Chromosome disorders: TRISOMY
= where the person has an extra chromosome, 3 copies of a particular chromosome
Total of 47 chromosomes
PATAU SYNDROME = trisomy 13
- dysmorphic features, structural abnormalities affecting almost all areas of their body, learning disability
- characteristic “rocker bottom feet” where the soles are covex (rounded outwards) in shape
- dysmorphic features and learning disability
- also “rocker bottom” feet
DOWNS SYNDROME = trisomy 21
- most common trisomy condition
Chromosome disorders: Duplication
E.g. Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- duplication of short arm of chromosome 17
- sensory and motor neuropathy and characteristic pes cavus (high arching foot)
Mitochondrial inheritance
Mitochondria comes from mother
Genetic testing
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING: Test a foetus vis amniocentesis
PREDICTIVE TESTING: testing for a specific gene mutation that has implications for them in the future e.g. BRACA1, Huntington’s chorea
CARRIER TESTING: testing for autosomal recessive conditions to calculate risk of passing it to their children
KARYOTYPING: looking at number of chromosomes, their size and basic structure
DNA SEQUENCING (only used for research not clinical)
Down’s syndrome: Dysmorphic Features
- Hypotonia
- Brachycephaly (small head with a flat back)
- Short neck
- Short stature
- Flattened face and nose
- Prominent epicanthic folds (skin covering medial portion of the eye and eyelid)
- upwards sloping palpable fissures (gaps between lower and upper eyelids)
- single palmar crease
Down’s syndrome: Complications
Learning disability
Recurrent otitis media
Eustachian tube abnormalities —> glue ear and conductive hearing loss
Visual problems (e.g. myopia, strabismus, cataracts)
Hypothyroidism (10-20%)
Cardiac defects (1 in 3) - particularly ASD, VSD, PDA, ToF
Atlantoaxial instability
Leukaemia is more common in those with downs
Dementia is more common in adults with downs
Down’s syndrome screening: Combined test
COMBINED TEST - first line most accurate test
- between 11-14 weeks gestation
- involves combing results from ultrasound and maternal blood tests
- USS measures nuchal translucency (thickness of back of the neck of foetus)
- Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (Beta-HCG): higher result = greater risk
- Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPPA): lower result = greater risk
Down’s syndrome screening: Triple and quadruple tests
Performed between 14 and 20 weeks
Only involves maternal blood test results
- Beta HCG: higher = greater risk
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): Lower = greater risk
- Serum oestriol (female sex hormone): lower = greater risk
Same as above but also includes maternal test for inhibin-A (higher=greater risk)
Down’s syndrome antenatal testing
If high risk score, mother offered:
AMNIOCENTESIS - US guided aspiration of amniotic fluid using a needle and syringe. Later on in pregnancy once there is enough amniotic fluid to take sample
CHORIONIC VILLUS SAMPLING (CVS) - US guided biopsy of the placental tissue. Used earlier in pregnancy BEFORE 15 WEEKS
Sample of foetal cells undergo KARYOTYPING
Non-invasive prenatal testing
Relatively new test for detecting abnormalities in the foetus during pregnancy
Blood test from mother
Fragments of DNA from placental tissue contained in blood sample - represent fetal DNA
Fragments analysed and detect conditions such as downs
Not a definitive test but gives good indication
Down’s syndrome: Routine follow up investigations
Regular thyroid checks
ECG for cardiac defects
Regular audiometry for hearing impairment
Regular eye checks
Klinefelter Syndrome: genetics
Klinefelter Syndrome: Features
Usually appear as normal males until puberty, at puberty:
- Taller height
- wider hips
- gynaecomastia
- weaker muscles
- Small testicles
- reduced libido
- shyness
- infertility
- subtle learning difficulties
Klinefelter Syndrome: management
Can’t correct it, aim is to help the features
Testosterone injections
Advanced IVF treatment - has potential to allow fertility
Breast reduction surgery
MDT input (SALT, OT, PT, educational support)
Turners syndrome: Genetics
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