Difference between adult haemoglobin and fetal haemoglobin
HbF has 2 alpha and 2 gamma subunits
HbA has 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits
Affinity to oxygen: HbF > HbA (demonstrated by oxygen dissociation curve)
Sickle cell disease and HbF
Genetic abnormality in sickle cell = the beta subunit
There is no beta subunit in HbF
Hydroxycarbamide - can be used to increase production of fetal haemoglobin in patients with sickle cell anaemia. Protective against sickle cell crises and acute chest syndrome
Causes of anaemia in infancy
Physiologic anaemia of infancy (most common)
Other: Anaemia of prematurity Blood loss Haemolysis Twin-twin transfusion (blood unequally distributed between twins that share placenta)
Causes of haemolysis in a neonate
Haemolytic disease of the newborn (ABO/rhesus incompatibility)
Hereditary sperocytosis
G6PD deficiency
Causes of Microcytic anaemia
(TAILS) Thalassaemia Anaemia of chronic disease Iron deficiency anaemia Lead poisoning Siberoblastic anaemia
Causes of Macrocytic anaemia
- B12/folate deficiency
- alcohol
- reticulocytosis
- hypothyroidism
- liver disease
- drugs e.g. Azathioprine
Causes of normocytic anaemia
(3 As, 2 Hs) Anaemia of chronic disease Acute blood loss Aplastic anaemia Haemolytic anaemia Hypothyroidism
Generic Symptoms of Anaemia
Tiredness SoB Headaches DIziness Palpitations Worsening of other conditions
Generic signs of anaemia
Pale skin
Conjunctival pallor
Raised RR
Specific signs/Sx of iron deficiency anaemia
Pica - dietary craving for abnormal things Hair loss / brittle hair and nails Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails) Angular cheilitis Atrophic glossitis (smooth tongue)
Initial investigations for anaemia
FBC (for Hb and MCV) Blood film Reticulocyte count Ferritin B12 and folate Bilirubin Direct Coombs test Haemoglobin electrophoresis
What does high reticulocytes suggest
Active production to replace rbc - suggests anaemia due to blood loss or haemolysis
Types of leukaemia that affect children
ALL - acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
AML - acute myeloid leukaemia
CML - chronic myeloid leukaemia
Conditions that have a higher risk of leukaemia
Down’s syndrome
Kleinfelter syndrome
Noonan syndrome
Fanconi’s anaemia
Risk factor for leukaemia
Radiation during pregnancy