S/S: HA, blur vision, severe pain on the bilat sides head, irrit, hot temper, flushed face, bitter taste in the mouth
T: reddened tongue with yellow coat
P: string-taut and rapid
HA: b) Headache due to upsurge of liver fire:
G 20, G 5, G 43,
Du 20, Liv 2
S/S: HA occurs on expos. to wind. The pain may extend to the nape of the neck and back regions. It is a violent, boring and fixed pain.
P: string-taut
HA: a) HA due to invasion of patho. wind into chs and collat:pts: Occiptal HA (taiyang): G 20, B 60, SI 3 Frontal HA (yangming): S 8, Yintang (Extra), Du 23, LI 4, S 44 Temporal HA (shaoyang): Taiyang (Extra),GB 8, SJ 5, G 41 Parietal HA (jueyin/taiyang): Du 20, SI 3, B 67, Liv 3
S/S: Lingering HA, dull, dizziness, blur vision, lassitude, lustreless face, pain rel. by warmth and aggr. by cold, overstrain or mental stress
T: pale tongue with thin and white coating
P: weak and thready
HA: c) Headache due to deficiency of both qi and blood (migraines):
Du 20, Ren 6, S 36
B 18, B 20, B 23
S/S: Abrupt onset, electric shock pain, cutting, boring and intol, but transient and paroxysmal. Attack lasts a few sec. or one to two minutes, may recur sev. times a day. Tender pts can be found on the supraobital foramen, infraorbital foramen, cheek foramen, lateral side of nose, angle of the mouth, and nasolabial groove, where pressure induces the attack of pain, local spasm, runny nose, lacrim, saliv.
P: string-taut and tense
Facial Pain: a) due to invasion by pathog. wind and cold: pts:
supraorbital region: G 14,Taiyang (Extra), B 2, SJ 5
maxillary region: S 2, SI 18, LI 20, LI 4
mandibular region: S 7, S 6, S 5, Jiachengjiang (Extra), LI 4
Specific: G 20 (wind)
S/S: The attack of pain as described above is accomp. by irrit, hot temper, thirst, constip.
T: yellow and dry tongue coating
P: string- taut, rapid
Facial Pain: b) d/t exc. fire in the liver and stomach: pts:
supraorbital: G 14,Taiyang (Extra), B 2, SJ 5
maxillary: S 2, SI 18, LI 20, LI 4
mandibular: S 7, S 6, S 5, Jiachengjiang (Extra), L 14
Specific: Liv 3, S 44, (liv 2)
S/S: Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, sore lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggr. by fatigue
T: red tongue with little coat
P: thready and rapid
Facial Pain: c) D/t deficiency of yin and excessive fire: pts:
supraorbital: G 14,Taiyang (Extra), B 2, SJ 5
maxillary: S 2, S I 18, L I 20, L I 4
mandibular: S 7, S 6, S 5, Jiachengjiang (Extra), L 14
Specific: K 6 (nt sweats, ht), Sp 6 (ton yin)
S/S: Sudden onset, usu. after waking up, incomplete closure of the eye (affected side), drooping angle of mouth, saliv. and inability to frown, raise the eyebrow, close the eye, blow out the cheek, show the teeth or whistle, in some cases pain in the mastoid region or HA
P: superficial tense or superficial slow
Deviation of Eye and Mouth: (Bell’s. palsy): pts:
SJ 17, G 14, Taiyang (Extra), SI 18, S 7, S 4, S 6, LI 4
Suppl. pts:
HA: G 20
Diffic.frowning and raising the eyebrow: B 2, SJ 23
Incomplete closing of the eye: B 2, B I, G 1, Yuyao (Extra), SJ 23
Diffic. sniffing: LI 20, Deviation of the philtrum: Du 26
