Dz of Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat Flashcards
S/S: Sudden deaf, dist sens and constant ringing in the ear that cannot be elim by pressing. In upward perversion of patho wind fire Liv/GB, flushed face, dry mouth, irrit and hot temper. In invasion by exog patho wind, there appear headache.
P: forceful and string-taut, or superficial
- Deafness and Tinnitus: a) Excess type: pts:
SJ 17, SJ 3, G 2, G 43,
Fire in Liv/G: Liv 2, G 41
Invas. exog path wind: SJ 5, LI 4
S/S: Protracted deafness, intermittent tinnitus aggr by strain, elim. by pressing, dizzi, sore, aching lower back, seminal emission, exc leukor
P: thready and weak
1) Deafness and Tinnitus: b) Deficiency type: pts
SJ 17, SJ 3
G 2, G 43,
Kid Xu: B 23, Du 4, K 3
S/S: Congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, photophobia, lacrimation and sticky discharge. In the case of wind heat, there occur fever
P: superficial and rapid
2) Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the Eye: W-H, pts
B I, G 20, Taiyang (Extra), LI 4, Liv 2
Wind-heat: SJ 5
S/S: Congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, photophobia, lacrimation and sticky discharge. In fire of Liv/GB, there are bitter taste in the mouth, irrit w/feverish sens, constip
P: string-taut
2) Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the Eye: Liv/GB fire: pts:
B I, G 20, Taiyang (Extra), LI 4, Liv 2
Fire in the liver: Liv 3
S/S: Nasal obstr, loss sense of smell, yellow fetid nasal discharge, thick and sticky, accomp by cough,dull pain in the forehead.
T: red tongue w/thin, white and sticky coating.
P: rapid
3) Thick and Sticky Nasal Discharge: pts:
L 7, LI 20, LI 4, Bitong (Extra), Yintang (Extra)
S/S: Epistaxis accomp by fever, cough T: red tongue P: superficial and rapid pulse S/S: dire thirst with prefer cold drink, constip, foul breath T: red tongue with yellow coat P: forceful and rapid
4) Epistaxis: a) Extreme heat in lung and stomach: pts
LI 20, LI 4, Du 23
lung: L 11
stomach: S 44
S/S: Epistaxis accompanied by malar flush, dryness of the mouth, feverish sens of palms and soles, afternoon fever, night sweating
P: thready and rapid
4) Epistaxis: b) Deficiency of yin with prepond. of fire: pts:
LI 20, LI 4, Du 23
yin xu w/prepond. of fire: K 6
S/S: Severe toothache accomp by foul breath, thirst, constip
T: yellow coating
P: forceful and rapid
5) Toothache: a) Toothache due to stomach fire: pts:
LI 4,
S 6, S 7, S 44
S/S: Acute toothache with gingival swelling accomp by C/F
P: superficial and rapid
5) Toothache: b) Toothache caused by wind fire: pts:
SJ 2, SJ 5
G 20, L1 4,
S 6, S 7
S/S: Dull pain off and on, loose teeth, absence of foul breath
5) Toothache: c) Toothache caused by deficiency of the kidney yin: pts
S 6, S 7, K 3
S/S: Abrupt onset w/C/F, HA, congest and sore throat, thirst, dysphagia, constip
T: red with thin yellow coating
P: superficial and rapid
6) Sore Throat: a) Syndrome of excess of heat: pts:
L 11, LI 4,
S 44, SI 17
S/S: Grad onset w/o fever or low fever, sl congest throat w/intermit pain or pain during swallow, dry throat, more at night, feverish sens in palms and soles
T: red and furless tongue
P: thready and rapid
6) Sore throat: b) Syndrome of deficiency of yin: pts
a) K 3, L l0, Ren 23
b) K 6, L 7, LI 18
the above are used alternating.
S/S: Dryness of the eyes, blur vision, dizzi, tinnitus, noct emission, lower back ache.
T: red with scanty coating.
P: thready and weak
7) Optic atrophy: a ) Deficiency of the liver and kidney yin: pts:
B 1, Qiuhou (Extra), G 20, G 37
specif: Liv 3, K 3, B 18, B 23
S/S: Blurred vision, weakness of breath, disinclin to talk, lassit., poor appet, loose stools
T: pale tongue w/TWC
P: thready and weak
7) Optic Atrophy: b) Deficiency of qi and blood: pts:
B 1, Qiuhou (Extra), G 20, G 37
specif: S 36, Sp 6
S/S: Blurred vision, emotional depression, dizziness, vertigo, hypoch pain, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat
P: string-taut
7) Optic Atrophy: c) Stagnation of the liver qi: pts
B 1, Qiuhou (Extra), G 20, G 37
specif: Liv 14, Liv 3, G 34