Haemopoiesi Flashcards
types of MPV
essential thrombocytheameia ^ palateles
plycythenthaemia vera ^ RBC
myelofibrosis harden ofboen amr
chronic myeloid leukaemia over proditionf of myeloid family
hyperceullaur marrow f/ibrosis marrow
^^ genetic disorders d ^^ prilfieration
exrameduallro erthpoeies
polycythemia vera
- high haemotcrit ^ RBC JAK6 V417F gene defect no cause give the diagnosis ^ pagltelate adnd neutrophils affects males and females 60 year old diagnosis
^thrmobosis so c arterial thromoboiss venous thrombosis haemorrhage into skin dn GI pretties d b in perihery thicker spedallya fret showering b of vasdilation splenic discomfort gout c become MPD or laukima
treatment for poly
take RBC out a drainage
use aspiring as antipaltflt to v risk of thrmobis
manage CVS risk factors
some drugs
RELATIVE- less fluid c v plasma so ^ haemotocrit sopolycthemia
-durectics same as above
-d increased erythropoietin and this can be pshyicaloogy aporoaite d hypoxia or physiclalogicacl inapportiate
secondary causes of poly
- hypoxia d altitude / lung diseases like COPD / renal kidney d renal artsy stenosis and plycystisc disease c local hypoxia
- atholgicalu ; heptacellualr carcinoma dn renal cell cancer uterine cancer phaeochromocytomaall produce EPO
- drugs in doping
mcv image
thrmobocytheame a
too muchplatalet d large and excess megakaryocytes in bone marrow
treatment for thr
- asporin
- hydroxycarbomide with high risk patients
^ platelet tsts
- infection inflammation tissue surgery haemoeggahe cancer psot spleciony or hypospelenticy make sure repeated b test tho
huge spleen but patient okay c of extramedulalry haemotopoeis
cortex ossified so little space of
tear drop cell so get deformed as they squeez eout and become tear drop
clinical presnt of myelo
large spleen infants , splenic, cant eat much=early satiety
high WCC
- v rare in kids disease of adults
lots of WBC and myelocyes in the blood wc should be in the bm
hyeprovisocty and pain of spleen pus like blood
c of cml
switch of material from chrome 9 and 22 c philadeldephia chromosome
reduction all WB RBc and platelets
reduced production or increased removal via spleen polling or immune destruction
reduced vit b an d folate
vit b12/folate deficieny virus like HIV,EBV (c glandular fever), CMV -bone marrow infiltration by cancer -marrwo fibrosis -radiation of bone marrow -idiopathic aplasia anaemia -congenital bone marrow failure -liver failure since it make TPO
aplastic anaemia
pancytopmeia w hypocelullat bone marrow of abnormal infiltrate with no increase fibrous
- d immune
c b formation by forming platelet plug
- adhesion to damaged endothelial wall
- actvaite change ins Hape from disc to release granules
- agregare aún clump together
disorder of platelets
- thrmococythemia
-normal number but
-aquired; decreased platelet produce
-increased playlet consumption ; massive haemraghe
symtoms of thr
dotty rash = petechia purpura look into mouth msucoal bleeding common bleeds of retina b looking at eye <30 intracranial haemoorage
immune palatal destrucion
most common c antibodies against glycoporin GP immune destruction of thrombosis
kids d infection and can leave
adults comes randomly
treatment ; suppress immersions system , nose bleedsblsites in mouth, platelet transfusion don’t work as they are destroyed too
hereditary; Bernard souilerssyndrome, glanzmann’s thrmbasthenia
acquired ; apsprin/NASIDS/ clopiderols inhibit normal platelet function