies after a short latent period, and rapidly progressing lenticular opacities have ( ) been observed.
70 workers in 13 separate accidents, not
The numbers in any group are small, but the several malignancies, cataracts, and degenerative diseases that have been seen are no more than might be expected in a similar group of unirradiated people of the same age.
The survivors of the 1958 criticality accident at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant are
a case in point.
Their blood cell counts are shown in Figure 8.7. A group of eight workers, ranging in age from 25 to 56 years, received total body doses of 0.23 to 3.65 Gy; five of them received doses of more than 2 Gy.
Nevertheless, as of 1999, more than 40 years after the accident, ( ) had died of a classic “radiogenic” cancer. There were two cases of lung cancer in very heavy
smokers, a meningioma, and prostate cancer in a 70-year-old man.
In fact, the only medical finding likely to be radiation related is bilateral posterior capsular cataracts in two of these patients. Three of the workers who received the biggest doses are retired and in good health.
This highlights the problem of detecting an excess cancer incidence in any
( ) irradiated population.
none, small
For example, if a group of workers receives a total body exposure of 3 Gy, the biggest dose possible without suffering early death from the ( ) syndrome, the excess cancer incidence would be expected to be about ( )%. (The cancer risk estimates of the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation [BEIR] VII Committee based on the Japanese atomic bomb survivors amount to about 10% per sievert.)
Thus, the biggest dose to which humans can be exposed and survive without medical intervention ( ) the spontaneous cancer incidence.
This is difficult to detect in a small group of people and is likely to be masked by other biologic factors. However, as countermeasures improve and individuals are able to survive larger doses of radiation, induced cancers become an increasingly important consideration.
hematopoietic, 30, doubles
In the context of radiation accidents, it should be noted that the Medical Sciences
Division of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education operates a
( ).
This is operated on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy.
REAC/TS provides 24-hour direct or consultative assistance with medical
and health physics problems associated with radiation accidents in local,
national, and international incidents.
The resources of REAC/TS consist of expertise in cytogenetics for dose assessment, calculation of doses from internally deposited radionuclides, and laboratory facilities that include total body counting capabilities. The regular telephone number for information is (865) 576-3131, and the 24-hour emergency number is (865) 576-1005 (ask for REAC/TS). The REAC/TS website is http://www.orau.gov/reacts.
Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)
The prodromal syndrome varies in time of onset, severity, and duration.
At doses close to the dose that would be lethal to 50% of the population
(LD50), the principal symptoms of the prodromal syndrome are ( ).
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and easy fatigability
Immediate diarrhea, fever, or hypotension indicates a supralethal exposure.
The cerebrovascular syndrome results from a total body exposure to about 100
Gy of γ-rays and in humans results in death in 24 to 48 hours. The cause of
death may be changes in permeability of small blood vessels in the brain
following damage to the microvasculature.
The gastrointestinal syndrome results from a total body exposure to about 10
Gy. Death occurs in about 7 to 10 days in humans because of depopulation of
the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
The hematopoietic syndrome results from total body exposure to 2.5 to 5 Gy.
The radiation sterilizes some or all of the mitotically active precursor cells.
Symptoms result from lack of circulating blood elements 3 or more weeks
A few individuals exposed to 8 Gy or more, and who survived the
hematopoietic syndrome due to intense treatment with antibiotics,
transfusions, and hematopoietic growth factors, died much later, about 130
days after irradiation, with inflammatory pneumonitis. This new pulmonary
syndrome assumes importance because of the availability of effective
countermeasures against the hematopoietic syndrome.
The hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, or pulmonary syndromes may be
complicated by damage to the skin from high local doses.
The LD50 for humans is estimated to be between 3 and 4 Gy for young adults
without medical intervention. It may be less for the very young or the very
old. The LD50 may be raised to 7 Gy by the use of antibiotics, as was the
case at Chernobyl. Intense countermeasures including antibiotics, infusions,
and hematopoietic growth factors may increase the LD50 for the
hematopoietic syndrome to as much as 8 to 9 Gy.
Heavily irradiated survivors of accidents in the nuclear industry have been
followed for many years; their medical history mirrors that of any aging
population. An expected higher incidence of shortened life span, early
malignancies after a short latency, and rapidly progressing cataracts has not
been observed. That is not to say that heavily irradiated individuals are not at
increased risk, but an excess cancer incidence can be observed only by a
careful study of a large population.
The first recorded death with the ARS was a worker at Los Alamos in 1945.
The most recent was the Russian agent, Litvinenko, who was “poisoned”
with polonium-210 in 2006. Worldwide, about 400 individuals have suffered
from the ARS.