Gynaecology Basics Flashcards
What is the presenting complaint made up of ?
PABs 4Ps & ABs PV Bleeding PV discharge Pain Pregnancy
ABs: Abnormal Bleeding
What is the general history for gynaecology ?
PC HPC: 4Ps & ABs IICE + SAS MOSC Menstrual, obstetric, sexual, cervical & contraception history PMH including gynaecological surgeries or operations. DH FH: breast or ovarian cancer SH
What should you never forget in any history ?
SAS: Signpost, acknowledge & explore & summarise if stuck
What are the 4 types of pain in a gynae history?
Pelvic, Abdominal, dysmenorrhea (before and/or during periods) and dyspaenuria ?
Mnemonic for any PV Bleeding history
When taking a systems review for a gynaecological history what must you never forget ?
BU: bowel & urinary symptoms
What must you not forget to ask about in a patient with a PV bleed to rule out other causes ?
1) Anaemia: FHB:
Fatigue, fainting episodes, headaches & breathlessness
2) Cancer: weight loss and appetite changed
Mnemonic for menstrual history
O’LRUA How have your periods been ? LMP Irregular or regular: 5/28 U: heavy or light: flooding & clots? Tampons/pads & how often are they changed A: age at menarche or menopause
Questions to ask in previous obstetric history (5)
Any children ? If yes, for each child 1. Normal vaginal delivery 2 any complications 3. Gestation/ weeks 4. Birthweight 5. Miscarriages & terminations
Sexual history
Are they sexual active ?
1) If yes: is it a regular or causal partner ? M/F
2. History of STDs/ or STIs
If haven’t already PCB or dyspaenuria
Cervical smear questions
Up to date ?
Ever had any abnormal ones: if so any treatment
1) current & previous ones
2) problems
3) HRT if menopausal
How would you approach a SENSITIVE conversation ?
Often people find it difficult/embarrassing to talk about ….. but it is a common issue or something I talk about with people all the time.
As a health care professional, I’m here to help you & everything we talk about will be strictly confidential
If a patient presents with a bleed what question must you never forget to ask about the blood ?
How much ?
The colour ?