Gynecological Dz and other dz's Flashcards
S/S: profuse thin and light/pale red menses in short cycle, lassitude, palp, SOB, subjective empty/heavy sensation in the lower abdomen.
T: pale tongue with thin coating
P: weak
Gyne: Irreg Menses: a) Antedated(short) cycle: ii) Qi deficiency: pts:
Ren 6, Ren 12
Sp 6, S 36
S/S: Shortened cycle, (bright) red and thick blood flow in large quantities, restless, fullness in chest, brown urine
T: red tongue with yellow coating
P: rapid and forceful
Gyne: Irreg. menses: a) Antedated (early) menses:i) Heat in the blood: pts: LI 11, Ren 3, Sp l0, K 5 (xi-cleft) specific: Liv trans to fire: Liv 2 Yin xu w/ int heat: K 2
S/S: Scanty and light red menses in delayed cycle, empty, painful feeling in the low abd, emaciation, sallow complex., lusterless skin, dizziness, blurred vision, palp and insomnia
T: pink tongue with little coating
P: weak and thready
Gyne: Irreg. Menses: b) Postdated menstruation: i) Blood deficiency:
pts: Ren 4 (yin), Ren 6, Sp 6
Suppl pts:
Dizziness, blurred vision: Du 20
Palp and insomnia: H 7
S/S: Scant and dark color menses in delayed cycle, colic pain in the low abd, slt allev by warmth, cold limbs
T: thin and white tongue
P: deep and slow
Gyne: Irreg. menses: Post-dated (late)menses: ii) Cold in the blood: pts
Ren 4, Ren 6, Sp 6
Dizziness and blurred vision: Du 20
Palp. and insomnia: H 7
S/S: Scanty and dark red menses in delayed cycle, distend. pain in the low abd, ment. depression, stuffy chest allev. by belch, dist hypoch and breast
P: string-taut
Gyne: Irreg. Menses: Post-dated (late)menses: iii) Qi stagnation: pts:
S 25, K 13/K 14, Sp 8 (xi-cleft), Liv 3
fullness of the chest: P 6
Distent hypoch and breast: Liv 14 (local)
S/S: Alteration of mense cycle and quant. of blood flow, thick, sticky, and purple color menses difficult to flow, dist hypoch. and breast, dist pain in the low abd, ment. depression, freq sighing
P: string-taut
Gyne: Irreg Menses: c) Irreg. mense cycles:i) Qi stagnation in the liver:
pts: Ren 6, K 14, P 5, Liv 5 (subq to avoid saph n.)
Dist hypoch and breast: Ren 17, Liv14
Mental depression: H 7, Liv 3
S/S: Scanty, light red blood flow in alt cycles, dizziness and tinnitus, weak/aching of the low back/knees, freq night urin, loose stools
T: pale tongue with thin coating
P: deep and weak
Gyne: Irreg Menses: b) Irreg mense cycle: ii) Kidney deficiency, pts:
Ren 4, B 23, K 8 (essence pt)
Suppl pts: Sore/weak low back, knees: Yaoyan (Extra), K 10
Dizziness and tinnitus: Du 20, K 3
S/S: Pain low abd, usu start before mens.,retarded, scanty, *dark purp menses w/clots, *dist pain in the low abd, *allev. by passing out clots, dist in hypoch and *breast. Pain/cold feeling in the low abd refer to the waist/back, allev by warm.,scant dk red menses with clots.
T: purplish tongue with purple spots on its edge; sticky and white
P: deep and string-taut
Dysmenorrhea: a) Excess syndrome: pts:
Ren 3, B 32, LI 4, Sp 10, Sp 8, Liv 3
Dist pain in low abd: K 14, S 28
Pain w/cold feeling in the abd: S 29, S 27
S/S: Dull pain appear by end or after menses, allev by warm and pressure, pink, scanty, thin menses, accomp. by avers to cold, cold extrem, pale complex., palp and dizzi
T: sticky and white tongue
P: thready, weak
Dysmenorrhea: b) Deficiency syndrome: pts:
Ren 4, B 20, B 23, S 36, Sp 6
Pain w/cold feeling in the abd: S 29, S 27
S/S: Absence of menses for months, low abd dist pain aggr by pressure, hard mass in low abd, dist and fullness in the chest/hypoch,
T: dark purple tongue coating with purplish spots on its borders
P: deep string-taut
Amenorrhea: a) Blood stagnation: pts:
Ren 3, S 29, Sp l0, Liv 3, LI 4, Sp 6
Suppl. pts:
Pain in low abd with hard mass aggr by pressure: K 14
S/S: Delayed mens cycle, grad decrease menses and amen,sallow complex.,prolonged cases=lassitude, vertigo
dizziness, poor appet, loose stools
T: dry skin, pale tongue with white coating
P: slow weak
Amenorrhea: b) Blood depletion: pts:
Ren 4,
B 18, B 20, B 23,
S 36, Sp 6
S/S: dizziness and tinnitus, sore, weak low back, knees, dry mouth, throat, hot sens. in the palms, soles and epig, aft fever, night sweating.
T: pale tongue with little coating
P: string-taut and thready
Amenorrhea: Bld xu/essence xu: pts:
Ren 4,
B 18, B 20, B 23,
S 36, Sp 6
S/S: sudden onset of profuse or prolonged contin vaginal bleeding in deep red colour, fidgets, insomnia, dizziness
T: red tongue with yellow
P: rapid
Uterine Bleeding: a) Excessive heat: pts:
Ren 3, Sp l0, Sp l, Liv 8
Suppl pts:
Affection of external heat: LI 11, Excessive heart fire: H 8
Excessive liver fire: Liv 3
S/S: Sudden profuse bleeding or continuous scant bleeding marked by light red, thin blood, lassitude, shortness of breath, apathy, anorexia
T: pale tongue
P: thready weak
Uterine Bleeding: b) Qi deficiency: pts:
Du 20, Ren 4, S 36, Sp 6, Sp l, SJ 4 (yuan source)
Supplementary points:
*Sp qi xu manifested by anorexia, loose stools: *B 20, B 21
S/S: Profuse thick, white or light yellow vaginal d/c w/o smell, pale or sallow complex., lassitude, poor appet,loose stools, edema low limbs
T: pale tongue with white sticky coating
P: slow weak
Morbid Leukorrhea: a) Deficiency in the spleen: pts:
GB 26, Ren 6, B 30,
Sp 9, S 36