Haem Docs Flashcards
What condition is a pencil cell seen in
Iron deficiency
Name 2 scenarios in which a tear drop poikilocyte would be seen
Extra-medullary haumatopoeisis
When would a basket cell be seen in
Oxidative damage e.g G6PD deficiency
What condition could Bite cells be seen in
G6PD deficiency
or any haemolysis
Name 2 common and 2 rare causes of Microcytic, Hypochromic anaemia
Thalassaemia + Iron Deficiency anaemia
Lead poisoning + Sideroblastic anaemia
What kind of anaemia would haemolytic anaemia present with
Normochromic, Normocytic
What are the two types of macrocytic anaemia
Name the most common cause of Megaloblastic, Macrocytic anaemia
Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
Name 3 causes of Non-Megaloblastic, Macrocytic anaemia
Liver disease
What does kolionychia indicate
Iron deficiency anaemia
Bone lesions + anaemia suggest which underlying disease process
Thalassaemia major
What does a low reticulocyte count indicate and name 2 situations when this might occur
Low count = decreased production
Chronic Kidney Disease + Aplastic anaemia
What does a high reticulocyte count indicate and name 2 situations when this might occur
High count = increased loss/destruction of RBC’s
e.g. bleeding or haemolysis
A beefy tongue indicates what pathology
B12/folate deficiency
Angular stomatitis indicates what pathology
Iron deficiency anaemia
How is functional iron status assessed
Haemoglobin levels
How is iron transport status assessed
Serum iron
Transferrin saturation
What is a normal transferrin saturation level
What are bound and unbound transferrin molecules called
Apotransferrin –> unbound
Holotransferrin –> bound
Name a situation when increased transferrin saturation and decreased transferrin saturation could be seen
Increased –> iron overload
Decreased –> iron deficiency
How is storage iron assessed
Serum Ferritin
Name the mucosal and serosal iron transporters
Mucosal –> DMT-1
Serosal –> Ferroportin
Which substance inhibits Ferroportin and when might this process be faulty
Heriditary Haemochromatosis
What kind of anaemia will Anaemia of Chronic disease most commonly present as
Normochromic, Normocytic anaemia
sometimes mildy microcytic
What will serum iron and serum ferritin levels be like in anaemia of chronic disease
serum iron reduced
serum ferritin normal or raised
Where are alpha and beta thalassaemia’s more common respectively
Alpha –> Far east
Beta –> Mediterranean
What is HbH disease and how would it present
only one alpha gene remains so excess beta chains form tetramers called HbH
Presentation –>
Microcytic anaemia + jaundice + splenomegaly
How is HbH disease treated
Splenectomy and transfusions
What is Bart’s Hb
Gamma tetramers
Seen in Barts Hydrops Fetalis
What is the difference in types of mutations in alpha and beta thalassaemias
Alpha –> Deletions
Beta –> Point mutations
Which blood result is diagnostic of Beta thalassaemia trait
Raised HbA2
What disease causes a “hair on end” appearance of the skull and why
Beta Thalassaemia Major
Extra-medullary haematopoeisis
Name a serious endocrine, cardiac and hepatic consequence of iron overload
Cardiac –> hypertrophy
Hepatic –> cirrhosis
Endocrine –> diabetes
How can iron overload be managed
Iron chelating drugs such as desferrioxamine
What kind of mutation on which codon causes sickle cell anaemia
Point mutation on codon 6
What is hand-foot syndrome and which serious disease can it be the presenting complaint of
Redness, swelling, and pain on the palms of the hands and/or the soles of the feet
Sickle cell anaemia
How is sickle cell anaemia treated
Folic acid supplementation
Hydroxycarbamide –> induce HbF production
Penicillin + vaccination if hyposplenism
Why might Hyposplenism occur in Sickle cell anaemia
Multiple infarcts