Haematology (The Basics/Physiology) Flashcards
What is the normal concentration of haemoglobin within the red blood cell?
Around 33%- this is the metabolic limit to which a RBC can concentrate haemoglobin.
Outline the main precursors, stem cell stages and CFUs of the haematopoienic system.

Outline the stages of erythrocyte development

- What leads to its increased transcription
- Which erythroid precursors does it affect
- Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1) which binds to hypoxia. response elements
- Proerythroblasts onwards.
What is the importance of B12 and folate in RBC development?
THey are required in DNA synthesis as they a co-factors in the formation of thymidine triphosphate.
Which RBC stage does haemoglobin formation start?
Polychromatophil erythroblasts.
How many oxygens are carried by each haemoglobin molecule?
What is the role of hepcidin in iron metabolism?
It is produced in response to increasing iron stores and in inflammation and inhibits cellular iron release from cells.
What is the role of hephaestin and ceruloplasmin?
To convert Fe2+ to Fe3+ which allows its transport.
Haphaestin is a copper dependent enxyme located on the basolateral surface of the enterocyte.
Ceruloplasmin is present on cellular membranes such as macrophages.
What is the transport protein that is responsible for iron transport from the enterocyte to plasma?
What is the mechanism by which hepcidin reduces the body’s iron stores?
It results in internalisation of ferroportin so that less Fe is absorbed from the intestinal tract.
What factors downregulate hepcidin production?
Erythropoiesis (via erythroferrone)
Reduction in bodily iron stores
What is the distrubition of total body iron stores?
- 65% as haemoglobin, 1% as other haem compounds
- 15-30% is stored (ferritin)
- 4% myoglobin
- 0.1% travelling as transferritin
What stain can be used to evaluate iron stores within bone marrow?
Prussian blue - this stains haemosiderin within macrophages.
Which platelet receptors bind to collagen to activate platelets?
The GPIa/IIa(alpha2-beta1) receptor and the GPVI receptor
This results in GPCR activation of PLC.
Which platelet receptor is involved in platelet aggregation?
Which molecule is produced by platelets and allows activation of certain coagulation factors?
Phosphatidylserine (produced by activated platelets).
How is the corrected WBC count performed?
Nucleated count x (100/nRBC + 100)
How to correct Rt%
Rt% x (patient PCV/normal PCV)