Gynaecology Flashcards
What is considered a regular menstrual cycle?
28 days +/- 6 days
What is the average age of menarche?
What happens during days 1-4 of the menstrual cycle?
Endometrium shed
Myometrial contractions occur (painful)
What happens during days 5-13 of the menstrual cycle?
Proliferative phase
Hypothalamus releases GnRH - acts on receptors
FSH is released
Follicular recruitment due to FSH
Thecal layer follicle stim’d by FSH –> testosterone –> oestradiol
Oestradial thickens endometrium by incr mitotic activity
What happens during days 14-28 of the menstrual cycle?
Secretory phase LH released day 14 - ovulation FOllicle --> CL - prod O + P CL relies on LH to survive - if egg not fertilised dies - < O + P Endometrium starts to break down
Causes of Abnormal Uterine bleeding - PALM-COEIN
Polyps Adenomyosis Leiomyomas Malignancy Coagulopathy Ovulatory dysfunction Endometrial Iatrogenic Not specified
Causes of IMB (7)
Anovulatory cycles Fibroids Polyps Adenomyosis Ovarian cysts Chronic pelvic infection Malignancy
Ix IMB (4)
Cerivcal smear
USS (if >35)
Endometrial biopsy
Drug Mx IMB - 1st line
Drug Mx IMB - 2nd line
Drug Mx IMB - 3rd line
HRT (if perimenopause)
Surgical Mx IMB
Hystoscope - polyp removal/fibroid/ablation
Radical - hysterectomy/myomectomy
Def post-coital bleeding
Bleeding following intercourse that is NOT menstrual loss
Causes of post-coital bleeding (5)
Cervical carcinoma Cervical ectropion Cervical polyps Cervicitis/vaginitis Atrophy
Mx post-coital bleed (4)
Inspect cervix + smear
If polyp - avulse + send histology
If ectropion - cryo
If neither - colposcopy - excl maligancy
Def post-menopausal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding > 12 months post menopause
FSH levels menopause
> 30
Most common cause PMB
Atrophic changes to vaginal tract
Causes of PMB - ovarian (2)
Carcinoma of ovary
Oestrogen secreting tumour
Causes of PMB - uterine body (4)
Myometrial submucosal fibroid
Endometrium - atrophy
Causes of PMB - cervical (4)
Atrophic changes
Squamous carcinoma
Causes of PMB - vaginal
Atrophic changes
Causes of PMB - urethral (2)
Urethral caruncle
Causes of PMB - vulval (3)
Local Sx of oestrogen deficiency - PMB (3)
Vaginal dryness
Vaginal soreness
Superficial dyspareunia
Full gynae + abdo exam
USS pelvis
Hysteroscopic exam uterine cavity
Endometrial biopsy
Def dysmenorrhoea
Pain associated with menstruation
What is 1’ dysmenorrhoea
Occurs from menarche
What is 2’ dysmenorrhoea
Either occurs in women who has had previously painless periods, or 2’ to pathology
RF dysmenorrhoea (5)
Early menarche Long menstrual phase Heavy periods Smoking Nulliparity
CF dysmenorrhoea (5)
Lower abdo pain radiating to lower back Crampy, 48-72h Worst @ onset menses Assoc w/ malaise, N+V+D, dizziness Uterine tenderness
DDx dysmenorrhoea (6)
2' dysmenorrhoea Endometriosis Adenomyosis PID Adhesions Non gynae - IBS/IBD
Ix dysmenorrhoea (2)
High vag/endocervical swab
If mass palp’d –> TVUS
Mx dysmenorrhoea
Lifestyle - stop smoking NSAIDS + paracetamol = 1st line Local apply heat TENS 2nd line = 3-6m COCP/mirena
Causes of 2’ dysmenorrhoea (5)
Fibroids Endometriosis Adenomyosis PID Ovarian tumours
Ix 2’ dysmenorrhoea (2)
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Def precocious puberty (2)
Either menstruation before 9
Or 2’ sex characteristics before 8
What is the majority of cause of precocious puberty?
No cause (80%)
Mx of precocious puberty b/c no pathological cause
GNRH agonist
Central causes of precocious puberty (5)
Meningitis encephalitis CNS tumour Hydrocephaly Hypothyroidism
Mx of central causes of precocious puberty
GNRH agonist
Ovarian/adrenal causes of precocious puberty
Hormone prod tumour in ovary/adrenals
Mc-Cune-Albright syndrome (bone + ov cysts)
Mx of ovarian/adrenal causes of precocious puberty
Tumour excision
Cyproterone acetate
What is cortical adrenal hyperplasia
Defective cortisol production –> decr ACTH hence decr androgen secretion
PS cortical adrenal hyperplasia
Ambiguous genitalia
Cortisol + mineralcorticoid replacement
What is androgen insensitivity syndrome
Cells receptors are insensitive to androgens, hence peripheral conversion of androgens to oestrogens
PS androgen insensivity syndrome
Appears F
But amenorrhoea + absent uterus
Mx androgen insensitivity syndrome
Remove testes (b/c can --> malignant) Oestrogen replacement
Def chronic pelvic pain
Pain that persists >6M
Causes of chronic pelvic pain - GYNAE (MOT CheckP)
Menstrual - adenomyosis Ovaries Tubes - PID Cervix - herpes/malig Pelvic wall - endometriosis Perineum - Barthrolins cysts
Sx of Pelvic congestion syndrome
Pain, much better in AM
Watery non-odourous discharge
When does pelvic congestion syndrome tend to occur?
Post pregnancy –> valvular insufficiency –> incr varicosity pelvis
Non-gynae causes of chronic pelvic pain (5)
Urinary stones GIT esp IBS MSK - OA Neurological Psychological
Assoc Sx chronic pelvic pain (7)
Dysmenorrhoea Dyspareunia Dyschezia Haematuria Abdo bloating Diarrhoea/constipation Urinary Sx
What do 30% of women w/ chronic pelvic pain have aHx of
sexual abuse
O/E chronic pelvic pain
Pain mapping on physical exam Abdo palpation General exam Vulval/vaginal inspection Bimanual exam - tenderness, mass
DDx - tenderness on bimanual palp - chronic pelvic pain (3)
Generalised - PID
Unilateral - ov cyst/ectopic pregnancy
Tender noduls - endometriosis?
DDx - mass on bimanual palp - chronic pelvic pain (4)
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Ovarian cyst
Endometriotic cyst
Ix chronic pelvic pain
DIP urine FBC Swabs/speculum/biopsy USS/CT abdo Prengnacy test Laparoscopy = gold standard
Common causes of acute pelvic pain (7)
Ectopic pregnancy Ovarian cysts PID Sepsis Acute bleed Vulva Haemorrhagic cyst
Superficial dyspareunia - congenital causes (2)
Vaginal atresia
Vaginal septum
Superficial dyspareunia - infective cause
Superficial dyspareunia - post surgical cause (2)
Pelvic floor repair
Superficial dyspareunia - vulval cause (30
Bartholin’s cyst
Vulval dystrophies
Carcinoma of vulva
Superficial dyspareunia - psychosexual cause
Deep dyspareunia - congenital causes (2)
Incomplete vaginal atresia
Vaginal septum
Deep dyspareunia - infective cause
Deep dyspareunia - post-surgical causes (2)
Relating to childbirth
Pelvic floor repair
Deep dyspareunia - pelvic disease causes (3)
Ovarian cyst/tumours
Deep dyspareunia - pelvic prolapse cause (3)
Ov cysts/tumours