Hair, Coiffures, Mustaches, Beards Flashcards
hirsute, unshaven, shaggy, crinose
tress, lock, strand, shock, hank, coil, tendril, curl, ringlet, swirl
having no hair
hairless, bald, bald-headed, glabrous, depilous, a cueball
having little hair
balding, thin, thin on top, sparse, wispy, scant, thinning
mid-forehead point formed by the hairline
widow’s peak
having or resembling a monk’s circular fringe or shaven crown
having a full or bushy head of hair
mop-headed, mop top, lion-headed, leonine, thick-haired, luxuriant
having short hair
close-cropped, close-thatched, cropped, short-cropped
having very light or whitish hair (like spinning fiber)
having soft and lustrous hair
having fine hair
fine-haired, thin-haired
having hair with turns or twists
having hair in disorder
unkempt, messy, mussed, unruly, tangled, ratty, tousled, rumpled, snarled
having wild and thickly coiled (snake-like) hair
long and loose
loose or streaming in the wind
windblown, flyaway
long but lacking body
lank, stringy
bristly, brush-like
bristly, bristling, scraggy, scrubby
with pointed tufts
in thick strands
fuzzy (face or skin)
having unkempt or untrimmed facial hair (short of a moustache or beard)
unshaven, stubbly, stubbed, scraggy, bristly
having soft or delicate facial hair
need a shave
five-o’clock shadow
formed into curls or ringlets
curled, crimped
formed into small and tight curls
frizzed, frizzed out, frizzy
ruffled and given more body coming toward the scalp
teased, back-combed
combed up toward the top of the head
upswept, swept back, raked back
having certain strands bleached or coloured
highlighted, streaked, frosted, tinted, lightened, darkened
given aligned soft waves (by means of heated curling irons)
dried (and usually given a fluffed shaping) with a blow dryer
straightened chemically
processed, conked, relaxed
cut in different lengths for a fuller look
cut all one length
having a blunt cut
greased, slicked, slick, pomaded, brilliantined, plastered, pasted
matted patches of hair
lock hanging at the front of the head
groomed curl hair displayed against the forehead or side of the face
split curl
curled lock of hair
tuft of hair growing awry or hanging over the forehead
dampened curl held with a hairpin or clip
pin curl
twisted or intertwined length of hair
braid, plait
tight braid usually worn down the back of the head
pigtail, rat’s tail, rat tail
cinched lock of hair loosely down the back of the neck
braid(s) word flat against the scalp
knot of hair worn at the back of the head
chignon, bun
knot of folded-under hair at the back of the head
French knot, French twist
knot of hair worn on the top of the head
wave set in lotioned or wet hair with a finger
finger wave
long and row-like braids as worn by Rastafarians
single long lock worn on a bare scalp
scalp lock
attachable woman’s hairpiece for creating a hanging length of hair down the back of the head
any attachable thick strand of hair for a woman’s coiffure
front down-hanging hair cut evenly across
woman’s conical coil of hair worn at the back of the neck
Psyche knot
roll of hair combed up from the forehead or temples
curl or lock of hair worn in front of the ear, earlock
payess (Yiddish)
cylindrical roll of hair
curl that is tubular
sausage curl
curl that is spiral
corkscrew curl
coiffure in which the hair is chemically curled or waved
permanent wave, permanent, perm, cold wave
permanent wave that is looser and gives more body to the hair
body wave
coiffure in which the (curly or frizzy) hair is chemically straighted and flattened or slightly waved
conk, process
coiffure in which the hair is slicked back from either side to meet or overlap behind
ducktail, duck’s ass, DA
coiffure featuring spiky or irregularly chopped hair
short and brush-like haircut
crewcut, butch, burr-cut
short and brush like haircut with a flattened top
having a short haircut that makes one’s ears appear large
coiffure with a brush-like strip down the center of an otherwise shaved head
coiffure in which the hair is naturally round and busy mass
coiffure in which the hair shape widens above the head to a flat top but is progressively shorter (or “faded”)
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is cut in downward overlapping and uneven layers
woman’s coiffure in which the brushed-up hair appears as a full and loose roll around the face
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is cut short and evenly all around the head
woman’s coiffure in which the short cut is neither layered nor graduated
blunt cut
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is cut irregularly short toward the face and with the ears exposed
pixie, French cut
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is teased for a puffed-out look
woman’s conical coiffure
woman’s coiffure with a rounded or cap-like top that is tapered at the back of the neck
woman’s coiffure in which the usually shoulder-length hair is combed down and turned under or inward at the ends in a roll
woman’s coiffure with bangs and the unlayered hair at chin length
buster brown, cap cut
woman’s coiffure that is short in which the hair arcs over the forehead and forms a triangle at the back
woman’s coiffure that is short in which the hair arcs over the forehead and forms a triangle at the back
wedge, dorothy hamill
woman’s coiffure in which the short and uneven length curls are given featherlike ends
feather cut
woman’s coiffure that is close-cropped in layers and short in the back
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is combed or swept up toward the top of the head and held by pins or combs
upsweep, updo
woman’s coiffure with a braid or braids “woven” close to the head and attached with pins
French braid
woman’s coiffure in which the hair is combed back to form a long or vertical roll at back of the head
French twist, French roll
woman’s coiffure (eighteenth century) with the hair worn in cylindrical rolls or puffs
artificial covering of (another’s or synthetic) hair
hairpiece, wig
man’s covering of hair over a bald spot
toupee, piece, rug
seventeenth- and eighteenth-century man’s wig often powdered and gathered at the back
periwig, peruke
woman’s fringe of hair or curls worn on the forehead
frisette (archaic)
having a mustache
mustached, mustachioed (usually a long mustache)
mustache that is slight and thin
pencil mustache
narrow moustache under the middle of the nose
toothbrush moustache
thickly shaggy or droopy moustache
walrus moustache
thick moustache with long and curving ends
handlebar moustache, military moustache
curving and dressed moustache
waxed moustache
having a beard
beard covering most of the lower face
full beard, beaver
small chin beard or tuft
beard that is long and rectangular
patrician, square-cut beard
trim and pointed beard extending back to the ears
Vandyke, pickedevant
beard shaped like a pointed or broad spade
spade beard
pointed beard beginning at the lower of the chin
whiskers extending below the ears
sideburns, burnsides, side-whiskers, sideboards
side-whiskers that become broader at the lower jaw
muttonchops, mutton chop whiskers, dundrearies
hoary, silvery, platinum, Snow White
blonde, blondish, straw-coloured, flaxen-haired
golden blond
bleached blond
peroxide blond, bottled blond, drugstore blond
pale grayish blond
ash blond
black or brown
brunette, dark-hair, dark
raven, jet, jet black, coal black, ebony
chestnut, wheaten, nut brown
drab brown
mouse-coloured, mousy
reddish brown
redheaded, a carrot top, ginger, gingery, titian
reddish blond
strawberry blond
gray or partly grey
grizzled, graying, hoary
dyed reddish or orangish brown
dyed slightly bluish (to offset yellowed coloration)
having a blue rinse