Hall 3 - Cell Survival Curves Flashcards
What is plating efficiency?
(Colonies counted / cells seeded) x 100%
What is the surviving fraction?
Cells that survive after RT normalized by plating efficiency
(Colonies counted / cells seeded) / (PE/100)
What is tumor control probability?
n: avg number of surviving cells in tumor
*37% TCP requires reduction to average of 1 surviving cell
How many cells in 1 gram of tumor?
What is a log-linear survival curve?
Dose plotted on a linear scale
Surviving fraction on a logarithmic scale
At low doses for low LET radiation, the survival curve starts out _____ then _____.
straight, curves downward at higher doses
For high LET radiation, survival is ______.
When is the single-hit, single target model applied?
High LET
M phase
Cells without DNA repair
What are the two assumptions of the single-hit, multi-target model?
- Each cell contains n targets, all of which must be inactivated for cell kill
- Each target can be inactivated by passage of a charged particle (a hit)
*Now mostly replaced by linear-quadratic model
For the single-hit, multi-target model, what are D1 and D0? When there is one hit per target, what is the surviving fraction?
D1 = single-event killing (initial slope)
D0 = multiple-event killing (final slope)
Surviving fraction = 0.37 of initial value = 1/e
SF = 1 - [1 - e^(-D/D0)] ^n
D10 = dose to reduce the surviving fraction to 0.10 = 2.3 x D0
What is the extrapolation number (n) in the single-hit, multi-target model?
Where D0 intercepts y-axis
Number of targets per cell
What is Dq in the single-hit, multi-target model?
Quasithreshold dose
Where D0 intercepts x-axis
Theoretical dose below which radiation produces no effect
How is irreparable damage represented in the linear-quadratic model?
alpha x D
How is repairable damage represented in the linear-quadratic model?
beta x D^2
When are irreparable and repairable killing equal?
When D = alpha/beta
What is it called when cells not directly irradiated can be affected by nearby irradiated cells?
Bystander effect
In apoptosis, what recruits phagocytes to engulf dying cells?
*Does not trigger inflammation
Apoptosis does/does not correlate strongly with radiosensitivity?
What part of the linear-quadratic model represents apoptosis?
Alpha (linear/shoulderless)
*No dose rate effect
What caspases are involved in the extrinsic apoptotic pathway?
8 and 10
Bind death ligands (FasL, TNF-alpha, TRAIL) to cell surface receptors
*8 can cleave Bid and activate the intrinsic pathway
What is the surviving fraction in the linear quadratic model?
SF = e ^ -(aD + bD^2)
What is the adapter protein in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway? What caspase does it affect?
DNA damage»_space; ATM/p53»_space; pro-apoptosis (Bax, Bak, Bid, Bim, Puma, Nova) outbalance anti-apoptosis (Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, Mcl-l)»_space; cytochrome c»_space; complexes with Apaf-1»_space; caspase 9
What are the initiator caspases?
2, 8, 9, 10
What are the effector caspases?
3, 6, 7
What inhibits the effector caspases?
X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP)
What is DIABLO?
A pro-apoptotic protein that frees caspases to initiate apoptosis
What is the alternative pathway to activate apoptosis?
Acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase)
Increased after RT»_space; converts sphingomyelin to ceramide»_space; activates intracellular caspase cascade in endothelial and tumor cells
What do TUNEL, DNA laddering on gel, and annexin V staining assay for?
Does necrosis require ATP?
No, passive process
*Inflammatory (cell swells)
What is the most common form of cell death from radiation?
Mitotic catastrophe (mitotic cell death)
*Multinucleated giant cells possible
What does the survival curve look like in mitotic death-dominant cells?
Broad shoulder
Linear-quadratic function of dose
Dose-rate effect
What initiates the formation of autophagosomes?
What protein does autophagy require? Is it reversible?
ATG protein family
Selective if targeted to specific proteins or organelles (nonselective if bulky)
What three things can trigger senescence?
- Telomere shortening
- Oncogene activation
- Radiation (DNA damage)
What mediates senescence?
p53/Rb activation
Cip/Kip or INK4 proteins
*Elevated levels of cell cycle inhibitors (p16-INK4a, p21/Cip1)