H&N Nasopharynx Anatomy Flashcards
What are the boundaries that define the naso-
● Superior: Sphenoid bone ● Anterior: Choana ● Posterior: Clivus, C1 and C2 vertebrae ● Inferior: Soft palate ● Lateral: Torus tubarius, Rosenmuller fossa
What skull base foramen defines the lateral roof of
the nasopharynx?
Foramen lacerum
What space lies just posterior to the eustachian
tube orifice and levator veli palatine muscle, at the
junction of the lateral and posterior nasopharyn-
geal walls, inferior to the foramen lacerum and carotid canal within the sphenoid bone, medial to
the foramen lacerum and spinosum, and superior to the upper border of the superior constrictor
Fossa of Rosenmuller
What space will be violated if a nasopharyngeal
tumor extends laterally through the buccopharyngeal fascia? If it extends laterally through the anterior surface of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
● Parapharyngeal space
● Masticator space
What is the relationship between internal carotid
artery and the fossa of Rosenmüller?
Internal carotid artery lies immediately posterolateral to this
What functional structure, located on the posterior nasopharyngeal wall, is formed by the movement of the superior constrictor muscle and palatopharyngeus muscle?
Passavant ridge
What is the blood supply to the nasopharynx?
● Ascending pharyngeal artery (external carotid artery)
● Sphenopalatine artery (internal maxillary artery)
● Vidian artery (internal maxillary artery)
What is the venous drainage of the nasopharynx?
Pharyngeal plexus → jugular system
Sensation from the nasopharynx is conveyed by which nerve(s)?
● Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
● Cranial nerve V2
What are the three subsites of the nasopharynx?
● Lateral wall
● Posterior wall
● Soft palate
Where do most nasopharyngeal carcinomas originate?
Fossa of Rosenmüller
What is the most common site of distant
metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinomas?
What nodal levels are at highest risk for metastases
from a nasopharyngeal carcinoma?
Retropharyngeal nodes and level II and VA. Bilateral disease
is common.
What percentage of patients with nasopharyngeal
carcinoma will develop nodal disease diagnosed
either on physical examination or with imaging?
What are the nodes of Rouviere?
Lateral retropharyngeal lymph nodes