gzip and bzip2 Flashcards
Compressing seldom used files…?
saves disk space.
The most commonly used compression command is…?
The bzip2 command is newer, and provides the …?
most efficient compression.
Files that are not used very often are often…?
Large files are also compressed before…?
transferring to other systems or users. The advantages of saved space and bandwidth usually outweighs the added time it takes to compress and uncompress files.
Text files often have patterns that can be compressed up to…?
75%. But binary files rarely compress more than 25%. In fact, it is even possible for a compressed binary file to be larger than the original file!
.The gzip command is the most versatile and most commonly used decompression utility. Files compressed with gzip are uncompressed with….?
gzip switches:
Effect: ???
Redirect Output to stdout.
gzip switches:
Effect: ???
Decompress instead of compress file
gzip switches:
Effect: ???
Recurse through subdirectories, compressing individual files.
gzip switches:
-1 …-9
Effect: ???
Specify trade off between CPU intensity and compression efficiency.
The bzip2 command is a relative newcomer, which tends to produce the most compact compressed files, but is..?
the most CPU intensive.
Files compressed with bzip2 are uncompressed with…?
bzip2 switches:
Effect: ???
Redirect Output to stdout.
bzip switches:
Effect: ???
Decompress instead of compress file.
Another compression utility available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux is zip. This utility is compatible with the DOS/Windows PKzip/Winzip utilities and can..?
compress more than one file into a single file, something that gzip and bzip2 cannot do.
Linux and Unix users often prefer instead to use tar and gzip together in preference to zip.