Inability to show the teeth: S 3, Tinnitus and deafness: G 2
Tender at the mastoid: G 12, SJ 5
S/S: Dist. pain costal and hypoch, stifling sens. chest, sighing, poor appet, bitter taste in the mouth. Severity varies w/changes of emotional state
T: thin white tongue coating
P: string-taut
Hypoch. pain: a) Excess type, i) Stagnation of qi:
Liv 14, SJ 6, G 34
suppl pts: Liv 3, G 40
S/S: Fixed stabbing pain in the hypoch., intensified by pressure and at night
T: dark purplish tongue proper
P: deep and hesitant
Hypoch. Pain: a) exc type: ii) Stagnation of blood:
B 17, 18
S/S: Dull pain lingering in the costal and hypoch,dryness of the mouth
, irrit., dizziness, blur vision
T: red tongue with little coating
P: weak, rapid, thready
Hypoch. Pain: b) Deficiency type: pts:
Liv 14, Liv 3,
B 18, B 23,
S 36, Sp 6, huo tou jia ji
S/S: LBP usu. after expos to cold and damp and aggr. on rainy days, heavy sens./stiff mm. dorsolumbar, limit. of exten./flex of back, pain radiat. down to the butt and low limbs, cold feeling of the affected area
T: white and sticky tongue coating
P: deep and weak, or deep and slow
LBP: a) Cold damp:
B 23, Du 3, B 40
suppl pts: B 25, 26
S/S: Insidious onset of protracted pain/sore, accomp. by lassitude and weak loins and knees, aggr. by fatig, allev. by bed rest. In (kidney yang xu) cramp-like sens. in the low abd., pallor, normal taste in the mouth, cold limbs, (pale tongue, deep thready or deep slow). In (kidney yin xu) irritability, insom, dry mouth and throat, flushed face, feverish sens. in the chest, palms and soles
T: red tongue proper with scant coat
P: thready weak or thready rapid
LBP: b) Kidney deficiency: pts:
B 23, Du 3, B 40
suppl pts:
kidney yang xu: Du 4, Yaoyan (Extra).
kidney yin xu: B 52, K 3
S/S: Hx lumbar strain, rigidity/pain lower back which is generally fixed in a certain area, and is aggr. by pressure and by turning the body
T: pink or dark purplish tongue proper
P: string-taut hesitant
LBP: c) Trauma: pts:
B 23, Du 3, B 40
suppl pts:
Du 26 lbp pt, Yaotongxue (Extra)lbp specific, Ahshi points
S/S: Wandering pain (wind) joints, esp. the wrists, elbows, knees and ankles; limitation of movement, chills and fever
T: thin and sticky tongue coat
P: superficial and tight or superficial and slow
Bi Synd: Wandering Bi: pts: shoulder: LI 15, SJ l4, SJ 19, SI 10, scapula: SI 1I, SI 12, SI 14,B 43, elbow: LI 1I, L 5, SJ 10, SJ 5, LI 4, wrist: SJ 4, LI 5, SI 5, SJ 5, Stiff fingers: Sl 5, Ll 4, SI 3, Numb/pain fingers: SI 3, LI 3, Baxie (Extra), lumbar pain: Du 26, Du 12, Du 3,
hip joint: G 30, G 29, G 39, thigh: B 54, B36,G34,
knee: Heding (Extra), S 35, Xiyan (Extra), G 34, Sp 9, numb/pain leg: B 57, B 58, ankle: S 41, Sp 5, G 40, B 60, K 3
Numb/pain toes: Sp 4, B 65, Bafeng (Extra),back: Du 26,Du 12, Du 3
General pain: SI 3, B 62, Sp 21, B 17, LI I5, LI 11, LI 4, SJ 4, G 30, G 34, G 39, S 41
**Suppl pts: B 17, Sp 10
S/S: Severe stabbing joint pain, alleviat. by warmth and aggr. by cold, with fixed localization but no local redness and hotness
T: thin and white tongue coating
P: string-taut and tense
Bi Syndrome: Painful Bi: pts:
same as Wandering Bi, plus…
**suppl pts: B 23, Ren 4