H&N overview of radiation therapy Flashcards
Why might tumor cells exposed to an increased
concentration of growth factors, nutrients, and
oxygen be more susceptible to radiation and
A larger number will transition from G0 to G1 and enter the
cell cycle, during which their DNA is more susceptible to antineoplastic therapy.
At what point during the cell cycle are cells most
radiosensitive? Radioresistant?
● Radiosensitive: M phase and G2
● Radioresistant: S phase
Note: The two most important checkpoints in relation to
radiation damage are G1 and G2.
Does the proliferation rate of a tumor determine
its radiosensitivity?
Controversial. Both proliferating and nonproliferating tissues can be radiosensitive, but the effects in nonproliferating or slowly proliferating tissues are often delayed.
Radiosensitivity is unique to each tumor.
How does radiation result in cell killing?
Radiation therapy produces intracellular ionization → breaks
chemical bonds, creates free radicals → DNA damage → cell
death. Double-strand breaks are the most important and
deadly injury imposed by radiation.
What generally determines the maximum dose of
radiation that can safely be delivered to a tissue?
Ability of adjacent normal tissue to withstand the radiation
and effectively repair damage
Although radiation can result in rapid cell death
(apoptosis), some cells do not die until they
attempt mitosis, and others continue to divide
several times before cell death. What is this
delayed cell killing called?
Mitotic cell death. This is why tumors do not shrink
immediately after radiation and may take weeks to demonstrate the full effects of radiation treatment (simplified explanation).
Describe the basic principles involved in clinical
radiobiology, which is often described as the four
Rs of radiotherapy.
● Repair: Sublethal damage between fractions
● Redistribution: Into radiosensitive phases of the cell cycle
● Repopulation: With increased time between fractions
● Reoxygenation: Response to ionizing radiation is increased
1.5–3x in well-oxygenated cells; fractionation allows for
increased oxygen delivery to previously hypoxic cells.
What is the unit used to describe the absorbed
radiation dose?
● Gray (Gy) = 1 Joule of energy per kilogram of material
● 1 Gy = 100 centigray (cGy) = 100 rads (old unit)
Note: The energy of radiation delivered determines the
depth of tissue penetration.
What are the two general forms of ionizing
● Particulate: Kinetic energy is carried by a particle that has
a resting mass, such as electrons, protons, or neutrons.
● Electromagnetic: Massless, chargeless packets of energy
(photon) that move through space at the speed of light,
including X-rays and gamma rays
What are the three main radiotherapeutic modalities used clinically in head and neck cancer?
● Electrons: Produced by a linear accelerator; travel shorter
distances within tissue
● Photons/X-ray: Produced by linear accelerator; travel further within tissue; most widely used (e.g., intensity-
modulated radiation therapy, or IMRT)
● Protons: Produced by a cyclotron; charged particles;
pronounced peak of energy deposition with little dose
deposited beyond it (Bragg peak)
Note: Can use a mix of photons and electrons
What device accelerates electrons to a high level of energy and then allows them to (1) exit the
machine as an electron or (2) collide with a specific target that results in the emission of photons
(both of which can be used for treatment)?
Linear accelerator
In what type of radiation treatment is the radiation
source located outside the patient?
External-beam radiation therapy (EBRT)
What radiation strategy attempts to match the target volume (defined by high-resolution imaging, such as CT or MRI) with a high dose of radiation while limiting the amount of radiation
given to adjacent normal tissue?
Conformal therapy (three-dimensional conformal radiation
Note: IMRT is preferentially used to accomplish these goals
in the head and neck.
What type of radiation therapy dynamically alters
the intensity of radiation across a field during
treatment delivery?
What type of radiation therapy delivers a full dose
of radiation in a single (or very few) fraction(s)
using photons generated by a cobalt-60 source or
by a linear accelerator?
Stereotactic radiation therapy, referred to as stereotactic
radiosurgery for intracranial and skull base applications