Half Yearly history Flashcards
What are the 6 w words
Who What When Why HoW Where
O MAC PRU what does this mean
Origin ( who made the source? When and where was it made?)
Motive (what is the source? What is it’s purpose?)
Audience (who was the intended audience?)
Content ( what is the source? What evidence/information does it give?)
Perspective (what was the context of the composer? Is it one sided?)
Reliability ( does it show bias?)
Usefulness (how can historians use it to learn about the past?)
What is archeology?
The study of physical remains of the past.
What do archeologists do?
Dig up the past to find and investigate objects left by previous civilisations.
What is stratigraphy
The distinct layers of material underneath the ground, built up over time, that provide archeologists and geologists with information and a time line of events.
Information found within a source that proves or disproves something.
Written and non written items that can provide information about the past.
Theory that tries to investigate some aspect of the past and can be tested against evidence found in historical sources.
What is an anthropologist
Studies human developments including origin, behaviour, and physical societal and cultural development
What is a cryptographer?
Study, create and decipher codes and writing systems.
What is a linguist?
Studies the nature and structure of language and how it has changed over time
What is a palaeontologist?
Grandma! :) study the remains of plants and animals to work out the the biology to explain things like how the earth has evolved, and the nature of plants and animals that are now extinct.
What is a scientific expert?
Use scientific methods e.g DNA analysis to provide information and check the authenticity of objects.
DNA analysis
The identification of the unique characteristics found in the DNA of every living thing in order to solve crimes and historical mysteries.
Experimental archeology
Testing theories and hypotheses to explain something e.g testing out varying ways of building a house or boat to explain how it was done.
Using tree rings to explain. The age and location of origin of wooden objects e.g building or boat. Requires a good cross section to do it.
Radiocarbon dating
Testing the age of anything that has lived or come from a living object e.g leather, bone, wood. The less radioactive carbon 14, the older the object.
Thermo luminescence
Testing age of stone or clay objects. The more light produced when heated at very high temperatures, the older the object.
What is a historian?
Somebody trained to investigate and write about the past.
Chronological order
The order events happen from the earliest to the most recent
Using herbs and spices to preserve a dead body
Primary source
Source created in the time being investigated, usually divided into written or archeological sources
Secondary source
Reconstruction of the past by people living at a later time eg books of memories or artwork
Why may a primary source not necessarily be better than a secondary source?
People living at the time may lie or exaggerate? They may not be aware of what is actually occurring.
People living at a later time have no reason to lie or exaggerate. They may have access to other information to explain what was happening at the time.
Origin of a source
When it came into existence
Where it came from
Who produced it
What really happened. The truth and reality of an event.
A persons personal viewpoint
A reliable source
Is it complete or incomplete Is it accurate or inaccurate Is it fact or opinion Is it biased to be positive or negative Is it created to make you believe something or act in a certain way.
Dreamtime stories
Stories passed on, traditionally in spoken form fro one generation of Aborigine to another to tell of the ancestral beings, the creation of landscapes, and provide guidelines for behaviour.
X Ray art
Painting style showing the bones and internal organs of the supernatural beings, humans and animals they portray.
Empathetic understanding
The ability to see the past through the eyes and different viewpoints of it’s participants.
The way of looking and thinking about things.
An opinion not based on knowledge or fairness that someone has formed about something or someone usually because of race culture or religion.
What is history about?
Asking questions
Creating theories
Collecting information
Searching for clues to produce evidence