HA Final Flashcards
Expected outcomes or goals should be in SMART format:
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
EG: “Pt will move from bed to chair at least three times per day”
“patient will rate pain as tolerable by end of shift”
Episodic/focused: obtain for a specific problem or condition i.e. sore throat, dysuria, surgery
The subjective data you obtain is directly related to the episode
Complete: first encounter with patient
Complete health history and full physical exam to determine baselines
Follow-up: status of identified acute or chronic problems i.e. new medication, post-surgery
Emergency: collect crucial subjective data while simultaneously assessing ABCs
Cultural Competence:
Questions to ask in cultural assessment
Hot/Cold – Hispanic
Yin/Yang - Asian
Questions to ask in cultural assessment
What are your religious or spiritual preferences?
What cultural practices are important to you?
What are your health goals?
A patient reports smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day for 30 years. The nurse reports this as:
30 pack years
Test to indicate chronic alcohol abuse:
Elevated GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) levels.
Be aware that nonalcoholic liver disease also can increase GGT levels in the absence of alcohol.
- growth chart
- kg to lbs
- Head and chest circumference
- BMI categories
Document on CDC growth charts; should be growing along curve
<5th and >95th percentiles are considered risky
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
Head circ about 2cm greater than chest; will even out around 6 mo-2 years
BMI categories Underweight <18.5 Normal 18.5-24.9 Overweight 25-29.9. Obese 30-39.9 Extreme/morbid obesity 40+
Temperature: normal range F and C fever levels hyperthermia hypothermia
Normal Range: 35.8- 37.3 (96.4 – 99.1)
> 38 (100.5) considered a fever
Hyperthermia >41.1 (106): infection, exposure, hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm
Hypothermia <35 (95): shock, exposure
Pulse deficit
(common with heart failure, arrhythmias, PAD) =
Difference between apical and radial
Abnormal LOC: Delirious somnolent Stuporous Comatose
Delirious = restless, confused Lethargic/drowsy/somnolent = drowsy; common post-op Stuporous/Semi-coma = vigorous stimulation needed; sedation, drug overdose Comatose = no response
test for Anxiety:
test for Depression:
Anxiety: GAD-7
Depression: PHQ-9
BMI <18.5 = Underweight: Check…
BMI >24.9 = Overweight : Check…
Nursing Diagnosis = Nutrition Imbalance; Less than Body Requirements
triglycerides and cholesterol
Nursing Diagnosis = Nutrition Imbalance: Greater than Body Requirements
Protein Vitamin C Vitamin A Thiamine Calcium and Vitamin D
Dull, dry hair
Muscle wasting
Vitamin C
Splinter hemorrhages (nails)
Bleeding gums
Joint pain
Vitamin A
Eye changes: dryness, plaques
Often associated with alcoholics
Neuro changes including hyporeflexia and neuropathy
Calcium and Vitamin D
Muscle pain, weak bones, rickets
skin Color:
ecchymosis: pooling of blood under the skin poss unrelated to trauma
erythema: superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or irritation causing dilatation of the blood capillaries.
senile purpura-
increased vascular fragility so minor trauma may produce dark red discolored areas
Physiological jaundice
common after 3rd or 4th day of life (at birth is abnormal)