Haircut #2 Flashcards
Terminal hair
Pigmented hair on the body
Coarse textured hair
Hair is large in diameter/ width and feels thick
Exposure incident
When you come in contact with broken skin, bodily fluids, blood or any potentially infectious items while at work.
45 degree cut
Graduated/ wedge cut
Parietal ridge
Largest curve of head; separates the interior & exterior of the head.
White, lightweight flakes that either attach to scalp in clumps or scatter loosely within hair / on shoulders
A surface active agent/ wetting agent that can dissolve in water & remove dirt from surfaces such as hair (ingredient in shampoo)
Standard precautions
Set of guidelines published by the center for disease control (CDC) requiring employees to assume all bodily fluids are infectious.
The highest point of the head
Growth pattern
The direction the hair grows from the scalp.
Blood borne pathogens
Infectious pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood/ bodily fluids. Can cause disease including
(HBV) & (HIV)
A condition caused by microscopic mites (itch mites)
Lanugo hair
(Vellus hair) soft, white, & downy hair found on body usually missing a medulla
Traveling guide
Guideline that moves around from one section to another
Dermal papillae
A small, cone shaped elevation at the base of the hair follicle filled with blood vessels.
Hair follicle
A tube-like pocket in the skin that contains the hair root from which hair grows
Number of hair strands per square inch on scalp.
Fragilitas crinium
(Brittle hair)
When hair is susceptible to breakage
Abnormal hair loss
Cutting technique where still blade is placed into hair and sheets are partially open & closed while moving through hair.
Shear over comb
Cutting technique used to blend weight lines and extremely short lengths to longer lengths
Palm to palm
Cutting technique that positions the palms of your hands facing each other. This prevents hair from lifting off hand or hair being pushed by sheers
Covers the top and sides of the head & consists of 6 bones
The first section of the haircut to serve as a guide & determine length / shape
Applied science about designing & arranging things that people use so both (things & people) interact most efficiently & safety
Section of the head from the occipital bone to the hairline
0 degree
One length, bob, blunt cut, solid form.
Cross checking
Parting the haircut in opposite direction from which it was cut to check precision of the line & shape.
Condition caused by infestation of the hair and scalp by a parasitic insect (head louse)
180 degree
Long layered haircut